Ilonereble Oibb 011 cbrlst, Preeident
Agrluulturel end Yl&8al881 c0110go Of Tee**
COY10~0 8t8Uw, fwe
Deer Yr. Ollabrletl
tbe t e yenn& w under
en la Oatebbr, 1949,
be bee sew esked to be regletond la the A.
eident 8tudoBt ef rcU88. Toa the@ lak tbie
*Ie l twW ty-oao toerr of
ltudoat rbo is uador
8ge em 8boee does not rselde in fuee,
tuil~ rbe
wee edoptoa b,t 8 eitleea or Tarre lee. than tw1ro
wntbe prior to the d8ti be r8@irtored tar tbr firet
tire l e e ltudent 8t tbie iaetitutlen~ aaaeidered 8
legs1 POeidOBt Of ~0888 und8r the 8t8tUtO +ixin& tbo (
tultlom ret08 teer ltad6nt8 of lnetltutlome 0C 001X9-
glete rank eupported lo who10 or la prt b;I l
UOa 8t pablia funds t?‘Om th. Skk ?FO8SUl7t
Xowmble Oibb Oll8hriet - p8ge 8
Artisle 468 Of Verwn'o Awetetod Rev1004 8tetmte8
18 the Moptlos ler at Ture~ WOtlom @ ot uld Artiele rO8d8
la p8rt 88 follore~
lno8 8 eblla &e 8dsptod ia 8croord8roo ritb
tka pMTldW* 84 tble bPtloI0~ all leg1 trlation-
eblp 8md 821 rights 8nd Qtiee bakeon rob oblld
-*ml its acltaml promtm JFll ltieo ld det*rdne,
preridod, bewmr, tbnt berdr dmll prb-
r a tewb ltrrpted ablll ?tom l~tl~~ ?ram Its
astus-02 perat) a11 MOpte4 slrlSbr erl8ll iDher%t
from tbo SdOpk( 88 We22 88 1Cs Utnr8l parwto.
Seia Obi’ld ehell tborraitw lm rlaemd UB& bbl4 W
bo, ter every purpmsr tha ehlld ef ita pweat or
persntm w ldepthn 88 fu217 8e t&ou& term ot
Cha in 1,8ww w04lOeh 8n11 e&121. lk 22 b e a -
titt6a to preper Maslrtloa~ nppert, mlntesum40r
ma tur elmd eere fra wid perat e? presto b7
adaption, 8aU lfk ell ia b o r ib
f?6a Uia p eto a 81
peronte br ed@sptb?a,end 88 tbb oblld oi rid p8r-
ant or gareate by lloptieu, es tall7 es thimgb
b0i-a t.6 tbr lm 18Wf%1 ~ea x e c lk ~l l 0.m
Atticto 28Md oi Torlko~'e Awdekd Rovteod &etutee
fleer tbe tuitiaa thet wa7 bo elmr@d far roelde*t ltadonte end
for nom-tueideBt StUdwtSr SBd httioe 8-t 18 HUt b7 8 WD-
r setdentltudrnt es fellorst
0s. l + 0. A aen-nel4ont ltudont se hart
b7 aatfwd to bs a warn br loos tbur ttont7-
o w ( P I)
yews o f lger living awe7 from ble fsw
il7 l@d wboee r r ddee
C8ailr ia lnetb8r ttet6,
or wboeo fully h8e Melded titbln tbls 8-W
?o r l period OS time fees tbrs tretre (18)
wmtbe pAor to tb6 1ek of ro~etT8t~on, Or 8
student of Wentpew (31) ye8re of ego or eTer
wba roddoe ewt of tb btbfo or wbe b8a red&d
wIthIm tbo Stete tom 8 p6rSed ot lees thu, twdm
(12) memtbe prior te Uu 48k ef ro~etmtlem~"
Vbw ~0 eOnetrta0 tB0 Moptlos statute sad eeib Artisle
2654s together, i$ Se, w tblmk, 8pparent tht the fenily Of 8U
8depted *hiId 18 hi8 pWODt0. This klmg tru*, It tol-
10~s tbet llsee tbe 8dOptsa# pv8nte Of th ml-r in quOetioB
lowrabla Oibb Qil‘ebbriet- p1g8 3
hste ?or WM #ma tvelro watbe, Ud lr# a6W llrin~ ln
Turns, and tbet tbo door for the pet tro fe8re h88 Mom
lirin~ ia Tu88, bo is 8mtitlod to register end ba noep
aiaed 80 8 Mddwt otudont Of tu88.
for7 trml7 Jews
momn Q- w tam