GENERAL Honorable J. W&t Page, .B~lpl&di~ 0-m1, U8Aj State Dlreatos of doleotlre Servioe, AuatFn, Texas . Dear Genexl Pyle, oplnba HO. o+pju i Rer uhetheror note8 c orloner o? the Port Iaabel an Bait0 Awl&ion DintrioP, under the Co?utitutianand lawe of thla State, 18 dir ualified from holdb# the 0R loo of meaar -- of a looil bciardin the Soleo- tive serviae syltem. Your letteZ'reqWe8ttni$anopinion fribthir depart- mwP, upo?lthe abovo eubjeot matter lr l?,fol~orr~ -, "As State Director OS Seldt-fve Sei'vloe, I request the oplnlon of your Department an the follol?lngquestion, "Ill8 Comml8rlmer of the Port Isabel-SanBenito Nevigation Dir; triot, under the Con&it&ion &ad lavs of thie.Stete, diequalified from holding the office of mweb& of a local board %1 the Seleotlve Servloe~Syotem? “Local boards are oreated by of the authority gremted ln Seotlon 3.0(a) (a) of the Seleotive TrelnLng md Service Aof.ol':" 1940, as emended. I quote theref'romfn part aa followst _. "~Th~e ahall be~oruted oae or NW0 leeal boaz'dain eaoh oounty or p01ttlOil' su2dWiilon correspondingthereto .of ewh State, Tefiitorp and'the Mettilot of c01umbla. Eaoh ioorl board rhall ooneidt of three or more members to be appoLnted Honorable J. Watt P-e - pe@e 2 (o-5550) by the Preaidemt, fmm're0ommend8titma m8de by the reapeotlve Qovernora or oomparable exwutivo offlala~a. HO member of snj 8uoh 10081 board 8b811 be 8 member df the l8md or nav81 foroeo of the United Statea, b?lteac!z mglber of 8nr auoh loo81 borrpdah811 be 8 ol~llI8n vko lo a oltlssa of the United,,Statea realdlng in 'the ooc&y or polltloal aubdlvla2onoorreapondl.mR thoreto"ti w:Z&h auoh 10881 bo8vd ha8 $aFladlatlon tier rrlm 8md FM- ul8tlo% preadrlbeb by bhe R?eblde+nt.‘ Subh Wok1 'boards, under mleo and re&ulatlonr preaorlbed br the Pre6lduL%, at1811h8ve pwer rlthin their reapeetlre jtwlr~Klo~;i~~~ to hear and determine, aubjaot to the right of appe81 to the appe81 bo8rda herqln 8uthorlaed,81.1queat1or.aor ol8l.m~vlth.reapeot to lnaluolon for, or ere@blon or defermeart fr o m,training and lervloe under thla Aot of 811 tidivid- uala within the jwladiotlon of ruoh 100~1 bo8rda. Tke aeolalono of ouch 1~81 boarda ahall be fln81 except sr!~brs an appeal la authorlsed ln aocordanoe rith luoh FCea urd regulatlona 8a the Prealdcmt may preaorlbe.’ "Purauaatto the 8uthorSy reated~ln hlm'by 08Ld Aot, the Governor of thla State haa’ divided the State li~al board 8re80, in 8ooordance with Seleotlvo Seriloe R8g1~Jjrtt~0, and Haag08uaedto be ertablLmbe+din there ve#r the loohl boarda 8uthorlsed by the Aot and by the Regulatl‘bsla.The Preaidsat of the United St&w, on the reoommenil8tlon of the Gwernor, h80 8ppolnted the member8 of therm bo8rda. I quote from Saotlon 603.52 of the Seleotlve Servloe Regulations:. "*For e8ah loo81 borrd 8re8, 8 loarl.baud of l&roe OF _ more membera ah811 be appointed br the Pretildent,n~rm'rwti- menation of the Qovprnor. The membwa ah811 be lo& P e oltixnno of the Unlfed Statea who are not mmbm of the land OF aaval foroe8~ they prefw8blT should be realdenta o? the 8re8 fog whloh their board la 8ppointed, and ?a w watt, oh811 be -~~ realdents'of the oount ln vhloh their 10081 hoed ~II $m~a- diotlont 8nd they aharr I d be 8t lwat 38 Je8ra Old.I nAooordlng to tha prwlalOna of Seoblaa 602.3 of the Regul8tlono, the aervloea~of rembrra o~~looll board6 '8kCl:! ‘be uoompgla8tad bud no anoh perron rim11 800 t rweratlon frcm lnj aourqe baervloea randared in OOIUUOT 10s al% oele0tLve lervloe m8ttra. 8 "Se&ion 602.4(a) of the Be&ulatlonaprotldea aa follower _... Ronorable J. Watt P8Re - Pye 3 (O-5550) _. ,r1Bv6z7p&rati'prho uMsr*=ikea to render rolw~583cg UIlO~~O8tOd ieZViO6 ti th6 8~'lnfOtX8tfO!l Of the.OelW'~iVe aerVloe Iaw Mm11 befwe tieenters upon hla duties, SXwlztO an Oath O# Offi 8ndXbfVer Of PbJ OC @XUp~O8'Wm (Form 21);" Section 12, of Article WI, of the State Conatlk’;io, la 80 follwar "No member of Congress, nor person hold- ox- exerolafng 8n;Toffioe of profit or tPust, under *%s Ufiited StTtea, or elthar Of them; or U??dw an7 fOrbiSn pow~, ah811 be el&ibld'aa 8 me&Jo??of th?sXmglalat?v~,or? hold or exercise 8117offioo of profit or teat under this I State." -..,. Be#ilto"H8vlgatlLim the lbw0 -of thla Stat+ It onlJ'raml&a to be mea uhatt~cror not 8 mairhr of a 10081 board of the Seleotfvb Se?vlae~Syataaholda "8n offloe of profit or trust under the Ir;raof Wxe United St~taa." ., : Sootlon 10 of tb6 Seleotlvo T?ak?,ln6and hrvfoe Aot of 1940, am umwded, insofar 88 pe&fxw.~, reds: "(8) The PreOf&KC~ 10 8TCkU’fOed - . "(1) to ~eacrl5e the mc?eaaary ,mlea ark2 rogula~10320 to oarry out the prov~aiom of thla Aott "'21 t0 OrObte aad 08ta~~~fOh. 8 Seh3~fvb SOXVfOO SyOt0-m and.abl ‘“108tiQlLOf regiO~r8d8 provide for tkks alaasu wid 0) peracma who volmteer for l.mlmh,ima tuadm this A& on the ..~ b8010 Of bvbikbil~ty fO%?traiPl¶Ig Wad 08I?V~OO,8nd Shall ea- ta~~iah~'wlthln the Selective Semloe matam olvlll8n looal bo8rde 8nd ouch of'aaro%vll~ ymn.nloa, 1noludWg appscrl boarda and 8@enolen of appeal, 88 may be ileoeaa~ to oaw'y out the provlalOna of this Aot. There ah8llbe orwted - one or more 100.1 boarda ln @t8OhaoWrtT OF pOlitfO.1 aub- dlvlalon oorreapondlng thor‘stoof.-Xoh State 'Territory 8Xid the Dlabrlot of Columbia. R8oh 10081 board a&11 oonala~ of three or more members to be appointed br the Freald~~, fr6n1 reoommanclations made by the reapwtfre Qovernorb or oomparable exebutlve offloiala.~~ No m&r of any ouch local bawd ah811 be 8 @ember of the md OF n8val forae0 Of the mite3 Statea, but e&oh member of 8.n~auoh 10081 board ch811 be 8 olvlll~ who ia 8 citizen of the Onit,sd?tatea rsrilding in the ooan+y - . . .-. _.. .i. Honorable J. ifbttkg0 - p8gO 4 (C-5550) or'polltloalbtibdlvlalona oorPeapcmdl8&tbereto l& +kL& ~lzdb loo81 board hue jurladiotlm'under ruler and~regula';lo~fi Poe- aorlbbd by the Freald&ut. Suoh 16a81"bedi‘ .ujde!?y&Lee md re l8tloaa preaorlbed by the healdat, l b;kh&ve po%e~ vi&"hL8 their rupsotlre jar~#diotlonato hur md &&33m, qubjeot to.the rlgbt o fapp@al to'the lppe81 %ow?.I6!‘c.*rr?stii 8uthor~ed;8~~ qUO#tiOd or ohm rlth reapeocf50 ¶.x; bluO16n for, or exenptlon Or defemen~'~fkn, t?ain.Lw sod - aemlae under this Aot of all lndlrldu8la vltk%xi‘C~e$?%a- diction of auoh~loealbo8rda. The ZIuYaloSa of muok looal boirda shall be final exorpt Where 8S appbaf 1s wxkh?n"szedti aooordanoe with auoh rules and regulat%onaam t2.mPreyZ.lx& mar prescribe..* + l." The g-81 suture and oleinsntaof public offiFs 8ze Tim stated ln 42 American Jurlaprudenue,p. 881, Seo. 31 "Public offloca 8re oreated for the pu!?poaeof effwti-z the sad for vhloh government h8a been lnatikt?v?.,Ws.tcti~ls the common good, uld not fPr the praflt;~hono.F,o? p-Jdvatie intertiatof 8ny me mm, f8milj, or ol8aa of mexz. Ix %o poaasaa 8'dOlOg8tiOnof 8 pOrtiOn of the OOvOrOign poWst. of govemnnat to be uemlaed for the benefit of the pxM.10~ the pollerconferred and the duties to be dlaoh8xgodWrst be defined, dWeatly or Wpll6dl~, by the Leglal8tx% o?! through 1egiaJativsanthor%ty; and the d&loo me% 5s pez- formed l.ndepexLde23.~and vithout oontrol of 8 aupW9.oL- officer, oruted or buI%OrfSSd by the ~giO~tUI3 CraoO >:git p1.0& u.t%m?tiisf3:artZ.l ocmti?olof its auperlor offla~m 6r body. Briefly, the tern ‘pUb~i0 OfflOO' 06&%‘8~96,t!ZWid08 dWbt1062, fOW, molmmuta, pwera bad &~LLIs. Of tO?lUF~.Y * 0l, Ail of thsm taken together constitute 8 p.f::Lio offloe." This oompendlum of defl?iltionexpreaaea ,theoom~.m%y- 8OOaptOd rule, 8nd ham been uzlforaly folloved w the dwlaions kid depbrtm8ut8l OpinlOnO. All of theme oommonly-sooeptedindiofa of public offloe bpa438r h th6 pre8wt’ 0880~ thgt to tb’aay; the offlae of member of the'looal board In or-ted br leglal8tlvasot, the pwera oonferred upon such boa&lb arc9tboaiNaith~~eOpe8tto 8 goverumnt81 fUXctiO3, and there la the neoeabarj degree of oontlnul* of tbd'aes~loe to oonstltute attohmembership 8 publio offioe. RWWW, 80 aboX'@Stated, the membership does not 08rry with It w oampwaat~on, ~we&heleao this la not required by the termm of Motion 12, Article =X, Of the Conatltution. Hor,orableST.watt Page - page 5 (03550) It la not required that the flel~atlon of a part of the governmental fumtlon s&l1 be ln any dogroo ef'lakpbrtumii~It 1s enough that it delegatea rb~~s.ofthe geraMm~tal~functlonr, even t%ough it be mall and relativelyunlmportaat.2 If we arwF%ght in our 44nolurl4n8, pur .quortlcua 1s not affeetsd hy any o6tii%dderatlon of the roHM.nor8 of thq rervloe nor of the patrlotla notice that would prompt l'.Stati~bffl&rto render suoh aervlae. The Constitution18 the rtiprro lav of the OOn~ider8tiOM do not call for,.ner will they jU8tb State, and .suc\h Py a disregard of it. In Opinion nO.O-5341 Y# r@COEIt~ h8ld that th4 pO8ltiOn of Court7 Chapter Chairsan of the Am8~108nRad Croar warn not an offloe within the maaning of seetion 12, of Arti XVI, Of the Co?zatitution, although the &8OdOaa Nation@1 it'd,%rorr18 Lneor- porated bp aat of the oongrer8,.but gr0ur.dthat the Congrwe had in no oreated tkr offiae of CLbairmanof the ~h10h the 0fflc4 or pO8ltlOn ~a8 not In the Oour8e bf Y. korrardk 281w.y..2Jl 9 390, vhaeln this diSt:laO"yiCn Y88 crmpharl8od in hi8 folbl!~~ !.a** ll&tU~W .^ "C1esrI.y the mm&am of th e ldYf84oommltt*e ry on allotntents po88488 nonsof the porW8 of the roreroign. They perform no iYrdepmdantgorernm~tal fupotlonci. Such- fu~o~lo~ ti g@WZ’81 is either leglelatl~o;.,.jUdlolal or OX- it IS too plain t0 raqUir0 di84UiBi4Wthat th0 ecu%lL,ive$ a&v5aory ooam~ttee exercisesno legle~tlve~-~.~.judIebl prez-ogatlve.It appears to be fairly wldoatzthat it llke- vlae posaesaea no powezw of the,exooutlvo.:*l +. The coamittee tbm laaka the moat lmport8nt obaraotorlmtloor st?zi!:uteasaoalatetr1t.hthe idea of DublAo.offlos. namelr. Ia the pra8c0rtLnqUiX7, a8 YO have lhOW.abwo, mome Of tb govrsrtmmtal fbcti0~ i8 OXpl'O88lj oonferrod Upa the msmbar8 Of the SdWtiVtJ SOl’ViOO sJ8ta. PIWE What we ha~0 Bald it fOllOW8 tb8t JorrrqUe8tiOXI ahoald !!Cansvered ln,t~q,afflrmatlve. APPROVED SEP 2,1943 vary truly'Jaw8 /a/ Gcrzrcrld C. Hmm ATTo'ORNEICCENERALCFTlaAS AlTORNEfQlPIPULQF =S APPRCVED' By /81 Ooia Spear OPINION r)OHMITTEE = /am as-m chairman