OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eon. The. J. Hl&atowcr Eletslot ~:\ttorrny~ 75th Judtolal Mstriat tibarty, Tcx6s rnaot B mild rtmtute rntin8 the 0frb or ri??, tax amsesaor- bot0r or cher8 unty',which has a popu- t1on oi lerr than 10,000 habitantm, ~ooordlogto e:last preceding rederr 8,.1945#roqueIJt2ng the op;n1on atated theroln, is as follower court Of ch%m&eraCOual s.alsslmlsre' beto 1aS~xmd ma that they here pssaed a r)ao$uti,pd m8klng that tlm twa oiiiaea be aeprrated,iad Sri snx.iousto get~theLegl~l~ture to enclote la* per- ralttingthe County to roperste the two o?iioes lS it oan be lbne. *I would orwreolsta JOUS ferorine OII) with l Isgal oplalon cn this ~aon at your'esrllsi3taon- vwmlos." Eon. Thou. J. ?d#3ttouur,page 2; 'The 8btbrlZfat e8oh oou8tp In ddd?tIon to his other thtiaa Cahill be thb~888sraor end aolleotor.oi tan8 thorolor: Nit, In ootitlra having ten thousand (10,000) bf.mor8 inhabltmntr, to be datemIned 'by the hot prsowlirq Cansus 0r t&o Ualtd Ot8tes,~ 80 lwseso r end oolleotor ot trxer 8hall be rlootod to hold offioo for tro’ (2) years .and xnitil blo tuooeanor shall be eleoted and qu8ltfiad.* mtiole 7~l&.~Veraon*m Aaaotatrd Civil 38tutee. Is : 88 iollolse: 16 of krtlals 9I3f Of ths constitution the shttrlfr.of: cash: 8uooeaso~ ehall bs elsoted aud quallfled. Xt la clesr thst the 10,000 sheriff of esea oounty~daiing~'epopttl8tionQi leer ththsh Suh~biesat8,claeontin.g ta,#i,hit preord~$.Federal:C~nsw, In sddltloa to hI8 et&m dutitw3,~:mh811 perform tha dutier,0r awmseor and Oolleotor 'Ebb taaxeethenfor. t’ i- Ron. Tfioa..Y.~Ightower,pegs 3 It ia stated ia Texas Surisprudecoe, Vol. 9, page 42k: With respeot to statutae, (Idlstlectloniiaa been drawn between provisionswhich ere mmdatory end proti~sinns w'llahar4 marely dfreatory; nnd it hss been qusetionedOS to whether the 48me Ia trcie in respeator ooa~tltutionelp~o+I.elons.'fithlle the doaisIon*.otthe 4ourta of other states dlnalos4 a oonillat of opinion cm the poht, soopa authorltles assertin that not svorj provl5lon 1s.mendstory,the great might of authority seems to b4 the other w~iy, boldlng that tbe uourta, mr any other dsperteent ot the govexnmeatere at liberty to rausrd any~ pro- vIaion of the ooastltutlonas n4rcly tlIreotory,but .~:: ths$ eaoh landovary of its 9rov~slons must ,.&a tmeted ‘:a@~lmpsratlvoand mandatory, without rotarcmoe to the i-&Wdlatlagulshlng b4tween dlroctory ati mandatory eteia4s,. TEa Tots8 Courts bare uniformlg bald, ep- 'p4rs&Q$hat oonatitr(tlim41 provision4 sr4 alway madetory,. In euy went, the ohly provielons whloh aftbat tho vrrlldltyof statutes are those ~whlohara wnaatorp or’prohibitive.” In view of tia torqolnic.YOU ara i8898stiullgadvised that-lt lo the opinion of ~th$rdepartment thet..~,$hs Leglsleturo ‘arum& 4aaot.& .Validststutr p8mIttI~ng or autbi)rfaing the oep .-I srstlon 02 th4 shsrlfi’o~oSf.i46’~ot Ghambara Cotm$# fzoa the +~ .. ~‘;:f otfIa4 oi 'tax~~eBsB8aor'.4nd~~oolloOtor. %tItsu UlffeCentlp,1.tia. our ~ORiLliOR t?w# thq 3k@ilatuxe oannot snaot ~:.rrl,l6atat$is ‘7 sxampting~ -8h4rlfiin .aoounty having a pop@+t&on ot lea#~iP~. ~th4, tharl~lO~.OOO lntmb%tanta,aoaorOlng to.the lest'gm?eding ~sabqkml-j c4nstas,',from~.per~or&aq tho ,dutlorot usmaaor. tid,aOlleator-:Of '; te%as,thst8re $nrgcsubby tYse.~l6,Art. VIIS o?.@18 tistitutlon, j tar hl0 county. *I This departmnt ha? "Mp44t4dlY hsld Chat (IahCrl,"tIn ~ 8 oounty heviua a po9ulatlon W .lqss th’an10,OCO InhabItanta, 3 aooordlng to tbe lest 'preoedlng,?4doralCallus, hold4 -1~ one oft~loq,end that ln perioralng t'headditional dutlss'Qt la sesa o r and aolleotor~of t.4~08,h4 .¶a not .holdlagtwo otflose:but la boldIl;& 'islyohs oftloe ead perfomnlng the additional dUti44 Imposed upon him by lmw. fouis *my truly svm??i~Y OFSSRRALOF TAXAS