.a!..< - c ,’ ‘.. 9on. Baya satwrleld Ffremea's Pelmion coQQlMfo!ler State Capitol Bldg. ._, Auetln, Teues Dear sir: Oplnlon Ho. o-5515 .'&: U&k the given ia6t8, 6uq the towa of GaxWri Oaka -pcrtl- : alpate in the benotit8of thk ~resma*a Dlaabllityand Re- t1rcQent au%i? will aaknowledpgrcoelpt 0C ycnirimuontl*tFr ger1ornr ", . : ,.,., . : ,T'':Jr ;.~; towno? Garden Oska, ??arrlsCounty, Folit-~ Orrloe maeton. Texea,.whlohhes a regularly or&an- lxsd Sirs degex%acnt;lzasapplied to this I)eparlSmnt r0r partiolpetionin the Firemen’s Di6abllit.yand HatfrssaantFund, operated tier the provlsioas of Art. 624+a, Rtwleed Oltll Stetuter oi Texas. .OTht, town of f&n-den Oaks 10 .notlno'orporcted aa 0 8;ty, but ifif66Or~r.-st&(LB6 W6t6r di8tdOt, Chapter 311,3'1th 128, Voluns 23, Vex-normannotatad Cl011 Cjtatutau of tha %8te of Texas. &iaae adrlsa u6 if, la your opl~Ion. thls de- partment mag partlolpateUthe bent