Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN tionorablsD. W. Burkhaltnr County Attmney Throakmerton County Box 953 ‘Ehroekmorton, Texar Dear Sir! IS each day in prebafe Eionorable D. V. Rurkhaltar, paG6 3 tr, be pala for u0h dsp that the shsrirr or his deputy shall raid oourt. a!.LOlld MO par aian should ba siloma where thsr6 16 no suoh atten- dense @van though the oowt my bs fn o8oolon ma Is prroralng its vnrlouo duties wham the 00wt i8 rclq~i+d to pm0ri9i many ru00ticrtr0 tiera the ltta nda uer of tho eharlff or hi6 deputy 16 not ndloooaery. Zt murt be borne lo tid that etstutu parmittl8gcronpmaatlai to pub110 of- rlolale rarstbe ~trlotly oomtruad and It is a 8da k .a p o lityo r th e not to psrmlb th e lq g k to pp~nt 0r ru0 02 0th~ rcpm 0r oomponoatlon, IXI~,OUS t&e othutes s~olfloally and olsuly authorlrs tha 86m6.” The sh8rlff la entitlad to 6 $i.oc r0e r0r.th8 p08t- lnpt or the not168 under Artiole 3991. You are re8pemtfull.y advlood that it ia the opinion or this dapartment that3hs oharlrt 09 Throokmorton County la entgtlad to #4.00 par’day for 6a6h day ha lo eatually ln attendanos upof~ths qotlrt, aa the ob6tuts 8~et3irleo this tfifit mm IS to be gaid r0r sach day test the 0hdrr Or hi4 deputy ohall ettlad’tha. dietriot or OoUtdiy 00-t. stataq. airrsrsntly, She shsrirr to entitloa to $4.00 ror esoh &ey ha 18 aotu6llyin attendan u an the 6owt. Es would not be antltlad to suoh~oo6ipen6at Eon where he is not in attendsma uv6n thou&~ths court majl be in oeooion an4 LB perXormlng lto vsrloao duties uher6 tha aowt IO r6- q’ulraa to parrorm sung iuaotlona where ths attadaa~n~f the sharlrr or hi8 daputy la not nsouooary. would not be antltlsd to $It,OOror U&I day t&t the tied.- ninlstratim la pending or the aourt lo in sa6sloa, but would ba antltlad,only to $4.00 for 6a6h day In aotwl attsiidanoo upon ths oowt 88 otatsd in th6 Opini~O, portions oi whlah are quo- above, YOWP vew trala. BY Ao6lstaat A p~rovsd Opinion Comczlt t@e By B. 3. I+. Chelirioan