Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFlCEOFTHEATrORNEYGENERALOFfEXAS AUSTIN osovcn saLuM *rmm*EveIDImn*L Honorable tr D. Eak mm0r, nyttea0my : I0 armgo, hzacl Dear Sir; OplaYoa Ro. O-6664 80s bathoritx of 8Jmriii,b nrit paymen i flor br E rkllaenta an related qawtiona. n Your r*que*t for an opial6m of &+j&+t read8 ia part aa follon: 'In tlm coanty co 6a.e ~8 tried end the @6c.o0. Jud@mnt WaI the def*ndut b ema d. a al ii uk'arrangc4ent8 ritbout ? Ii h8 OOC, whet l-&h ot lwth Oi ti& U) th0 &&i#t#atO t o r ooa ld jud&aent? -Ey parpow la roq~rting this opinion la, thlat oft00 la t&l8 WuatY tiw haa kon laondod by tbr Sbai?t*r lmpmt&atmd aStar a prlod o? sevo~al years th.1 ateto the part7 ornnot k leoat;;d , r lkworsbloBoaor D. mc - pa@ L and prorste the mount oollootod botwoen leob oifloer hOVin(ltOO8. Tha ropYlnln& 18 loft unoollootod. '9. who is llsblo for suoh romeinlng oost, uhoro llO&t#EOe 18 OOOUrrirr67 ‘8. Csn the bond of the Shorlif bo oallod upon fOr nO611@llOO Of Off iO0 in thaH rttOrS?* wo kaow of a0 rutboril~ veskd in a shsrfft to rltor ,tbn tire oi s fins1 judgment of oonvlotlon in s rlsdomosnor earno. Rsl*vsnt ststutor~ provisions sro 88. t011ovmt Art. 788, t. A. a. a. P.r vhon ths jM4a8nt sasinst s derendant 18 for l Slm and oo8ts ho s&U bo dirohrr@d rroa tho 88~30~ ‘1. wbon tho SmouDt thsroor tie18brsn fully paid. , ‘2. 'Wa rsnittod br the proper authority. l3. vho n remslaod~ ho ho 8 in ouetcdy fo r th e time roqulrod by lsr to sstlsfy th0 rmount tbr00r.- Art. WTr lUhon s judgrnt br8 bS.n rondorod S6SiSSt l dahodmt ror l loamiary 18 present, flno, lr ha ho s&ml1 m Lgr I somd ia jsil until dlaoheqad so provldo4 br law. A l .r M flosoprdof suoh lo&meat 8~11 be sufflolsat 80 suthorla~ mob lqmlsohumnt.a Art. T(1Br ..~ -o n l p eo ua ls iino ~ h a bso o l ndjuQeds&nst s defondsat not present, 8 osgiss shrll forthwith k lam@ for his .rrrost. 3uo shorirf em11 lxoouto the S- by plaOiIb@ th0 4dWmIt in jdka , mu8 it Is seen that up08 the roadltioaor /udgmt 18 booaus J ths dutt of Cho mu ottlo. to sm to It that the jod6mmntOS -0 00-t $S SSti8fi.d SOOO?'4in~ tO hf. Eononblo H0mor.D. Eok r pago 3 It bra ken said that, “The lmpriaonmnt Suthorlzed by th* StStuk 18 dami@od %O wkforoo pwiahwnt whore 1% 18 hpO#od by S SIM 8nd it ODE ~ICO EO dif$orenoo a# regpeot# tIm mod0 of oniorOIn8 tho pur&Iahmant rhrthor the offSaSs l.a unlshablo by 8 fina aad iqprl*OSaSSt or by MISS oalr. ~hr, L w (IiVW th @ M m0 r YSL OLf 8lniWOiligthe psounisry poa8lty in either 0~80. Ir?ls impriSOnwt authorized by tha status la an Sottul ImprlSOSInSSf wIthin tho tour nlla OS t&S jSl; ld whsro tb sbriti WrritS tho Oonviot ooPritto& b hia ouatod~ to 60 at large, ho la 1Isblo for an l808po." ffbam Luokoy v. Tbo St#k, 14 *x. 600. fa tho oeee of Ix rto watt, 16 9. U. 301, tha oourt hod boioro .It a 8I-t lr oa i.baro the shsrlif hSd rssuad to defer a Jail SSntSnoa UtjJ the rhmamtIs8 or tha doiendaat HI bettor. TAO SOwt Sfter rovimwin( the spplloeblo Statu%os maids "It Is manlfoat from thorn0 proviaIoo8 of our lm~ that, wheseror a p8rtl is OOraittod t0 jail by order of ths ooort, It ~808 lmprlsomuxt In th8 jail; and no othsr kind or oustod~, whothar adzwed to br the shsrlit or ‘not, will Snmr or dlaobr@o muoh punishment. lb0 lhoriri ham no right, no Uttar what his motIvS8, whathar of hmSIt7 or Sot, Co OOR?U&O or SltSr this unish- mnt, and any lot of his dolu so is S vlo Prtion of him duty, and lbaol.lrt.1~ ~016." 'M oonoludr th e tl sh a r ir fis without authority to defer a jodgwnt or srron60 for ln*tSUmmnt.‘~~pSymmSt for # airdemeanor tine in tho lbronoo o? ln ordor of tho oourt la lccordanoa with tba 8tstutS horsrfter oitsd in OoMeotloQ. witb your laoard qosatlon. ~Jx,pmor to goor seo@nd question, yoa lra ldrlsod thet uudot tho t.N Oi Ad. 688, f. A. 0. c. P., tb jud60 in 8 rlsdwsnor 0s~ is lt&risU to doior jpdpoat r0r 8 period not to cr0o.d Siz month@. rrrthink JOar remInia# quootIons m boat bo anawrod by 8 quotitioa froa I.:J lt ml. v. th o lsao OS Sprrd g t.ste, ( a ir . b p p ., lrrw reinad) 66 6. W. ll4. In that wse the oowt ~raitt.6 ?OOOtibw trOr 8 rOSX8Sr 8horISf Sd hi8 bondown for t48 and oosk whloh it -8 all*@& bbt hs bd “wlliully S&OOtOd #Sd refused t0 OOllOOt;" -+~ititl6 001 thl8 sltustlon the oourt wd thla to StIy: 400 Bonoroblo fiOmor0. Eok - p860 4 ** l l Thelvldonos ahors that tha ~eraonargsi~a~ whom the finas ond ooOt8 ware odjudeed for whloh the stoto rooovorod, on roll as those named In tha oross lsslgnmnts of error mado In bohalr of tho ltoto, wore all romondod by iinil judgnnt of the oourt to the ouatody or tho lhmirr anti1 the rho and oooto should b+ paIdg.rad It furthor showa thnt they wore pormlttod to 60 at lorgo by tho said Ypfadlsy without bein& dig- obargod of tbo #mm, and that tho finer and oosta in thsao oaaea hove noVor boon gold. A dOfondant oon- rlotod of 8 mIado~ooAor eon only bo disohargod oi the rin0 and oostar (1) when the lmount 0r auoh rb0 0114 ooats ham boafully paid: (t) whon thr aa:~ohow boon remitted by tho proper lutborlty; (3) r;hm the dofond- ant bs romalnod in ouatod~ the loneth oi tlw roqulrod by low to 8ei0r~ tho 8mouLlt 0s luob jud&meat a8 pro- vided by statute. Oode Or. Proo. arts. 647, 666. Then is no oontontlon that tho tine and ooata wore dlsohm~a In either of theso ways preaorlbad by law. AS to thrso of the persons, Spradley taatlflod thst thsy 18~ ls j0u 0 lurrioiont loneth or tim to dlsohargo tho rin0 and oosts, but thoro la no orldoaoo that rrtlolo 866 or the Cod0 0r CrlmIssl Proosdurs woo ooinpllad wlth, ISOso to ontitlo tbo pert108 to so dIaohargo~tba. who oowty jud@ hod no 8uthOrlty to dimot tho ro- loose of tho part108 without l dlmohargo of tho Jud& Peats against thoa Is sno of tbo modem provldod by Isa. The pswar to raalt fin08 18 61VOn br law t0 the 6OVW- nor alon*. Artlols 8W of tho RsvIsad Statutrs roqulres 8B looourlt to bo kept by tho olork with tho shoriri, ln xhioh tbo lattor shall k Ohar6.d with 811 $ad@mnts,, rims, iorfolturoa, snd poasltks papablo to tha oountr j.nthe oourts oi his oounty, snd ritb the oollooti8a of whloh ho is by lsr -do OhSr~OSblO; land srtlolo 839 provldgs that th8 8hsrlrr ~rwr froe hlmsolf fro* l:sblllty by produoin6 the msipt or the oounty trowarer showlm tho pefuat oi suoh ludumnt, SIss, forfoituro, or ponoltr or by showing t& tho satis- i8otloa:oi the ooanl88 10a~8’ Oowt tb8t tbo mama oamot ba oollooted, or that tho sanr hi been dls- o&red by lmprlsont or labor, or by *soaps, With- out fault or nogleet; and that nsmoi tbo orodlts so allouod, lsoopt. thorn0 on noelpt8 or tha trms~or, 8~11 be ontorod without on order of the 6amlss~onorst oourt allowing tba lsma~ moo0 provIalons or tba Roy vis0d st0tut08 aa ~011 u 0r the Ooda or Crimlsal_Pro- oodmo wore mooted for tho purpoaa of oo~~$llng t&m shorirr to do .hia duty la ooUootlon 0r rin0s, aad won ;nede plah to met just suoh oosoa aa the prodOnt.* T ** . 401 _ Honorable Homer D. Bok - pa60 6 soda oitations oormspondlng to the old artIoloa otted -K oaont the sbon quoted ,opinlon are Arts. 785 au4 793, a. P., Y. A. 0. .apA Art, 1616, f. A; 0. 9. Se8 alao 38 %r. Jur. 609 and Wynno ' ,ot ml, v8w Stata, (air. App.) 15S 9. IV.985. M hop. our vIors on theeo qusstlons will be of :.~OSSIS~EOO t0 four 0rri00. Iours very truly AlTORNST(BHERALOP TEXAS