Honomblo 9. C. smith
Herldlan, Texas
Dear Sir:
of this department,
purchasing agent
of the Comnls-
printed sheets for
an exact duplicates
&a of trust used by
Uhen ona of those
record ln the office of
888 this prfnted fom,
e names, the description of the
such other blanks as may be neces-
the regular statutory recording fee
trument. . . .
t1y a local represeJntatireof ml.
k has contended that the clerk has
no legal right to charge the ngular fees alloved
for recording the parts 02 these instrument8vhlch
the countr has had printed, but should only &args
for the parts vrltten in, such as the description of
the lands, etc.
ln b;i!~t3~f&ii!i tay::if!t ~na~~~~&~#i~
the instrument filed for wcord, I have advised that
the clerk has the right to colleat the regular statu-
tory fvo allourd for the of the sntlrr ln-
atrument .’
Pononblr 8. 0. Smith, wgv 2
Artlolo 6591, lkv1s.d Civil Statutes o? Texas, ,pkovides8
%ouat~ alorks shall k the ncorden for thr'lr
nspoative oouatl#rI thor shll protido and ko+ln
their offlaos voll-bound books in vhich thq shall
resold 811 instmment8 of vr lting ltborired or re-
Qulrmd to be ma0H.d in t&e oount~ clerk’s office
in the mumop bonizaft~r protldod,*
hrtialv 6595 or said strtutes grovides~
“&ah moorder sball rithout dolay, rroord every
laetrkaat of vritlag .athorir.d to k noorded by blm,
vhloh ir deposltui vltb him for moord, vlth the 8uk-
amIlodgeeats,proofs, lfiidarits rod o~rtificatu
thnto lttaohod, in the ardor dopo8ited for noord
br lntOr ir th*l
y VO?d fOP VOrd a a iOtter
d HOPlOttOP,
a a not at the root of the meopd the how a#
the dry 9
o the mntb and year vhon the lnstrumoat so
retaorded vas doposited ia hi8 offloe for reoo~.*
APtiOiO 3930, m*riSSd OiVii SktUtSS, PPOViding fOP
oortain fur to k neoived by clerks of the county oourt, pro-
vides, uoag other things, the folloving:
•Ro40*din~all *pa's requlW o? poxwitted by
lav to be reoorded, not othervise provided fop, In-
eludw cvatlficatvand seal, for o&oh 100 vords---
%arlag fully eonsidrnd rour mawat, lt appears that
you have oo+nctl~ ldvlsod the olork la thv pramlaos.
statutvr provide for the reoordfng of la-
strmeats 8Uch of t?ust aad p~seribo the iv* fop such
sarvic*. DO laaguqa in thuo statutes to indimte thS
Lagis~ton intez4.d suoh re.8payable cmlt rep uah 100 vords (Lo-
t-11 aopiod bl hand or bf the t ~vrltrr. MO Qb hod br vhlah
suah Iaatmoats aball be veoordo$ is spaolflad. !n vhat**or UnnOP
the olork eaten vuoh ia8trumntr of vritiag authoriced and de-
positad vltb blm for roverd, he is nqulmd c@y to take tha
rlthout delay in tha ardor doposited, utd utor thm vord for
VOPd and letto:,for l*ttor.
is, thorofota, the oonsldorwt opinion of this dvpapt-
meat the aaullt~
that alerk 18 wlt1t1ea to eblqp the rtatuto
in for noordiag duds of trust used hr tha ?oderrl kad &ii
KoionomblsY. C. ;imith, pa&e )
'oustonwithout suoh far8 being lbitsd to thosr’kXb8
YOUr8 very trulY,