Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion



Eon. coo. E. Shhspml
Comtitrollerof Pu1110 Acoounta        Y
Auatlu, Toxaa
                                     ODlnlonNo. 04a.l
D8ar Slrr                            Ril Under                     o?


                                                       opinionon the
                                                  rrom your letter as

                       drlar ii., by the lnaotrmt or S.B.
                        49th Lagialaturoa11Win45a 15s

            pllmi by 12 months plus 15s for the Inoraaaa.
          "*In tha 0880 or th orrio@ d wm BexarCounty
          Tax Aaaaasor-Colloe@or,     t&a Maroh 1945 pWroll
          inoludadth el alarIeaof regular and ltra dapu-
          ties.    ,da a maaaure  or loonaaw, it la naeoaaar~
          to l  mpioy extra daputleaior aeaaoaalruahea.ma
          majority     of the atra deputloawore on the pay-
          roll only a portion of Marah 1945 and this is
          typpfealof alroat any month or thkyur.       l!br*-
          roro, unloaa the annualapproprlatlonla rigured
                                                     o=*cIAL 0"n- ...WTA*1
Hon. Ceo. F. Sheppard!, page 2

             as aat forth above, no prorlalon till be mad6
             for mon6y to aziployextra daputleaa4 th6f
             ora medo&.’
             '1 ahall thank you to ldrls6 m6 the proper                    anawu
       to mukr to this raquoat.*

             F~OBour dlaouaalon            oi the above quostlon
                                                      with the Eon,
                                 or T4x64 0r
p. E. m6kiaoni, Aaaraaor-00116stor                   8r Oounty,T6xaa,
It 1 a our Und6r8tlad&   that 7014 8re d6alroua oik$ awin& what a&m
or moiier a&uld b6 rppr6prlatad  in the 1946 bud@    OS Bexrr County
ror tbo purposeof paying tha lalariea of ragul4rand extra daputl68
in thi offior of th6 Aaaaaao~o~lrotor at ‘Paxan.
        Thr populationoi B a x a Co
                                  r unty
                                       looording                      to the 1940 Fod-
us1 Census yam 388,176.
             96n4toBill 190.266, Aata or the 49th Leglal.aturr,
ular   Saaaton, 1945, protld6aas tollow4~

                                                                 s. 8. Ho. 246

                  oompmwtion QS ewtaln oount orrlalala      in
                     a popul4tlon at not 168s &ID 300,000
       nor E-I  than 500,000,  4ooordiw to tha last praoed~
       Fader4106naua; providingiOr 8 iitt6en (15$) p6r osnt
       lnor6ea6 ln 44larf68t3r th6 6zaplo~68,66puti68, and
       4aaiateata      ol said oounty       ofii6iala,   baaed   oa   Muoh,
       1903 p4r roll1 QrO+idlng  for #b~aalat6ntr t6 th6
       County Tmaaurar rt stated a616rl68,and to bo lpt~
       point6d by hint QroTidin~ Oka* ~4larl6aor mplo~666,
       d6puti68 ~4nd liaiat4ata            o fthe mtn6d0rri6i4k8 ma ynot
       br doarsaa6d;           proriding   tha wtbd  6sd swam by rhioh
       8414 offtoara      asployoeashall bo oobpaaaa86d~ ro-
       Q6tiiw       8.OtiOll
                        1 Of ah4#6r 81, &6t4 Ot th6 &5th I,.@&
       181484r6,86&ulrr   S6Babn, p4&6 131 (1937)4ad 8ll
       other 14wa fn 66Ptlletharawi+hb 4nd d66lul4     6a

                                     OF ‘IRE STATE                    OF    TeXASi

                                  .Tbgr          of thla~A6t rh411 rpply
                                in rroh at th6 eountira fn this lt4t6
    Hon. 080. H. Sh6ppUd, p4g. 3

              6 po ulatlon of not leas than 300,000,nor
        mm  th4n 5B 0,000, 4ooordingto th8 18St QrSO6din6
         Atto;;z.0;bm6                   oountr Sudga, sharlrr,Matrlat
                                     no1 DlatrlotAttorney,MStrlat 016rk,
         Cody   al6rk,  and th6 AaS6aSor-Coll6otor of Tans of
         au6h~OOunti64~ah4~   646Jl r6oaIr6 a aalar~ 6r 8ar6ntp
         86v6S Eundr6d   (#7700.00)-D6114ra  pu  4rmumo 9h6 OOU-
         tr  Auditoroi auoh oouatlea shall reeoltr    6 84lSrf of
         sw6a8pfour     Raadr64 (47400.00) D6llara p6r 4namh    in
         116~ of my 4ml 8l1~6orpaaaatIon     now provided bp 14~1
         provided  that  any salary or aom#a&aation now provid6d
         by lrw to b6 p4id auoh OOUnty kditOr*     Out Of 4ny
         apeoialfunda, InoludIngo lna4tlonnadarod arrii-
         gatlon,lovaa, drrlnrgr,roa   ""g or aohooldiatrlota,
        ,ah411b4 ah4rg6dand ooll6oted,but ah4l.lba p4Id Into
         the geaaralad       of auoh oount$64, Tho Countr Tmaa-
         ur u o tluoh 60uati68lh8n 6aoh.no6ive       4 8416rp of
         Forty-W6             Hundnd ($4200.00)             Do~l8ra   per   4nnm.    Th6
         Judg6a oi th6 Oouaty Ootirta-rt-Law  and tha Oount
         arimin41Courts ti 8414 o.ountloa ah&L rroh JF60. I~V6 6
         a61aFr Of 8iXt$'-thr.6 @ldY6d ()630&m)      DOlhrS $69
         annum. All auoh lalarloa    ah811 be paid Out oi t&6
         orrloua*  salary had or the gonarrlfund 6f auoh
         0ount168, 48 th6 6486 84y b6.

                      "866.              Th6
                            Oouatr Tr64auro*,upoa the approval
         or th6 Ocm8Iaaloa6ra Oourt, ghill b6 allow6dbb 4gpolnt
         6no (1) 6aaIat48t at a a4lary not to 6x686d tb6rrtprour
         Muadrad (#2400.00)Dollrrr   06r 6nnum, sad 6 466cU
         l6aiat4nt 4t 4 8414ry not to 6XO66d’%i6A%por,   ltimdrad
         (#2100.00)D6ll4ra pu amum.      .8ald6aaIatanta ~hrll b6
         SQQOiAt6d by th6 e684W6r 4nd 4h4ll. t4k bh4 AaA41 oath

         authorityto                do    and p~19oka in Oh6 MJW o?           tJl6 trraauar
          lu6li rota of'4 616oti4Lor ,~atrrirl      ohsrooter as my
         k raquirad    at than by tha @mkty Troaauror.     All ai said
         ularIaa    lnamu4t6d I8 tJkI6~ l66tIo nlhll   b6 paid fra
         tha g6fwralfund                   of   auoh   o6ciAtlaa.
i             i   ,
Eon. 080. B, Shsppard,p4g6 4

                     ThhrCommi4aIon4raCourt 0r 640h OS
    said ooun
           -iI+  6s  ah411 grant an Inor~aaa in th6
    6mploy66a*salarybudgot and aa6n.dsaid badg68
    ror the naoraarr~ amount for 411 oi said oounty
    offlo. nanad In S6OtiOAS 1 and 2 4boV6, SqUSl 80
    a ffit66A   (15$)per ornt lnor64aa IA th6 lal4ry 6f
    411 th6 amp10y608,d6 utIaa aridlaalat4nta re       all
    0r amid ofrIoaa,    baa6 t on the psy roll or th6 par-
     tlortlaroiila6      as   of M4r4h, 1945. T&r lalarla4 of
     th6 otfI61418nam6d la thla A68 4hall not ba la-
     Or6SS6d  bayond tha 8418r164flad In this A6t. &id
     lnor6486in a4larl6aah811 be paid froa Oh6 gaa6nl
     fund 6r oftlou salary?unb, or road 6nd brldga
     round or auoh o6uatIaa.
        ' *$OO. S+ Th6 Oeunt O64mIaaIoa6ra6? lua h
     oountIea ah411 6aoh r666i10 a 84larp o? pff$y-iii76
     ?kudred ($5500.00)Dollua p6r 4n~m1 4nd auoh aal-
     uI6a ~ah4l.lb6 p4ld out oi th6 Road 4nd aid66 Funds
     or    th6 thn6r61   Fund at SU6h   OOMti64,   88   th.   6486
     mar    now be.

                     All fuatisra Of th6 'PO4064nd @OR-
           "-i+0 'auoh4OMtlM   who 4rs OOSkp4A4St6d on a
     m gala as provldrdby law ah411 b6 6atltlodto
     rrtaln annual to68 and/or  rralarJot FQrty-arY6A
     HundrrdFifty (#4750,00)   DOll4rS466hC pYWfd6d,
     how4vor,th6t 411 ?466 and oomlaalona, uheth6r
     ourront or dalInqu4n8,rbfoh 4ro ooll668od by the
     Irrortnbont duringhi4 86nW6 Of Ofti    ah4l.lb4
     4ppll6dfirst to th6 pWm64t Of his doputloa,4u-
     thorlaad lxpanaoa of hla.otrlo6,and to m4k6 up
     th6 maximUmosplg6SS4tfO6 prOvfd6d fOr ';A thi@‘,,
     seation.Ao 806h OiiI88r8shall bo lntItl64to r6-
     omirr  ror 4ar purpoa*4ny t4ra or 6ommIaaIona that
     4ra oollaotodaftor   ho 068884 to hold lu6h of2166.-
                    h.Ia Aot ahall not rap6il l4y oi thm
     prmla"f-5     Oh8pt6YS169 and 585 I,th &(lIalatur6,
     R4#ular Boasion, pa- 2b0, 1309 (l&l ? mm 4~~6~~
     as Artlole3912-8,Saatloa19 (r-1) and (h-2   T , Vunon*a
                                                                                      :,     ;.,      :

Hon. G6.o.H. Shepp4rd,p4g4 5

     Annotated Girl1 Staiitoa.                       Tha,rirt66n (15%) ,ior'-',.
     sent Inoraaa6in:641.4ryher6in,proYid6d  for ahmU
     b6 in 4ddltlonto the lalarioa ‘or 6mploy668; d’apu-
     tI6a and 4aalatantaprorldadior $4 said AUtoi                                                         8
                       i That Siotlcil or Chrpter 61 Aota tj$th
     k(li~~h6itlar:                        8oaaio~        pago   151      (19j7),          Aow
     lppo4rl4gai Art161639126-l:fumn*a       A44ot4trdCl*ir
     Statutra~~'4nd all other &rrr In ooa$&Iat ,horwlth bo,
     4na the 48~           4+0     hereby         rrp6416d,     lnaoiar         as    +hr~         8qar.
     4ra In oontllotwith th6 pro+Ialona or thla                                      A6t, but
     not othuwiaa.

             "S60,-9.             Th6    84&4ry     3d   .a.   dOUUtf         ~ll&UO6~         Of
     ruoh oountf shall A08 6XO66d ?ir$PtWO BilAdr6d Fifty
     ($5250.00) Dolldra.-peram&     rid lal4ry to ba flxod
     by thr Oommiaalon6ra,Oour8 and p4Id out or th4 road
     lrulbrldgo Lund Of auoh oouatioa.
          'Sea. 10. Thr salary or the Count;lS6hool Sup6r- ~
     Intender&or 4uoh oountl6ashall b6 Fit0 ThoursndFifty
     ($5050.00) Dollars par 44aum, Uld ularp to bo paid
     out or the aohool 6qualI44tlon rund.                                 .
                                   It Is iiuther pratldod                 that       ‘6;     ml&m&
     Wli6r     pa d lng road
              ;?++t          41&dbridge am loy6q of auoh                                                      ,( i
     oountl68ah411 b6 not 1688 thrn Fifty II 50#] ooata per
              *860. u.             U 4ny sootion,paragraph,olauae ey
    .arnteno)         la   thla     A&      is    d6olu6d      to b6      UAoOAatitAtioA6f.,
     it:     84m6 ahall           not 4ttaat th6 ram4Inlly portIoaaof this
           xp la rurtherth6 intaAt;OA or the L6~18148A?4 La
     th6*.+6Jk) thi#  Aot  shall b6 d6616r6d    US6WlStftUtiOd,
     that tha nlrrlaa     an4 oorp6autioaa     or tha 6mploya64,
     daputioa4nd laalataataoitha publla offioua               mama6 In
     this Aot 4~4 the marinmm Smmnt of aalarlu and oapaa-
     aatioaawhlah 614~ be paid     to   84fd SmQlO~e68,    66puti68

" Hon. Gee. Ii.Bheppard, 'pago6

       and arrlrtantr,#hall remainthe 8ame a8 say now
       be fixed by existinglaw.
                                  Th0 raet         that         0irfaer8 and eaployew
             ==P 88 lr r eo ted
       in ooua                by thir Aot lra now paid  8al.-
       8l388   JlOt OOJlSi8Xl8UT8t8
                                With their 88laX'iQ8 8Dd dUti88j
       th8     Saot       that   thr County Auditor                   in the eOUlItie8              here-
       in lffeot84 br             tht8      AOt    82'0                  Oftia8r8
                                                               th8 bubh;et                      Of
       raid       aOUZltie8,
                         with - inWe*         in dUti88 ali& lT88-
       pCWibbi~ti.8~      the faot that   the Gounty Tr8aawr        in
       raoh Oil tha OOUUti.8     n-4 Ila.6tL0 a88i8tMt8         iOr  the
       PrO  r dl*OhWgO       Of hi8 dUtt88;   Mb thb fUSth8r faot
       t&~r laoroar living         oort an4 taxer  hare greatly
       inoMa804 th8 1iVa 8Xpli8a8Of the @Qp1Oy808,
       dQUtie8 aa& a88i8tMt8       pi                     the      OOUR~ OffhW8
       MMa,    80 that 8aid OftiO8r8                            ar8 hmbg    dlfcietity
       in k8opin.g a&equate rtaifr                        of     train04      parsoanak,
       armak8           8nlnergmcy an6 aa lmpbratlro                            publir
       WOO88ity   that thm OonrtltutlonalRule rocpairias'
       bill8 to b8 nad on thrro  rweral   dayr~ .in eaoh
       HOu88, be 8~8QOndad, and 8alid Rule 18 hor8br 8U8-
       p6n&bs and thi8 AOt Shall take 8ffeot md be in
       roros from &nd attor                  the    b8ta         or   .itr   parragr;         an&
       it 48 8e enaoted.

                                                  /I/ John Lse Smith
                                                      Prrrident or the sowto
           'I hOr8b oortity that 9. B. X0. 246 pa8Mb the
       Senat8,&pi i 4 1945, by th8 folloring: rote: Yea8 29,
       my8 0; hprii 23, 1945, sat4    333fw0a t0 ~00~~0~ in
       irOU88arPlmXl~at8an4 XWUU88b Ithe lp g o intiwao t
       @Xlf8S?WO~ ~05idtk8   &kFil 30, 1945, HOMe midi&4
                           , 88n8ti
       MQlO8t~ tiy 15, 19.94                                     adOpt84      f%Il.f8WPO8           oO*
       mltka         8oport      by
                             follodng tha                         rote:       Yoa8      26,   my8         01
       xay 15, 1945 tote on        titi      abb                naen8L48ro41 my 29,
       1945,:a. n. HO. 2&breoa f 04                            srom the 86TOfoo1c'8ofri0e
       by authotitfoi 8. Q. R. Bob 33) Mar.31, 19b5, hew Coa-
       fereneeoomltteo mport wa8 adopted by t&a to&loring
       tote: Ia8 29, N8gr 0, _
                                                                                                   ?    534   . . . _,._


Hon. Coo. 8. Sheppard, page 7

             "1 hrraby oortlfythat S. B. NO. %b: pa88*d the
         mIl88 of RIprW8nt8.tile8,   April   26, 1915, with MM(L-
         m8llt8,by thr folb~ill& ?OtO: YWS 109, Nays 61
         A&l 30, 1.945, Eouso grant04 rOqW8t       or Sonata ror
         appointmentoi COti8lWiO8    CWd.ttOO~ YlY 15, 1945,
         Km88   adopt84Conferon     Comaitk8    amport by th8
         iollow5Jqrota; Y8aI ll7, Play821 my 3%. 19b5,
         50~88  ?800n814er84  the tot-aby wh ah the Oonfarenoo
         Report  was adogitod; May 31, 1945 now Coatrnne*
          ii8&Wtt    -8       adOpt84 by    th8          ~O~oWjng         VOtC:         Y8a8   110,
        .:amy*    0;          ’

                                            /I/          chMLlO8      JOIIO8
                                                     ibid          clerk of       the     HOU88
                                                         Of    RO~lIMktiV.8.

                                                         FIX&D IN TW OBpICiZOg TEE
                                                               SSCRSTARY03 WEA'IX
                                                         THIS 2nd day if Juan, 1945
                                                         at & ocolook8n4 &O minutb8
                                                         /a/     Qlaudr18b8ll
                                                                          of Stat8

                 wo    call   your   partloularatt+atlonto 8eotiOn4 Of th8
abOV8     Aat     whloh Mad8         in   prt       a8     iO3hlI8;

                 Thi8    portion of 9rotlon4 1 8lqpro8wd in                                plain      and
unamblguow             lawuago an4 it8 pwulhg i8  alear and                               &f%lllt8,     and

goon.ueo. Ii.sh8ppar4,     pago 8

thaw i8 no ooos~ion for oon8truotioa.
         h ViOW Or the iOr8([Oi44it 18 OUR OQfIliO8l th4t the
annual 8rrmomiatioa    (in the 1946 buU&et of Boxar bounty)      for
th0 purpoe8 0r payin th8 mlarior of regularana 8xtm
dOpUtiO8   in th8 Om08    Of th8 A88@88OIFcOll4OtOr    Of TaX88,
8hOud    b8 th8 MoUnt  Or tJi*Msroh 1945 pyI’O=     (iOr  Uid
OfflO8)   %Udti~li@d by 12bm&8)      p1U8 Ul ldditiO5a8U0   l Of
tifteen (15%) per aont to 86v8r th8 lnor8aro.
           ti oonnrotlon with the rongoln6, w oall your ltt8ntloa
to   tha   faot thmt  the lrrootlv* aato of &nab Bill IJo.2J+6was
Juno 2, 1945.
                                                 Yours very   truly,
                                           AttOrn8y   OoMMl     Of     TOXBS
