Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

..*.. .. OFFICE OF THE Al7ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS ATTORNEY QENENAL Bonorablr J. 1. MoDoaalU, Gommirrloarr Department of &grloUl two Austin, Toxar mar air; ttoa Warrhousrmaa oa ror rtor- Tour l&tar ot a ro tornry Canoral make8 thr So ottoa yard buri- 0 aboro inquiry la Pradioatrd, ~~~r~~OOomponyi~ four mqU88t hi8 Stak than i.8 It i8 nim WOll 8@ttlOd in thi8 8tat0, a8 Wd.l a8 the Unitad Statics, that tha bU8iIM88 Of wwohou8onW, baFag Of l publ$a~nature, ir rubjeot to rrgulatlon and oontrol. BxPortrr8' 8nd Bad#r8' Compr.88 and '19aMhOUrr 06.. te %r@inrr (-. of App.) &,5~ 8,W. (2d) 563; Vo ft Vr .Bo k w Yo Via g a n4 8to r l 069 119 pa (za) 586;~orar v. Oantrol Warahouar Go. at al 10Y 84+.::~ 1. 657, 54 A&RI 3078 Ha8h 7. Pam, 80 X9. 539,. 44 Am. R*P. 49of Homrabla r. S. YoDoaald, pa&r 2 Muan v. 8ktr of f11illO18 94 U. 8. 1131 27 IhiJw ti8i bW, 9Mr 67 Corpur ark 449e la 67 Gorpur Jurir-451, f15, the fOlhWili& (UNI’d Ml. 18 8tihdt “A pub110 warrhourrarm, by vlrta8 er hI8 duty to thr publlo, 80 lOn# a8 ho OOntillU88 a# 8UQh, a8 a ~onanl rule, oannot refu8@ to ruorlrr (OOd8 Of the al888 uhloh ha i8 lathorimd co MO@IVOand rtorr..,” la Gray t. Wardioaw Central 00. rt al., 106 8. 1. 657, 54 A. L. ll. 307, thr qurrtloa before thr 8upnma Oourt or North OerOlIIW wa8 uhrthrr Oarteln WarehOUr hd the r&ht to r0fiph-a a perron to be a araber or tha giert0n board or Traila bdoru thry would prrmlt him to buy tob8oeo oa tha flood 0r thr rrproho\ur. b W#WOriIt& thl8 ,aU88tiOE, th@ 0-t 4189 oa88rd at lragth thr dutIr8 owrd thr pub110 by a public war@- hOU84Mn. On. pa&r 658 tha oourt 8tit.d tha iollowi~~ mr l0al-t fa?tha? 8trt*8: Ronoroblo J. 6. MoDonald, po6o 3 *Thor0 18 a0 prlnoIplo more Importsot t~tbo pub110 wolfaro than to prorave to ovary lndltldual, howotrrhuablo, tho right that In doolIn with ub- 110 UtilitiO8 and bU8ior8808 ‘a?foOtOd With &ubPi0 988’ thoro oaa bo ao dlrorlmhation realart ray Ia- diridual in ngard to oaiforrity or charger a04 ia-. partial tra8tnant.a (Pwa 662) *It is not ne018sar'f that'thoro rha11 bo rtat- UtorY~roxulatlons. but it lr rrsantial that t&are 8hOll not be rogulation8 by thoeo oporatlng publfo UtilitiO8 Or bU8inoI38 laifootod bY tho wbllo 080’ whloh will wrcait dl8orlnlnotlon. afialmnt anyone. ?hoao roquinSoot8 or8 bored upon tho priaoiplo ‘sIltI $OpUii SUpSOUL 08% 10x*$ that 18, that tho ubllo wolfaro 1s tho b16hsotlaw.g (Eflph818 oum) PPee 6631 In laeh 1. Pa'sgo, 80, Ky. 539, 44 Aa. Rap. 490, tho duty impoar upon a public wanhou8orMn Y88 thu8 8tOtod: Whoa a narohouao.xm for tho pubUo aalo and purOha8a Of tOb8000 undortakor to 8Ou at aPOtiOn, and to #Onduet tho bU8inO88 of a Dab110 wanhouro- i?i :,;;%8278;~0~~ ro 8th. o o ~BD@Q to him,” (4h88L 0~8) by #urn V, Skk Of ntii8, 91 v1.6. ll), it =8~ iit- alrrtodt~hatnrrhourrwn had the r&ht to doal and trada a8 they 881 fit with thorn who apolIo to thorn for 8toraCo, but It n8 hrld by Walk, 0. J., that “Propart door booomo olotki8d with i pub110 Inn- tOl’O8t wh8n U8.4 In a 8ayIwr to aOk it Of gob118 o0n8O~~Onoo and lrfO0t tho thonforo, OM drvotod hi8 proport uhloh tha pub110 b88 w iatonrt, want8 to thr pub110 an Intarrrt IJI that war aa mat #ubmIt to bo eontrollo4 by thr public for tho oamoa 6OOd, to thr @XHnt Of tho intrM8t ho ha8 thur omatad.a (Pago 126) .In Port of Saattlr to INCat@, 12l P. (3) 951, 9531 Ii *ai hold by the sgprdso 4ottrt oi Wa $ d P g to athat l publio .I .;. __ Honorablo J. I, MoDonald, pa&o 4 warohOu8oaa~ aaanot rafuro to roooiro @odr of the 010~8 ho lr aathorisod to ~rooo:l~oand rtoro. In tlow of the iorogoIug luthorltior, it I8 the opln- Ion ‘of thlr dapartmoat thst a duly llooluod ootton warohouoo- man who I8 aloo a pub110 wilghor oaanot. plaoo aa a oondltloa or 8tOlVi60 ,$a a warehouse that a por8on w8t do hi8 WOIghIng and ootton ferd bunIno88with him, but murlt ooopt all goods, whloh ho I8 authorized to roorlro and rtoro, tondorod to him wlthout disoriaination. We, thoroforo, anrwsr the above-rtatod question in the ao&lro. ATTCRNXY GXNBRAL OF TItXiS BY (4 Jno. C. Xnorpp Aa818tant , JCK:JCP:ZD APmovm NOP 2,'19k4 . (8) QZ108 6. Adiloy _ . FIRST A86IST4NT AT'lQRNXY GENBRAL .