Honorable George C. ‘Murphy
County Auditor
John non Coun ty
Cleburne, Texas
Dear Mr. Hurphyr Opinion no. O-7231
he ahore subjeot
mat-ter ~1s as follows:
W(IR el eatea
Executive C
rman carrieft no
dftor does.
of Article 2940,
lng in the position
trust under the United States or thin State,
or in my cf ty or town In this State, or vi thi
In thirty (30) days after resiplng or heinK
dismissed Prom an? such office, except a notary
pu3llc, OF rho In a candldato Por off'lce, or
rho l?aa not paid his Poll Tax, shall act na
judae, clerk or supervisor of any election:
nor shall anv one act R(I chafrrran or as mem-
her of' any nistr-lct, County or Cjty Executive
,,, I flonorable Ooorge T,. Murphy - page 2
Cosmlttee ot a polltiaal party who has not paid
his Poll Tax, or rho la a aandldnte rar offloe,
or rho holds any offioo Of prOPit or trust un-
der either tha United States or thjs State, or
fn any oity or town In this statet or wlm may be
enjoying *rat.<ous passage m street 9~~8 or on
other publid eeniae oorporstionn, by reason of
blur app0lntmmt as a speai81 p0llfmsan) Or any
me rho has any oonneotj,on, whatever, with the
alty, whereby the city Is justified in isming
to any uuch parson tiee transportation on the
street onrs, or f’rauka ent*tt)ing him to the
fro* use of pub190 sanioa oorporations, or
my personwho fr regal 8rlJ tunployed in my
eapae1t.y by the oity for whose senices a saS-
arj or wage8 im pia, exoept 8 notary pub'lio~e
We think the language of Artiole 2940, ‘nor shalt
any one act au ahairman or 86 momher of 8nf Dintriot, County
or City !3xeeutlve Committee of a poYltical party rho * e *
holds any oirioe of profit or trust under either the khitod
States or th9B State,* oompels an answer to your question In
the affirmatire.
It may he that under fnd~olal dealsions your aocept-
anoe of the oftice of County Auditor lpao faoto vacated your
oifiae of Chairman of the Demoarati a UxeOutiVe Committee, hut
rhethst ao or not, you shou?& mmke aertain the matter by renign-
ing as sash Chalrman~
Very truly youre