fIonorabl0 John C. Urburger
County attortm~, Ir,y0tt0 &untY
La Orange, Texas
Dear Mr. Marburger:
Wo aaknewleQgC roooi Ion raptw*t or resent
date aad Quota iron 8aao a8 fo
nal oa8e8 were al80 sot
vi1 aam8 88 to k
rOT both tho Otirinal
At tho ooaoltwioa or
Oriritxal Oa808, ',tbr attOTaOy oa-
8T dO8tnd 8 jUl?t $6 oXhoT Of.
th0 jury did not aotpially lpp8ar
oasoo that had boon 8Ot for a 2mtar
the jury aotoillf appetw8d ior
il OaS88, but did not appear in the
r OQIEBO, th0 dietriot crlerk and tha
Other OffiO8r8 inVO1V8d perfornvrd the 8OFviO08 a8 th87
vmro required to perform and a8 Mtquested by the attarn8y.
xIWJdiatOly UpOa r808ipt Or tbs jUry i888 in eaohoi &?a8
00808, th8 dirtriot clerk depOSited the68 is88 with the
ooanty treasurer. The attorney ha8 now reque8ted tkb
di8triet olerk and tlm COd88iOW3r8’ Court or Fay8tt;o
County ror a rerund 0r the jury fee8 made by him la each
of the two 08800 lnrolred. Bae8a uponthe abor8 iaotr,
I would appr0olate your opinion on the following qu08-
&aorabls John C. Haburger, pugs 2
WfI~ the attorney entitled to a refund Of thf8
jury ie8 in eltber 0r ths80 Oa888 and 5.r 80 who
would m&lk8 the refund? Could the Distriot herk
make the wuad or hie own *ition or w0uld the
Diatriot Judg8 order the rmind aml if 00~ to
whem would the order bo directed, or would th,
~~OIYlId68iOlk8r8' OOUd be WlthOri~8ed t0 Blah tbs
w8 aote with favor that you have subqitted also an ex-
&u&ire oollation of the pertinent statutes tending to bear on
the oollOotioa and dlapoeltlon of 8UOh iOO8, lnaludiag Court
ml8 880, hSBrOiSiUit8rO8t OUta
We krllbvs that the only 8peciri0 authority given by
law ror a r0f8nd or 8uoh feO8 18 now oontained ia eaid Rule 22C
of the T8xas Rule8 of Civil ProOOdur8, (aOt8 19$9, 46th Leg.),
whloh proTide aa rOiiOW84
+a on8 party ha8 paid th8 r80 ror a jury trlal,
ho 8-1 not bo perm$ttOd to withdraw &uoh oauso fmm
th8 jury boket without the ooasont ai tlm partiO8 ad-
TOr801y iliter88tOd. If 10 Qermittobj the oourt in it8
dlscrotioa say by au order permit bin to wlthdraw al80
h18 j&WY iO8 do,poit."
Applying tho above Ruilr to tho faot eituatioo pr'esented
by you, wo. aro ooa8tratnOd to hold t&it a0 +8ru& aould bo nmd8
under autbrlty 0r 8m in either oa8O .a8 eaoh iOO8 bv8 been d8-
QositOd illthe ~OW.Ity %?8a8Ury by th0 nf8triOt ;Ql8rk aUd ths trial
ooart no longer has any control over the di8p08itionor 88818.
Truatiug thlr 8atl8faotoril.y anmu8r8 your cpsstloa,
wo aro
Toar8 rery truly