‘fonoreblaJ. F. Holubro
county Auditor
3allettrrllle, Taxar
Ydur rzquert for 0 the harelnabore oep-
tioned netter ha8 be l departam t . de
cgots iron your
ed Art. 2350, ra-
County, and that
roan the iolloring
88 than $20,000,000.00,AOt,
da@into kAOU doer ruoh change ray
th ellarirr o fa Co unty Commlerlooer
rnuaeratad braokst must be )25OO,oO, or
Court to fir
al with the Coataia~aionerr’
of the Comlaalonar at any mm tbeep sea
exceed ;.25OO.OOannually.*
Lavaca County had an aaaerred valuation of ;.13,201,820
for the year 1944.
;foueaSill 20. 6!+,Act@ (r9t.h
Lagialature, Regular Sas-
aion, 1945, reads In part as followa:
BOA. J. r. tiolubao, poga 2
"*rtiOla 2350, IA oountiar havine the follor-
iA6 lrrrrred raluationr, rerQeotirely, a8 rhorn by
th8 tot81 8880888d t8lU8tiOA8 Or 811 prOQOrtiO8 OSr-
tirhd by the oountg 888o88or and rpprorrd br the
COKBDi88iOAOr8 court, ror 0ouAty ~upPO8.8, r0r thr
pnriour par, from tlfna to time, th8 Co\mty Comlr-
~rrlmnor8 of 8uoh oouatier 8h811 04Oh.reoeivB annul
881 8r 1
t to lxoead the 88OUa tm
h o r a in
ld 88lOrioB to be pold iA 8qUOl MOAthiJ La t ll-
:At8 8t lr88t OAO-hrr~f (l/2) oad AOt rxo.:d:ng
thr&ourthr (J/k), Out Oi thi Road 8Ad Bridgr
Fund, and thr rsmoindor out 0r the Qoneral luJldor
the oouaty: raid 888errad 18lu8tionr 8Ad 8818rle8
appllo8blr the-to being 48 roU0w88
mAa8a88ad Valuation8 sslarier to be mid
raoh corplpi88loAer
?Got to lxoeed 53,500,000.00, a8 provided at and oi
thl8 Sootion.
4 ~,~oo,ool OAd 1.88 th8A
6,0@3,C@O AOt to rrooad ~1.500.00
$ 6,000,001 and la88 thrn
9,000,000 AOt to oxcoed 1,800.00
4 9,000,001 and lq88 than
u),Oo o ,o ~ t0lzoood
AOt 2,000,oo
~~O,~O,~ol Md 1 888 than
12,000,000 AOt to oiorod 2,200roo
:20,000,001 Bad 1488 thM
30,000,000 AOt to rxoeed ,,ooo;oc
$)O,OOO,OOl and 1988 than
9!,,000,000 not to exoeed 3,600.OO
475,000,OOl and leas than
120,000,000 AOt to exoeed 4,oOO.oo
~120,000,001 and lare th8A
l~O,OOO,OOO not to rxoeed 4,000.oo
$l40,000,001 and lore th4A
4OO,tMO,OOO AOt to exceed 5,soo.oo
~~00,000,001 and ovar
not to axoesd 6,000,00
Boo. t. ?'.Xolubao, 9oge ).
. . .
Th. prOViBiOA8 Or B. B. MO. 84 We lx p r r 8aiA
a plrln
8Ad onombi@ouB ~oA(~B#o, OAR it8 mrmAiA6 18 oi88r rnd dofinite.
Thlr Aot door AOt mrkr it EarAdOtory that thr COtiB-
BiOAOrB’ aOUt Ot the EiRXimlZm
iiX th. •~l~ri~B Of ~OIl0li881OAOI'8
figure p?orldrd for in emOh Ot thr rboto brrokrta, but merely
provider that the COm~miOAerr Court8 OOAAot pry Commlrsionerr
8818ti88 iA 8X0188 Or thr rmOUAt BprOiiiBd i0 arah Of #lid
IA OOMeOtioA with the forr~olly wo W18h to point out
OUT opinion NO. O-6576,wherrlA it lt8t.B @I fOibW#;
"* . .. b uyiAOr 8880Or lBhry rOT tb8 y88r 1945
aU#t be in tha ~rOpOrtioA 88 th8 bolrnoa of thr yrr
rOlBt~# t0 the tot81 OMU41 inOr888m that Ouy bo B8dB
under #Old bOt,
In OthBr 1~38, ir . . . th0 iihOr8888
1~ OQQOABatiOA i8 BllOWd 88 Or ~UIIO 18t thrn th8
lnorerr~ ror 1945 rould b8 ?/12thB . . . 4h. ompeA88-
tla for thr month8 p888ed OImo8 k inOr~88.d.
“&l 4OAAOOt~O~ dtk th8 rOTOgOiA( w. dlrrot
YOU?lttOAtiOA t0 lute 689841, t. A. c. S., whloh 18
18 9-t 88 rOiiOW81
"VYhen the budaot ham beeA ilAally approved
by the Comnissloaar8* Court, the budgrt, 88 rp-
proved by tha Court #hall br filed with the Clrrk
Or tb8 cOUAty cow, 8nd kX48 iOtiOd OAiy iA 40-
oordonor therowlth, lnd no rxponditun or tha
iUAd8 of the oounty shall tharrrrter k mod. ox-
oept IA rtriot ooapli8~oa with the bud@ am
adopted by the Court. xxompt that lmer g r no p lx-
peAdltUr.8, iA 0880 Or grO+O pub110 A~OO~Blt~, t0
6.e.t uAUBUa1 lad UniOre8e.A OOAditiOAB Whieh oould
not, by rar8oAAbly dilia.At thou&t lAd lttOAtiOA,
hrrr k4A lnoludrd in the Ori(iA81 bud@, my
fraiz time to time be luthorfrrd by the OOurt 88
rm@ndrrantr to tbr orl&ml budget. IA 811 o~mam
whore 8uoh 8maAdm~AtB t0 th@ Ori&iABl budget 18
made, a oopy 0r the order or the Court amendin
gon. J. F. RolUbo, p8~8 b
the bu et #hail be filed with th8 Qlork ab the
aounty 30 UPS, a ndlttrohrd to the bud6.t Ori#iABll~
rdogkd. ‘*
It 18 theroiorr our 0pl~l0A that the Co1md88lonor8~
Court Of LB1808 COUAty SW iiI th@ 88l#ri08 Of it8 hIIId8~iOAOr8
8t 84 BUE ft 8008 rit, 80 lOA 08 th. MOWIt dOO8 AOt lx o eo d
$2500.oo annum ll9
four8 vary truly,
0. DaViB. Jr.