Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

5worable John C. Marburger county Atiorney R?yette County IAGranr,a,. Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-d4ilO Re: Term of person appointed to i'ill vacancy in membership of the Board of Trustees of La Grange Independent School District. We are in receipt of your recent communication requesting an opinion from this depurtme?t on the above stated matter. The specific question submitted by you is: "If s vacancy occws by resignation on the Board of Trustees of the La Grange Independent School District and such vacancy is filed by appointment by the reolliningBoard Members, does such appointee serve until the next Trustee Electlon or does he serve for the unes:>iridterm of the resigned member? After carefuliy considering the provisions of our statutes relating to the filling of vacancies in the mem'Dershipof aoards of TrLISteeS of independent Schocl Districts, it is our opinion that the provisions of Article 27'7, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, are applicable to the LaG-enge Independent School District. :Jith-9erence to the filling of vacancies in the membershis oL boards of trustees of independent school districts, 3ticl.e 2777, V. A. C. S., provides: "The members of the board remaining after a vacancy shall fill khe same for the unexpired term."' in view of the foregoing, it is our opin:on that when the Board of Trustees of La Grange Independent School Di.strict;fillsa vacancy in the membership of said Board by appointment, the appointee is entitled to serve for the unexpired term of his or her predecessor. Honorable John C. Marburger, page #2 o-6480 Trusting that the foregoing satisfactorily answers your inquiry, we remain Yours very truly ATTORNEY QXEZALOFTEXAS s/ J. A. Ellis BY J. A. Ellis Assistant JAE:ddt/ldw APPROVED MkR.27, 1945 s/ Carlos C. Ashley FIRST ASSISTANT, AWORNEY GENERAL APPROVED OPINION COMMITTEE BY B. W. B. CHAIRMAN