: QrsRALDc. MInN
*TTo***v cxilUI”,l. -
stat.8 ImSFd Of Dental S?i~arr;inerS
Austin, rexas
Attention -
Opfllion, YO . 0
e departmat OF insti-
ion upon which you rs-
tlg Wh8thel' OF
eelwe in Texas
ate d8fSrtZGent
the State to regulate the preetica
in drtue 0i the pollee parer to prv-
lth pr’cclsslg the sac3 as the practice
Article 4~8 of’ the Revised
*ii0 person shall practice or offer, or
atteqt to practice dentistrpior,d~tal sur-
gefy fn this State, sithoyt l'iret hauin&ob-
tsined a lioense Prou; the State Goard of
Deohl. iixaa:;ln*rs,as prc~'id~d for in this
lar, pro0id.c:~ that physicians ai52 suxy+2;1e
map, in the regular pract~ics of their pro-
fession, extract teeth or z:ake ap
for Lhc relief uf pain. lottring
State Board of Dental ExarzAnero - page 2
plies ta any pereon legally engaged In the
.-practioe OF dentistry in Texas at the tima
of the passage of this lw.*
Article 4SDla dsclarcsr
*tiny person shall be regrrdsd as prre-
ticing deutLstry within the meaning of thin
l(l) Who publicly prOf8SS8S t0 b8 8 den-
tiat or dental aurg%an or rho uses or per-
l,it8 t0 08 US& POX’ biaself Or fOl' al-if OtbW'
person, the title OP ‘DOCt8r’, ‘Dr.* *Dcwtor
oi Uental Surgery*, *B. D. S.‘, ~Doctor of
Dantal Wdieina*, *D. Y. D .* or any atber lst-
t%ra, titla, t%rrcs or desuriptl*a matter ebickJ
dfreatly or indU%etly repreeenta him as being
aPle to diagnose, treat, re2zove stains or em-
crations frw teeth, operate or prescribe for
any disease, pain, injury, daficiency, defcrm-
ity or physiml condition of the bumn teeth,
alteolar pr%%es$, gum or jars.
'(2) Ibo shall offer or uniiertaks, by any
aeaua or a&hod% rbstaosrer, to diagnose, treat,
reao~ 9 ataim, or concretioas Prcm teeth, or
shall treat, aperate or prescribe, by any weans
or m&hods, for any dlseilsn, pain, injury, de-
Cieleneg, defvrsiity or physicral oonditian or the
buam teeth, alrtular procoos, gum or jaw, and
charge tlxeref5r, directly or im.!tre%tly, maey
or other so33pcnsatl.on.g
amj- persun suttiari.xd ttr pructico den-
tistry or dental -ry
SW,*. in this Ytste either
under this or any Porruer law oP rexas, shall
plats his lloouse on crhibitlon In his of-
flc% rhere safd lic%n89 shall be in plafZI
vi.oa of patient8. uo sueb person ahr11 de
any operation In the south of a patient, or
treat any lesions of the muth or teeth,
without having said llaense ss exhibited.*
Article 711&a (Vernon*s codiPlcation of the
Code) defines practicing denistry as fallorsl
*Any person shell be regarded ss proo-
tioing dentistry rithln the w%nfng of this
Cbapt er I
“1. Xho publicly proissues to be a
dentist or dental suqeon or *ilo represents
bla;aell QS being abie to dlsgnase, treut, r+
xhov~ stalna or concretions fron: teeth, apsr-
ate or prescribe for any dlserse, psin, ln-
jury, dePiciency, deformity or pbyaiool con-
dlticrn ciT Lbe huxi3.n teeth, alveolar process,
gut5 iir Jam. a a l*
We court OP Critinal d.ppeafs in dsw%ine t.
stata, 125 Y. d. (2) mo, he~id thirt aa inPomstion charg-
fns tirt one bad publLcly proPesaed to be 0 physician or
surgeon, onit had offered its treat any disease or oPd&r,
mntal or physlcvl, charged the cPPenae oP uniavf’ul prac-
tice of 593LLcFno, *ith1n the lan~u”g0 of a siiaaimr stat-
ute, tc ths one hwcinabcse quet&, detinlnq the prac-
tice of dentistry.
te aoai not to argue, we need not to construe
the abate statutes, re need hnlg to red them to df~toper
the intontiun of tho tcgislofurs, and that intmticm is
that “5 ane r;;;?y jJri*ctice dentistry ivit,he~t a,llc.*rise
. dssistant