Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS A,,OINZI GeNmAL mnorable Char. R. #rtln COuleT hudltor RarriaonOount y Yuahall, Taxaa Tour iottor of ?e , npu*ltia4$ tlb mnion or uilr flop rtatsd therein, 1% In part, a8 Sol w*r to an lnpulr7 a8 Bl0Olra’ gourt oould for tin u1)e of thrir c00lrty fr or ifuri~fi court Uoeld* 88ioMru* t6 tha hart lntorert or the ooun- sherifr aad tbputr a iire4 lur p o r r o nao lly h a ir wned lato~bih, oont per ml10 barlr, rlth tb4 the ordrr to w hate that the the u80 of the utomobhr tar will l not lror~d $50.00 per month, or uq rea8omblo rUoUnt par nwith, bawd en the tour oeat par rile b-18, tar tile8 lotuedly tratole& whllr an borl- DIa8 for tha oesurt~, and r*Qulrlng tha orfloer8 t0 makr the proper afflhrrlt laoh month am to 4Ofua1.mileage tratrled on 0ou.nt.y bu8tna88, and no t ta lxarrb a that aa, agreed upan rtth th@ Shirt and the Comalrrlon*ra* oourt? ‘. , . .* 215 - Honorable Ohar. R. krtin, Pago t Our O~lnlon Ho. O-6301, mntloned In your iqulry, 18 bana UpOn SOOtiOn 19 Of AttiOh s!mO, VOCILOID'BAIhWt~tOd CiTil 8titPtOB. Thlr BOOtiOn of t& rtatuta 18 lpplloablm to thou. OOUlltiO8hVilW a JaOptiatlOllin lI@O#S Of leo,tklo in- h a b ita l nOOOSdiIig t0 thr h#t Qn8@(Ung ?dOnl COnOU8. iIazriWn COuatr ha8 a popuhtton of 50,900 inhrbltantr aooord- t0 tho 1@40 Rodoral @II#uI, th0ww0, seotlon 19 or Art- 0 (I*Uo 18 not appUubk to rald .OULltJ. SOOtiO~ (b) Or Arti Se4N, T0HiOllr8 @iJAOtWa Olrll Statutou 18 applloablr to all of thor wuntloa ooa- taining a ~opiatlon or 108a than 190,ooo i&bitaat# aooord- ina to Iho last prrao&lag redoral e01uau whew OiiiOOrB are ocrpmuto~ oa ~JAmmel Mary baulr. Tho wuntr otriolalo of Hurlron oompoautod on an annul 8aluy baa18 aId ula ~1010 %899,18 w librrbb to Bdd Ad010 2899 ~?OVPa08 in put a8 *. . . %O oOOId8dOZIOr8 COW% Or th0 OOUntl Of thm 8hOriff'B ro8ldoMo uy, upon the writtrn and 8uora applloatlon of sush oftloor, rtatlw the MOOmBltJ th*rofoo, allow ow,or more auto- mobile8 to bo U8.d by thr lh b r irinfthe birohugo Or orilaial b~81~188, eloh, II pur0h~4 b tdn . count7 shall br bought ln the unmr prororIbed by law Sot tha purohaw of sappllrr aad pal4 for out of tho mmrral fund of thr oounty and thy #hall bo ra orto& anA pala la the ram8 manner aa heroin prov Pdoll ror othor lxpoaoou. *l?%olythe autoaoblh or aut~bllO8 are OWIlOdbr the 8hOritr OI hi8 b~Uti@#, tier #ha11 bo allowed iour (4g) OOntB for~#aOh mil0 trawled in the dirohmt~ Ot OftiOid bu81nm88, whloh am oovor o illq o a r o of @ h a ll r tbo nintonanoo, do- proolatloa, and oporatlod of mrh lutomobllo. Suoh ml&a@ &hall bo roportd ana paid in the ea .80 Mnaor p r o 8o r ~bfo o ~ ro tb o l rllarablo @x- PM08 0nb.r th0 JWOV$#iO~ Of tai8 BOOtiOAr IlO autmobl.1. Bhdl bo allow6 for 8ay ooput~ Shrrirr lxoopt thorn regularly eaployd in outrldr work. It aall bo tbr duOI or #a COQ.B%~ Aualtor, it llyl, OthorUi8. the COllllliBdOorrB'Court, t0 ohoak Iionorablr0haB. R. firtin, P-a S thr 8poo4omotor reading of oaoh or mid auto&o- thm oountJ on08 oaoh month 8rd rooord thorroil no luMlobllo rhall bo used for ui~ prirato pUrpo8or . . .* In aaar ti your ~uo8tloa you ar0 rrupoottull~ ad+luod that lt 18 tho oplnloa of this dapartmort that our gplnlon MO. O-6381 18 no tlppllbablo to the quertlon un4or wr8l4oratioa en4 that the oomi80loaor~~ court 0r Harrlwn COWltg h8 LLOlo g 81 luthoritr t8 tilOU the 9hOrift rad hi8 doput a tlat lua or mount or nono laob aoalih ror the YOO Br W&O& r#orul.ly owned autorob1 108 uwd in th0 (iis- 0hbrg0 Or th0 r r Orrio~al kL81mBB. ThO 8hOfirr MI! hi8 4oputlor are anti tab6 to be aUawoA refit2 oantr (40) tar omh ml& tr~vello4 la the dirohr~o at oifioiol bruia8~8 *r o *Ja lutoaobl&o o r lutbmbilos uo ovsr4 br the Shbr- lrr Or hi8 dOpUtlOB~ k-.,-d& h-d011 W1111UtiB A#d#tant,