Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

T 'Oil. 3o,t~&ke;~avis county hstin, Texas 3ear Sir: opinion IJO. O-7034 ,Re: Y%ether a veteran who quell under &tiole 6, ?eotlon 2a the Texas Constitution is r qulred to obtain a oertiiio of exemption before he can and related questions. a !?ember of the armed for United States or of.;the Armed .Foroe Res e United States, or or”any branch QF oompo or suoh arned rorces or Armed Force Re cr ;&thin one year eftcr the cl.one of t.LIec: FenBar par ir ?:kiC!? Seid lJSr iS terr~lnoted. Ii *woviAea, bowever, th.Bt the fore,&nr: po- vision3 of thiz section do ;iot confer the ri.~~ht to :-:!I. :‘crrg J.. Zones -, race 2 vote u?on any yrson ?~ho is a ncnber of the rep,U%T ~!r,tablj,nkr.ent o’f the rlnitod ‘Itotes army, :IaY.v, or :.:arine Corps; and provided further, that a.11 persons in the amed roroes ol the United 7tGtes, or the component brGnohes thereof not members of the reg- fi.e$ es?.abllshment of the 1?nited States Ar.my, Davy, or l.!arine Corps, ore hereby deolared not tombe disqualified drum voting by reason or any Drovision or sub-section lFifth’ or Section 1, of this’ ArtioleiW In view of the raot that this provision WIS adopted OS an amendmentto the Constitution arter the last session of the Lef$slature, your request presents the problem of determi the efrcct of such amendment, ?hioh has become s psrt of the funndomentel lau of this State, upon prior constitutional end stetutory ‘provislons governing the quallrioations of voters ?na the conduct ..cb : elections. -The Texas ~Zegisleture has not been in session sinoe the efreotive date oi this .amendx+t, end therefore no new law has been enaoted and no old.strtute ‘hs& been*amended~’ sinoe\:.that. date. All .or the ~ooagtitutlonal ma stntutory provIsionS_ @ted endreierred:to herein were ir efreot prior to the adoption- txP the above .amendment; end are still in effect exoept insorer as they may hsve been repealed or r!odiiied b.v quoh~amendment.: Question 1: @Does::%txole VI, .$&&Son i-a’,“oi rthe~Gonsti’tutio~,:~~ ,Texas exempt.;persona who kome:.7n~~~~.~i~~~‘~~~~-~r.rorn.,lia~b%llty ,rar pay- ment : of ‘a,, pdll.tax?W .:rtiole VIII, Yeotion 1, of the Constitution 0r Texas, euth@izes-the Legislature to impose a poll tax; and Article VII: Seotion 3, ...provides. in part: “One-tourth of the revenue derived rrom the ‘Xate oocupation taxes and ~011 tax’ of one dollar on every inhabitant of the %ate, between the ages of tlenty-one end sixty years, Ghall be set apart annuellq for the benefit of the public free schools; . . . . Article 7CI,6, 2959, and 2960, Vernon’s Annoteted F: Civil Statutes, impose Gn GnnUal poll tax and provide certai exemptions therefrom. ‘:on. Ferry L. Zones - Page 3 ?here an amendmentto the constitution predicates a conrliot, with existina lenislation. the inaonsiste bnt statutory yovi sionz; are repealed by implication. Stats of ??hode Island i?. 7al:.ler - 253 U. ?. 350, 64 L. Id. 946, -40 C- Ct 486 (1915) Sutherlanc its Statutorr Construotion. (36. ed:‘~p~orakl, 2eo. ----~- -- a we sea no inconsist&-.-my between the above- 2+x5. Fawever. mentl.oned oonstitutional and ststutorg provisiOnS imposine the 3,011 tax and the oonstltutional amendmentunder OOnsideratlOn. Ike language used in the constitution&l amendment does not indicate an intention to repeal or amend such prior laws l.m- Tosin? the poll tax. ‘Pherefore, as previously held in our tiltion !To. o-6821. it Is our opinion that although the person? *&ed in the amenGent are not required, 88 a condition 6reoedc to their rip.t to vote, to pay a poll tax Qp to hold a reoeipt tterefor, yet the amendmentdoes not exeunt them from the m- r.ent o': the poll tax. ::;‘a snswer ~your~ion~l in the -- m. ,&estiob~ 2: “Is the Tax: Colleotor authmized.. to issue a oertificate~af exemption to a'prson" who comas within the terms of Artiole.VI, sec- tion 2-a, or the ConstZtutkion of Texas, assuming that suoh person is not ,,gtherwise exempt. from. pay-rent ,of-e poll~,,tq?? ~. .’ .~ Althou& the‘ ooktitutional: provision :under. &nsider Won does not mention oertifioates ofexempti'on; it. is olear rrom a reading of the statutes that a Person who is.not exempt rrom the nayment ot the poll tax is not entitled to a oertifi- oate 1V exem t on. 9 ?rom the payment of a poll tax, end who are theref'ore entitlei to a certifi0ete‘%b that effect, are required to obtain suoh s certiricnte.Y It would be foolish to say that s person who is not exemnt from payment of a poll tax must obtain a certiri: cate stutfng that he is exem& from such payment. Article 2968, Vernon’s Annotated P,evised Civil %a- tutes, provides, in pert: ‘Tvery person who is exemeted by lav: from the 5aynent of n 7011 tax, :na who is in other respects G quu14.I.-“ied vo t er, Iho resides in a city of ten thousand (10,000) inhabitants or more, s’:all, before the Pirrt @.l 1945 Would he entitled to obtain an exemption certiiicr nrior to l?eb. 1, 1946, even though the 18 months' period pre ::or:.Fcrrp L. Zones - ?aaqe 8 In *he ~nendment would expire prior to the eenel?al elaotion in :!ovember, 1946. The ennusl poll tax is levied on a certain da .:ud it nuat be paid by a certain date, or en exemption oer- cificate must be obtained by a certain date, in order for eith ;;o serve as a qhslification for voting; and when proDerly ob- r.Azeed, the raoeipt or certificate serves as evidence o? the I to vote.during a certein year. It is apparent iron the above tl?at these statutes could not beapplied effeatively in their present form, to tiersons who qUSlify Under the oonstitutional zzewirent . Assunin&?that the Le&alstUre would now have the :g::er to set ur, a valid rwqirement thatpersons who qualify undoer fleoti'on 2e 0r the Constitution nust obtain a speoial c81 ti~icate ana that no such person.will be“@ermitted~to vote f:nlers h8 Lweaent.8 such oertiiiCat8 (which~,gU~~tiOn~.ae~i8rencr ,:.. '10.7 cellad upon to de&la), yet it is 018ar that the.~Lee.sislat~ +?s r?ade no~:such..reauirement. Certslnly, a.parson who quali- 5 ies -w a voter under th Gonstitution is-not%0 be disfran- &iC:od and reiused the rze,t to vote nerelgbebause t,he,Legis Lcture h-as not provided 6% the isSuanOe'of~ a ceM.ficete s:w:ii.lf: his ~uelifioation. . - ,- 3-18 hjUr't;S 0~&8xa-t&WJ~ thx%-&&uX tha.'~8a&&k,#Sr it-. conotrued~:,the statutory 'reguldtiofiti siid~tiha-the,,'rif~~t.;~.-a voter'f+reely.to c.Sst his‘vote‘in the :e~re~sion:~6~;:~-s,r~ee choice at 6n election and, in the ebS8noe~~Of S.tatUtOry -0oman v&l1 not disfranchise him. state v. tlarMn'~'-186-~?: 7. I 111 (&arillo Civ. App. 1945>; 12 n. 'I. 952; !?ensep Vi ":il!~el~~ App. 1932);;ztretton v. Hall, App. 1936);'Lee v. :miteheab, civ. 4pp. 1944). The constitutionel amendment under oonsidel tion was olearly intended to permit servicemen an& ex-service who qualify Uhsreunder to vote tdthout paylag: 8 poll tax re?z less of prior legislation on the subject. It would be un- reasonable to say that the effect of the aIlendr:ent is to disfranchise such person because,t!!ey cannot quelifg under tl existing: exenption-certificate .statutos end because the Leci: lature has made no special provision for them. To so hold :;'oulJ. be to l'eder the amen&tent neanin?less nnd of no effec- whetever. ?herel'orc, we auwer *'our euestion 3 i2 the affirn &. - “0.1. 7crry I. Zones - ?a,?8 9 the “1s Tax authorized Colleotor -F-w to CC u 8 on the certiried list of voters the nanes of persons uho come within the tams of nticle section ;?-a, of the Constitution VI, of Texas, but who have ;lot p3id a poll tax and have not obtained a certificate of exemption?" Article VI , !?ection I, 0r the Constitution or Texas, nrovides: "In all elections by the people the vote shall be by bellot and the Legislature shall Rrovlde for the cmbering or tiokets and neke such othar regulations es my be necessaqto detect and punish fraud and creserve the purity of the b&lot box and the Legis- 13ture may provide by 13%~ for the regtstration or all voterg.in.all cities containing a population of ten .,;;h,ousand inhs.bitsnts "m'.mme.,v -. Articl3~2975; Vernon*s Annotated Revised'~givil '&at. utea, requires that: Y3efore the first day of April every esr, the .County Tox.Colleotor shall deliver to the 5nerd that .iS'.Oh3~~8d'F~th:'th8~'dUt~_~r.'f~i~~ai~'i318Oti~ SUP- plie.s'~~separate oertiried' lists-.~r.~uifi~~' in eaoh vecinot who hev~~bsia~'theFr~~noll tax-imreoeived their c3rtifiostes Of exertion," such lists to be arranged in a oertain order and to contain c taiz infarnation, and rurther provides for supplemntal lists any county epntaininga tom of.'nore than ten thousand inhab- itants. Jzticle 3121, Vernon's .;nhotated Revised Civil Stet utes, reads lis r0110vis: "The county tax colleator shall deliver to the ohairnen of the county exucutive comittee of each Toliticol party, r0r it3 use in primry selections, zt least five days before election day, certified and ;upplenentol lists of the oLu31ified voters of each ?pecinct in the county, arranged alphabetically 3na by yrecifiota, on6 such ohoirmn shall place the snna 152 ‘on. Ferry L. Jonas - Peg8 10 for reference in the hatis of the election ofricers 01' each election precinct before the polls are open. "0 nrimarv aleotion shall be leCs1, unless such list in obtsin;?d and used for reference durinw the elec- tion. *posit0 the name 0r every voter on said list ~311 be stamped, when his vote is Cast, with 3 rubber or wooden stamp, or written with pen end ink the words, +rimary--voted,' with the date of such nrtiru under the same. For esoh list cb 311 the ~~uslified voters or the county who heve oaid their nnll taxes or received their certifiosteo of axemdiion, %he collector &all be permitted to cherr,e not more thsn five dollars, the 23ne to be paid by the yrtg or its chairrzn so ordaring said lists; provided, that the chor taxable nro?crtg in the C‘tzte, county, :-‘~a. Perry L. Jones - PaEe 15 political sub-division, district, city, town or villar?;e where Agt;;oticn is held, and who have dulg rendered the seme rc shall be qualiried to vote and all eiectors shall F iz the eieotion nreoinot or their res1denoe.v The sane re- nuirenent is made in Article 2955a, Vernon*s annotsted Civil Ttotutes; 3nd Artiole 2955b requires the Tax Collector to furnish the election judges a certiried list or owners or ret estate who hnve rendered sene ior taxes. In order to be “otherwise qualiriedv to vote in this kind oi eleotion, a yrson who quaUfies under. the COnstitUtiOml amendment unde: con3ideration ;:ould have to meet the above requirement.) Ye ans?ler your c.uestion 7 in the a~=iirrAative, and your ?aestion 8 in the nerrative. z;e;on 9: “Do gour answers to the above ons apply to primary as vfell as q,eneral ~lections?n The constitutional amendment under oonsideretion : expressly sppliaeble to “any election held under the author! or the law78 or this state” during a speoiiled period. An examination of the many statutes euthwizing and Roverning pr5.mrg elections (See Title 50, n~leotionsw, Vernon’s Ann. 3.3. civ. Ttstutes) impels the oonalusion that .suoh electio are held “under the authority or the law oi this state*, eJ& that Artiole VI, seotion 2a, oi the Constitution is ap- ?licable to primary as well as General elections. ‘:e ans?ver your ?uestion 9 in the a’frirmative. Yours very trulg, L’ .. Y?Tmm (x!stmAL OF Tzar By /s/ Raymond A. Tanoh F!L: jt :jrb Assistant .:?z?ovm ,‘.;!I.17, 1946 /s/ Grover Sellers i??m>m cYTR.z OF T?m”J .iP?F?OO’ED QPIXTI(T1: COT3ZIm~ DY W3, ChairRan