Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Henry C. Kyle County Attorney Rays county San Harcos, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion Ho. O-7172 /J Ret Does the Board of Trust&e;\of the 3a.nWsrcos Independs+ School District bave.authoRity to deslgmte that tmwes 'mm for certain plec&.Qn the School Bw lo... ".,~, _I I ,’ ,,.- 1 \ :, ‘x, \ ‘\, // We have for e~t&lon ioubrrequest for"en opinion on the ebove pr$ject, Yqw'leW'r reads in part aa follovsr /' /.,< ,/ ,A /' of the sellMrcos saed a resolution 'de San Harcos Independent School a rurnl Ngh school district estab- vith Chapter 19A, Rksed CiviYStatutes of 1925, created by annexing on6 OF more common school districts to au independent school district. . . . 'l&y the Board of Trustees of the San Marcos Independent School District, n rural high school district, designate that Trusteea run for certain designated places end declnre that the pemons receivlug the highest number of votes for the “0 6o YYYw,c lno l4 IS TO q I CON,T R ” LD *.A DL,AIna B NnL c .PII(IO UNLESS H AP P R OVLD B” TIM & TTOONL” CmdTI*L o m ,IR.l AS.IUANI Iion.Henry C. Kyle - Page 2 respective places be entitled to serve 88 Trustees rather than the three (2).or four (!,I, candidatea receiving the la,rgestnumber of votes, irrespective of such places, be entitled to serve as TNstees?* Article 2922 (e),,Vemon's Annotated Clrll Statutes provides for method of oontrol of Rural High School District. Pertinent provisions of the article are as follows: "The control and managemen; of the school* of a rwal high school district, esteb- liehed under the p~o~Lslona of this Act, shell be vested in a board of seven trmatees, elected by the quallfled voters of the aald district nt large, who shall be elected end serve in accord- ance YLth the provisions of Oeneral 7%~ relative to c-on school districts, except as may ba othemrlse provided herein; . . . Pour of said trustees shall be elected each odd number of years and three on each even number of years on the first SatuFdey in April. The trustees of the first board shall drav for terms." Article 2922 (b), Vernon's Annotated Statutes sets up a classification for rwal Ngh school districta. We quote the artiale below: "Rural high eohool districts aa provided for in the preceding article shall be classed as common school dlstrlcta, end all other districts, whether C~LUWIIor independent, composing such rural high school district shall be referred to in this Act as elementary school districts! provided that all independent school districts enlarged by the annarat~on thereto of one or more common school districts as pro- vlded for in Article 2922a shall retain its scatus and name as an independent school district, and shall COnthUe to operate as nn independent school dis&pict under the provisions of the existing lavs and the lays hereafter enacted govern3g other independent school districts, except Rs othervise provided for nemi;l." ‘(Underscoringours). We believe the eneral lnv governing the election of trustees for independent schoo %cts is found in Article Bon. Hary C. Kyle - Page 3 2777, Vernon's Annotated Statutes, and that the provisiona of this article should be applied to the method of election of trustees in Rural High School Districts despite the pro- risiona of Articles 2922(e) and 2745. Article 2745 contem- plates the election of three trustees for a common school distriot. In the oam et hand ve have the eleotion of a board of seven trusteer In question. Article 2922(b) states that the dlatrlct uhen enlarged by the annexation thereto of one or more common school districts shall retein its status es an independent school dlstrlct and "continue to operate as an independent school district under the provisions of existing levs and the lava hereafter enacted governing other indepen- dent school distrlctr, except es othervise provided for herein.* Article 2777 provldasl "The seven oandidatee receiving the largest number of votee at the first electIon, and the three or four candidates receiving the largest number 09 votes et all subeequent elections. shall be entitled to serye es trustees hereunder. T\)oeeelected et the first election shall determlne by lot the term for vhich they are to serve, The four members dravlng numbers one, tvo, three and fowshall serve for one year, end the three members drawing the numbers five, six and seven shall serve tvo gears, or until the second of April thereeftir, end until their succeaaors ore eleated and qualified) and regulerlg thereafter on the flrst,Saturday In April of each year, four trustees and three trustees, alternately, shall be eleoted for a term of two yearn. to succeed the trustees whose term shall at that tlti expire. The members of the board remaining after a vacancy shall fill the same for the unexpired term." (Underscoring ours). .r1 We have found no statute that would authorize the Bosrd of Trustees of a rural high sohool to designate the pieces for which an individual candidate must run, end in the absence of such, it is our opinion that the three or four candidates Hon. Henry C. Kyle - Pnge 4 receiving the largest number of votes should be declared elected In accordance vlth the provisions of Article 2777. Trusting the above satisfactorily ansvers your question, ve sre Yours very truly ATTORHX OlZlfERAL OF TEXAS Z. 2-t. Dedeurin Assistant