ncnorable C18ode Imb.11
6ecretary or state
Aurtln, Tessa
lxmr Mr. Iirbell I Opinion NO. 647a9
net Conrtruatlow of
317, GeneraY Ap
Legiilatnrr, If
rotary of Mata
rerpoet to the
1ty to pay muOh
‘{l),lr&ld this office be luthorixed to met
up a ner’plare to he domlfnated as ‘Farolc Super-
visor’ ?
,(2) Tould wa be authorized to ~87 ior his
wtrrioem at $220.00 per month prTabl@ out of our
fund at71 rd 'Se8soml llelp”?
gnnormble CYmudeIqbell - pap,e 2
The 8pproprl8tlen for theGeoret8ry of State Mpartment
or the Goner81 Appropri8tim Dill for 8t8te dep8rtmmtr pa8sed by
the 49th Leglmlmtnre aonkln8 the followlnr item, which 8re ln-
rolrrd In your Inquiry, to-witt
820. tloVontor’8 A88’t in Ch8rg8 of -role8 l - l -.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c2.310.00 2,310.00*,
.33. Extra help, re88on81 l . s- l . . . . 3,4W.O0 3,460.0C.m
'low haro lxplolned to us in aOnVOr88tiO~8 rorpectint
the inquiry th8t It r88 not your purpa8e to lboli8h or Ignore the
pomltlon proridod tor in Item 30, but that if m88 your thought to
oppolnt mnother amployoo tm 8malrt Jn tho 88ao *ark during thr
period of nooesnity thmrofor, and to pay meb Other mplayoe, 88
indiuted in your lotter, out of Itom'33. There would bo no mt-
tempted 8ogmmqtation of the 8818r7 provided ior the Aariatant
noutloned in Ifma ‘20.
Itmm 80 do08 not Oreato, nor eenld the ApprOIWi8tiOn
Bill a nylVent OrO8fb , the Off108 or pO8itim
in O? ~OvamOr’~
Aanlrtmnt ln obargo o? P8rolr8, by that or any other name. It
is the solo funotlon of l 8pproprl8tlon b411 to 8ppropri8k
money8 for the ooapen88tion of employeea le@lly 8nd f8Ctu8lYy
nooamumry to the lfflalent opermtimn of the nep8Ftment. (See
our Opinion Ho* 63731, 08pf heredth).
I tu 33 ior ox tra lmaaon81 help i 8 8 tory broad and
general authority to your Dep8rtment , the mn'ly limltmtlonm bo-
lnr that, emeb voiitlonn being: 4~ the nature oi temrrerary emer-
prey needs w1t.h respOOt to dapwtnental 8ervfce# and the t.0tn7
mum 8?8llablO therefor,
rhaterer t.he n8turn of the 8errice, @r
the nwber of the 8arfrtavt emyiOyee8. There I* nn lefwl new--
nitr for the @rinpc to my 8ddltlmnl emylojee perfonnlnr the
uerrlees PI reesmal help any ptrtlculer dcrlmstlan. Fnr 2r-
COImtinF ?\lrpo8e+I it would he 8drlsabte, c!p'lPerher= FCCeRWY'.
to no this, honever, un tba t permnt. eoulr! be mude fret? the zr-
rroyrl8te fund. Thla 1s m tter crf dovartr?n tnl df roretjrv, lir I.-
In thb pneral ?rorl8lm8 included 1~ the fiep8rtPent81
AprrOprfmtiOm D311 8t pRr8fT83h 4. of 8UhReCtf0n (14) Of FLC-
tlen 2 lo the follorincr
ll8ttor8blO Clmado I rho1 1 - p8#0 3
lAddith lt8~
~p ~O~OO8’
c ODp 8BUtiW.
lh b r a
Ur7 ldditiONl ~lO~Oe# Otb@r than thO88 f.r
whloh 8~01f1~ UfOt'y •pPr@~8timB haV0 horoln
bO00 IdOr 019 ajthT0d BIB4 ON t0 b0 p8jd Ottt
OfOOlttis~t lPpt’Opri8tbmm, Urb OUP~O~OOO dl821
sot be pdd l 18r~r amount thau that p~%?lded in
th 0 ?8lu hl rP P ?OtiOh~1~~1.8
d f.r dRilOt )o-
Biti-• in 8UCb dO$WbOttt
Or •~OB~l, Bad the jn
wemt tboro SW no rlall8r podtiono witbls mob
depbrtrellt,thOn moh ldditiOm8~ rpfOy.88 ah811
not b@ pdd 8 18r$W 8Wlmt than that ptOTide4
li8l~lbr~dtiOll8 ItIOtbor dOp8~tlW~t# OP
l l l.’
Cttder Artlol~ 43M at the ~erlmed Civil Et@tate#, tbr
aOTOmOr woald be 8uthorlsrd t0 8ppro+o 8 d~?iOi~O~ olbim for
the PBNnt Of 8088On81 ltt’m help et you? IP.$vwtrOnt, Vi thl&j
tb. 1iDIiktiWB Ot tb0 Appropriation Aot itwlf, Ot eourne @8~
80. o-s116, 8ddreBUd
OpiltiCItl t0 ~O?@lWOr 1. LB0 o'D8IliO')gOeD
quuito fully into tho whole matter l? doflr~ono~ ~8rr8nt8r 8md
We are hmttding pa0 horwl th 8 copy oi tbmt lpiai8n.
la Ojlttltnt *n* D-1333 thin Dep8rtnnt b8d before It
tho to1 lowing lnqulryt
‘Mb7 8 dep8rtnent hO8d omplo~ an 8ddttfOn8l eb-
p?oyoe and ~1800 hlr WI the rOgUl@P yrml~, WTlnp
hln 88lmry out of the contIn-t lpsraprl8tion, or
dne8 the omtinpent 8PP)r)prf8tion comrehwd II tew
por8ry or rn CfcerlencJ dtU8tfm muthar~rinr th@ CT-
ployment of 8fi~lt.im8l myloroan for PVC,! rI:rrnW?8?’
we lnr wer edt
gRarln~ &IO tamrb to the otmtext in which re
find the word, 8nd the 8poOifiO lUthWi88t~Im for
the UM of rueh lunda tor much pUrp8en# we 8re In-
peYlod to the 8~1clwninn t!?Bt the l.e~dnlItUrO *A8
rrrlr~whntartjslly thin: ‘la hnte nttn--ytol?, ar)
far an posslblrr, tc e3tlclyoto every Item nf PX-
pznhe, w)!lch nccc8sarilv \e fncurrsd in the r-Ten-
tlm of your dep0rtmcn t., Ohen se renllae tl-ot our
rtun0rablo Cl sun0 I shll - lvlee 4
judesat 80 tf~ !aUCh mmtterm lay he lnexmct, from
the rap7 nature of thinfar mnb me tbereforo appro-
pri8te to your Irspmrt~ent 8 mum af money ceaeral-
1y lralY8ble for operatin; expenses of your be-
p8Ptamnt* exoept 8s etheniae beeola mpOOlfjO8YYJ
limltod, Tao tab owe of those employmentm lnd
other lxpavrnemnot herein rp&0ifl0all7 pwTidsd
for, but rhJoh me7 naO~murl1~ bo required to
ma b Y
l 70~ Department proper17 to funotlon~'g
Ye trust thst what TO hare maid (Nttjcientlf nwswera
your FrObl em.
Ierr truly fours