Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN. GROVERSELLERS ATTORNEY GENERAL Honorable D. W. Stake8 Oenerel ManAger \' :i Texnur Prima 3ystrm Huutavl2 lo, Texan ..,,---Jo 1,, Dear Slrc opinion no. o-6196-+., He: Authox'lty of the %xae P&eon System fa.purohase from tti& Faotorg anb.Shop aateriaks '>. and,8up~es-,.appropri8tlollr steel co be ppoocssod and used 8a &lls In door8 and vlndovs of .prlro,a doraltory. Your recent; oommunloation to this department read8 88 follov8l j I.,, .~i "\,,,* "0n~.rsqu&~n No. 94&l, dated Au& 11/h@ the Texas PrlronJyrtm requacted the State,Bonrd of Control to purohese a quantity of2001-and HOat-Realsting Steel to be uaed for the aanufaa~ure of grilli to be placed in a . ~dormltary at one elf t$a units OS Lhe Tbxaa Prl- ./. aall 3ysten. \ \ .'. 1%. "The purchase of thla material Yes &&Wire4 by the Prlaon Board beoa88a of the taot that the steel nov I.n use is of an lnferlor quality en& can be easily out by the inmates and quite a number have effeoted tholr s%CaPe in this manner. "Included in OUT apProprlatIon bill for the current bieunium is an item derignated AS Factory and Shop Nailaterlals end fiupplies in the mount of $100,000.00. lion.D. W. Stakes - Page 2 "1% the Texas Prison System euthorlrbd to purchase from the above design&ted appropriation the Tool-end Beet-Realatlag Stebl to bb processed end used es grills la the doors awl vlndova of onb of the prison dormltorleat” Senate Bill 332, Chap. 400, Aota of the 48th Leglaleture, la the current approprlotlon bill coveringthe executive and ldmluiatratlve dopertmanta. The epproprlrtlon for the Texas Prison Systea begins an page 978 of said hots. On page 981 appears, es Item 117, an epproprletion of $100,000.00 for esoh fiscal year of the bienniumIor %mtory and Shop J&tbrlela and Suppllba.* The very next item of epproprletlonla tor '~bpelra-- Building end non-structural Sm rovementa inoludlng rpsterlela nud Contreota,” Thlr la Thnr end carries en ep$ro rletlon of $5,000;00 for each or said years, (6mphaaia ours The tool-end heat-rbalatingstool la to be prooeaaed and used es grills In the doors and vlndova of one of the prison dormltorlea. Xt la oleer, tharbiorb, that it la material to be used in building lmprovementa and not for “Shop materiels and supplies”. The appropriations under Item 117 are for materiels and suppllea necessary to operate the print shop, garment Seotory, textile pclll,suger mill, camlng plant, l )loenae PlAtb plaut, brlak plant, tumery and auy other industry of the grlaon system not provided for by apeclflc ltema of lpproprlatlon. Item 104 is an eppro~rletlon of $45,000.00 for each gear of the biennium for shoe shop mawriels and supplies’. Thus, shoe shop materials and m~;ll;; oanuot be paid for out Of thb approprletloaaunder They must be paid for out of the speolflo eppro- prlatlon’ thbrsf or. Under the “General Provlaionan of SEnatb Bill 332, Chap. 400, eforeasid, ve find subsection (15)b of Section 2, which reeda as follovar “The appropriations herein provzded are to be construed aa the maximum sua~s to be appro- priated to and for the several Purpoaea named herein, and the amounts are intmded to cover, and shall oover the enclre coat Of the respecrlve items md the same shall not be supplemented from any other sources; and, except aa oihervise provided, no oL.her expenditures shall be made, nor shall any other obllgei;ions ba lammed by any Hon. D. Y. Stakes - Page 3 dbpRrtI6bnt Of this SfXtb, provldbd, hOVbVbP, thaC nothing herein #hell Prevent eny departmbnt heed from paying 188% than thb mrxl%m% mount eat forth hee:n ?or my aeleribd poaltlsn%. (Buphaalr . The fOrbgOing provlalon la plain bnd uneabl- guoua. It olberly prohibits the lupplansntetloaof TAM epproprletloa%under item 118 from those under eny othbr itbIll, srd Vi08 Vb~SR. It also hanmnlrea vlth the oonatl- tutlonel provlalon that “lo money abelf be dr8Vn from the For the ebovb mnmma, the question aub- Pitted is awverbd in ~the IIegaLiVb. Very truly yours ATTORBEYGESERALOF TZXAS By s&iiii LIiP:BT