Yom rsasnt ~8
Quoted as follm8.t
r60 llbmrt under
U lq thi8 attiol*
r8’ Court ha8 a-
orted to, mat a
the +oQarr of the
t thhr thmiMiaDirs’
th an alt6ady rat&-
~tltiolt or 4 arjOtlty
.1. .
.. .A.a.u., ~~68 88 +O~UI
with erkbllahad llb~t~.~Znstaa4
it.* libruy,
i 0 tbw4 at the
0ou.d my autraat iae
altar4 ut&Whad
4&4&t DtOVl6e tbrt 8uah
iIon.Ras&en 8. -ohs, psga 2
upan, to be paid *out oi the aounty library fund.
Elthst party to ouch oontmot may tarslnstr the
aama by gltlag six month notid of lataatlM
to do so. rroperty 4ioguirea nuA4.r 8uoh ocintrroq
shall ba subjaatto aitiaicui at th8 toralnatlou
of tho o;mtraotupon suoh trraB a8 arc, 8polfleU
in suoh doatrlat.*
Tiu iliri leglalatita aot autharlzlk troa llbrarias
to ba sstsblishs4was parrsd by the 3Cth l&is fatntr, Aats oi
1915, Chap. 117, beginningon paga 175 of the QIllaral Laws of
ZOXSO. Thla was sntltlsdaa sot *to ratsbllsh, maintain,
oporata, equip and dlarstrbllsh oouaty fr.r llbrsrlrsaad
oounty olroulstizq llbrariu for ths fl;a* OS thr sitltans oi
this statq.... l, aad mid act unArmrunt subssqusat rstirlona
dth the last r~tlrion hots of 1919, 36th Legislators 2nd
Csllsd 3ssslon fouad ~aoorpotatrbondrr Tltls 15, Artfolrs
1677-1696,Bwk~sd cltil Statutrs,1925.
In osithrtthr orlglrmlrot nor any prior lmsndmmt
ttmrstoaid the Loglalaturrsee fit to araot ID(VSimarou8
prersqulsltss for tbo anteil~ into of a oontrsot tith tlw
ruthorltlerof an rstablleh6iI library than for ths oatabllsh-
icq of a aounty from llbruy.
Artiolr 1678, R.C.3.. 1925, o.mfersthr suthorlt~
0~8ths omals4lon4rs~ oourt to lstsbllshcounty trro llbrerlss
“OILtheir own lnftlatlv*,or ahan ‘patitloned to 60 so by *
mjorlty of the toter#.otthat put d the aounty to be eifaotrd*.
b the Lsgirlaturr,by direot lxpr~ssl~n,gatr suoh court pOvrSr
to rstabllahooaaty trao llbrarlrs oa their om lnltlstltrrlth-
out a @Ation, if t&a oourt lo ahoaa, w assnotbrlhtr that
they lnteudad to wit&hold thls'porrr fras luah oowt in the oaao
ot entaring into a ooatraat Zot llbrsryprltUsgss iroplOOIPO
It OUF bait&
t8 that th* WVFd81 'UPOD )WtitiOZh Of
l msjorltr of the toters of the ocmtp, as oaotalard ia said
Wtlolo 1691, supprsi?ii they hata any a8nalngat rI.l in tbls
utlols, refer baok.to thr prroedlng OlaUS4 In dsOO?lptkUaOf
the manner 'of establishis&s ssperste ooonty frrc,l~brsrym.
T~‘IF&JT~, it (,a thr OpiAiOll 9f this da artzlant
that the oodssioaerr* oourt may acatrsot for 1 f bruy
ptlvllreo8 frda sosa already la~obllshrd libtsrtupca thsit
ma lnltlativ~ m6 ulthout 8 prtltlon Of triorPrjOFit7 cb the
totos of tha 6otiaty.