*lqwn GENEIN.
“3. ft aiull ba aaoautgmnl~d by l map, ahwing
thQ teamit.Q~ v2th2n vbioh Qr thb pQi.ntato or from
~~kwbuwNc& obr,a li.wmtd~airw9 to qmxite,
ad *&I.1 44latif.a 4 lir $ of rtly Qxirttttgtsmqmt%tton
Qyo*oolapaaloo aen2ng awhwPetioFy,al%Y
sbn 1 point out the inndoquocy U’ exiarti~ tsw.spo~-
totIOn f8011iti.e*Qz?BOPV6-06,3rd ShttllagwWf Vh#PQill
addltlc~l facklltl.ea0~ aorvf.ab are mqtiwd find wolrld
be 8eourbU by the gmmtlng of aeld 8ppZloatlou.'
?waubnC to an s~llastioxb fa grupba.Porn, the Care-
mtaa2Qa 28 authoP2aQ4 to great 4pQTbtilq *utho~ltg em a SW-
&lilred ipotS48Z'd4~9'"iQ th? l8b?QQbP8Qd ltQde8' hQ tQFiB@
sad oomlitioaa aa provided ln thS.aAob". 8da$loa Sata),
Aitialr g&lb. As pa?%2Qan* be=, t&B tawa buu 04Qdit20ua
ap44iifmY 2a Ukb 8pwialLsed wtar ssmisr rot am of a
tuQrol4 naetumt
PiPBt, &ha 4Qmwd2tf%a to bo t#Qaport5u Quaa bQ
ritihh tbs 4efb.ltukta 8ud lim%tetLalmat‘ t&e aob$ sad
804cml" k,t;
meat k eatebltabeu by oubatentiel
wiuQa6s that thb rrm244,r 4a4 fmilitiea 0f the existing
44rPlsn rfwvf ChQ tbmtcrrp 0118tq Qart thaz?QQf &Pa La-
0dsquat-Q: thfd %b T* eadata 8 pub124 nQQara2ty ror auoh
a4*9t443aoB that t&i 10 comsnleaca uU1 bs,pvomted by
5mattog aetd 8jqlfartPea.
YllLhwba roeQ@2n# ~1Qlba 2taraiod,n4 QQW htma
ta thQ qwattQQsvPtfAry4a lbbvbgropouadsd fw OUF 4Q2Jlmb.
4m1244t24wJ 4P 4otiLC24rwo 2avolvQu.
Y3tm r2l?abquQation 18 atMttu4 18 foll#a 1 '.
"our QtmtlaQ th%rbrar, is, 118 @lb ca0t2aaion
zwpa.beU to hear ah applloa&a filsd end dbtsrtnirrsr
xt ia Ql& QQPnion that Ebb Cammlaaloa is lPqrrir%d
to hear 811 r~pUmtior& flied tar oertlf~~~tis of ocawni~ffie
&uJa&.rveu “OIPBa8IIa.Un
PO@ 5
and tv34saaFty ruthetiaing 0pemt24na 88 a a 01altwd raetcw
aeprlw 2? awh eppl2eet2oM am in 44tzf owofe
ty vlth th3 pm-
v2alons ab 94otion % of Artlole 921b. Tiw Ccnuci28612an 2s
fwthar umler the mandatory duty to detcmLn4 frccathe pmot
~hothm or not the ooaiatiitiea uhlah thsvoppllmnt seokrrto
transpoct am vithfn the authorlwtmn OP the Bpeci.LoliS4d
Motor Caxwleo Aob. The oemo4itioa muat tm either v2thin thf3
enumrat2oa W rpectrl oomaad2tl~a or vith2n the dei2Dition
of the term "proper mwlring apec2elimd 4w2pars&1t~in
swmon l(i) of Arlslola 911b. SW OUP q?inioo.Be. 0.6916.
Your aeooad quaat2m Is at8ted w rollorrar
"VIma an epplfoetioo 28 f2Ud for a ap442812zud
mdw 44mier oert2f2ast6, 2~ tha Oor~~~a24n autho-
a%msd to bsclrths procb ei t4 ati00 t&4 rppti-
oent the type of owtlf%4etw vhroh 6he pmof mqutma,
mg8rdl.eaa of th6 type 48 4eHiifioate cpplh4 for.*
An we hew hemtaiom pointed out the Couanlsaion
28 not euthorriud to granti rnj cri40&208t4 d oouv40-
lww and aweaaft~ upon aa qplv aatLoa vh2oh is 2nauf~foient
UA& P e hl rppUaeb& xqtirer.nU ob the TelatSnoto~ CarHer
!t’%Cmm2aa2on eoqu2aw Jwladlotion to bee& tae egpli-
atetutory pmria24aa. xi tilt%8 u4aElon @ml f$a proor
th4mm3or am auitio2eaQ wdw The rtrtutua applf.oable to 4
Oslrttioulartyp4 oi ruthcr?iaed trena cdptetlm wrrioe, the
~omu&asioriveul&,of oourwt, be 8u &or-l w4 to gmnt auoh
aertPP24ate. XII should bs, po%&ed out, Fusmimr, that pax&
ef a I.W@dfor a apao2alfs%d 2a?miguzaPServlne 4rkimeg;ular
aabdulsa in a teplritory wmld 008 tm4r4a4r;l ooaat2tfate
y.?=ra$ nwQ fa aervi40 em f law4 8ohWtlw & twwn f2w4
. &wh appl244tloavaUld hrsvsto b"rth%6$Im6vl de-
terulwd upQtaoh3 iaatr pmwuta4 Las
Qur eplrAlI?n,the oourta of Twa8 vita wo T
Qf actor 4amLsr oertUi4abar o* pma2tha by the Cemaiaalon
vhoa eitbtw the appl2oet245 o* t&3 *oat do not imat this,
lmut4ry raq~mnta rw th6 p4~tiouhe~ typ4 oi oert2i2oete
or PQmit.
Y0wth2rd1&~tl4t3k lt4t4d no folloumt
"Ia the owat th4 C4m2aafon hm gr"aat4d
a o2elimsb ai0tw 04~26~ OWCifl4Ofi%a tK& autho-
r rmd bg the law, am Wae qertfflaet6m vbhiah
ore o~~totandinq atml prev2oualg mar&d valid cm
arm they void?
limier yaw rtateotenc of the obor8 quastton; it
must necessarily be am-red Zhat nuch oer~i~~icatea are
invalid. he said by the oourt in Texas dt i‘aolfio Rail-my
Cocipmy va. Rnllraod Comission, 138 3. 4. 2d 327, 932:
*l;r:i:?Clng zuc.h ,lemlt ntthout
coui~.lianea with
the applicablu ;:-rovtuioau OS the render tho
pernit invalid, under the agreed facts.*
The wurta of Texas have uniformly recognlsed that
even uhen validly granted, motor anrrier esrtlfiaate holders
have no vested h&t in the llcons~l bestowed. Aa acid in
Railroad Corac;isslon ve. Universal Trmaport and Xatributing
Cmpany, 86 3. 3. 2d 253, 252%
Qmsoquently appellae obtslned and held no
*e&ad ri.,ht to an undM,whed continuing service
over the hi+.hwayr, a8 gruntsd under Its ori&ul
oetiificate .*
Mareover, the a~a\ra%r have rwapiaed the powerof
the Coml.ssi:m to sot aside a voLd or voldabla motor oarrier
certificate or pe riuit. 10 wee r&d in Smith va* 3al.d Trmafer
and Storage Co:a?any, 37 3. N. 2d 9918
‘We are not here concerned with the parer
rel AOAof the Comlsaion to @et aside its pp‘e-
~icus order whioh is eichar void or voidable by rwtsw
of aoxe inherent vldel nor wtth its power to amul
or teminate B pmuic, prorpectively, on account
of akarqesr in highway eondiQ1onq and uaa.”
Tour fourth qimstlon is oeaC4d aa followar
‘The comoditiee ref’ermd to and deecribsd
as *iiy ceunon OS length, width, wight, h”d&ht,
slra or other ph aioal charaat8ristioaf
the Legislature 1 r&end that these aomo b tisa
have all of the chnraoteriatias described or
ia the Comission autbotised to grant a certifi-
aata to$ any commodity l~~slu58 of its
length oalp br beoause of its width only, or
its weight.”
Part (4) of the definitiad of upropertg requiring
*Pecie!inad squipmmontm(Article 9llb, Section I(i) readat
w(t+j ikmiodities uhloh by rea80n Of
lea@, width, weight, h&ht, rise or other phyniaal
ohwsat~riatics rrtqutrs the use of s@eoial devIoe8,