Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

‘. .a.: 697 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ted groupr to this dspartment ooi- . a* Court hats the soionera~ Court hava thr smp10g aomo parson of their 01911ahoosing ut of araflqbls publia PunUa nori OJIhand aaa,. whoes dut.9 it will be to lnduae, ,. orgdnlte and sduaate lan4ownrra whoae t8 the road?flght-of-rage to thr end that a and. other obnoxious reed8 will not prop- ttln8 land,*, rhioh &rassest it f&lowed to remain, will rslnfsat the County rtiaduays thereby to a large extent, defeating the eirorts that the Com- missloneers~ Court 18 making lo eliminating Johnson grass along ltr roadwayaP Wountlea, being aomponant parts oi the Stats, have ao power8 .or dutier exarpt thors whlah are alearly r8t rorth _* .I. .I c 698 Bn. Syrian E. Marbut, page 2 .._, and dafltied in the Constitution end statutes. Ths statutes hare alearly defined the powers, presaribsd the dutf68, and lmpoaed tha liabllltlea oi the Coamlsalonera*~ Uouita, the msdlum through whloh the dlrrtmant acuntlsa aat, and rrom those statutes must acme all the authority tested ln the aountlda. ,I ‘@Thegrantsof powor to such governmental agenaisa as aountlss, townships And aahool dlatrlota, ara gen- erally nora 8trlatIyaonatrued than are those to in- oorporatsd munlolpalltlsa. Tha Commlsaionera~ Court ia not tasted with an genrral polZoe power. . . .” Vol. 11, *. J., 563, par. 3%. - *&oamissionera~ Courts ers aourte of limited jurls- - . diotion, ia that their authority extends oxiay to mat- tarspsrtairiing to tho general aelrare or their re- - apeatlre oountias md that thalr powers are only those expressly or impllsdlf oonferred upon’them by law, & that la, by the Constitution and statutes of the Stat&-~ Vol. 11, 9. J., 564~565, par. 37. , . Alao, the authority of the .Comleslonera’ Court or any aounty to make contraota in Its bshalr, la atrlotily U&tad to that aonterred slthar exprezaly.or by relr or neaaaaary implloatlon by the Conatltution and laws or this State. Sea Roper 1, Hall, (Cit. App.)280 S. iY; 289, and authorities thsreln oited on p. 291, ilrat oolumn. aXmplisd powers are quah au are naoraaary to aarfy Into errsot those whioh are expressly granted, and whloh anat thererors be presumed to hale been within ‘the lnteatlon of the leglalatitr grant. City of Uadlson ~8. Daley, 58 F. 751, 755."' Vol. 20, :Torda-and Phrases, pa 250. *The lmplled powers ot a aounty are only those whloh are neosssary to enable It to axeraieei either lta inherent or expressed powers. In re: Board ot Commiasionsrs 0r Cook County, 177 N. 3, 1013, 1014, 146 RIM. 103.” Vol. 20, !‘:ords 0nd Phrases, p. 252. *~Impllsd porer%tf a8 or Board of County Com- mltmlonbra, oannot exist until orsation or express power trom Miloh it may spring, .-.,-Its strength mast be suttloient to wlthstcmd all atteoka:. of doubt. . . . Et&e ex rel. Bell t.Board ot Codra. or Beaage'.:Oountg S. D. 30ON. I,:. 832,83b." Vol. 20, kiorda and Phrases, 1944 Cua. Pooketi Parts. n*flfl AJ . . Iion. Syrian E. Xarbut, page 3 .. Art. 5, Eao. 18, Constitution or Taker, dlraata that the Commisaloaera~ Qourt Wahall exeroiae such powers and jurladlotlon over all oounty business, as la oonterrad by this Con- * atitutlon and the laws of tha State, or as may be heresitar presarlbed.” The genaral powers and duties oonferred by the Leglalatuxe on the Gommlsaloners * Courts are set rorth in Art. 2351, Y.A.C.S. M&y spaolal powsrs and duties ara conferred by ~tarlous other atatut ea. Howetar, attsr a aaretul aearah, we ara unable to find any authority, aon- stltutlonal or statutory, either expressed or ltnpllad,which empowara the Conqlaslonera * Court 0r your county ‘*to employ any person for the purposes ootereti by your oommualoatlon. It fa,to be oonosdad that suoh purpose8 are moat worthy. Re\rbrth”&aas, no authority exists tar their aaoompllahnent -’ In the nanniir proposed. r’ . . It Ia,‘iiheretora, the opinion o? this departmant that both questions submitted must be answered in the negatl*e. Very truly youra, Ua:rt ,,