i .
Honotiblo R. A. Eartoa
County Attorney
Calhoun county
Port Lavaca, Tauo
of reoent d8tb, read-
aqmJt of the 84yor
city of Port Lavaoa,
ve ysur oplnlon a6
to expand 8ome fifty
fun& now on skxd in the
em derived from the sale
ec the pro?lslonr
reiplar session of
4s tke Port Lmoca
mxou will recall that your Deportzmnt ha here-
toforo rendsred an Cplnlon Elo.04ll7 a8 to the Con-
stitutionality of auo!a sot Ln which it ~'a6iMldJ
l *That Hoiia El11 30. 7 supa, wherein it ssekr
to rem$t taxes to oonatruot reau8lls cw braakuaters
Is not oiolntive of the Conatltutlon of Tesus, Lut
IionorablQ‘R. A. R&n, me iis
that it lo unoonstitutlon4l in 10 s4r u it
so&r to rQmit tQxQs to oonrtruot Eu’borr. oie
gurthsr gold mat th4__-rt+king OS the word
"MROORS" -Zoo the bill d44S not ioY4lidAtQ
the brlmoQ th4rQoi.t
"T~Q City Coamission 18 dQt.rrriaQdto lbidQ
by your opinion aa to the 1QSti um of thQr4
funds an4 It Is ior that muon that wo rQquoat
that you mwnslder tbrt part of your opl.nloa
3 in whloh you atateJ
So. O-4117 on &mi+$Q
" 'UQ are of the o&dn%on that bt no rtretch
of the L.u&.nation oould thy tom Zwbor* bo
iaolud4d within the neaning of the words, "soa-
wall uul Br4akvaters? )
"In order that you my und4rstand the bnsir
of our requsrt ami the need that taoas ths Coa-
mluion let UI prsaent these faots. Hone of tho
aonQy6 ‘aaoruing fru?a the ada of :hoae boa%,
thou#a votod ia lS4l have bQen arpsndrd, D~CPU~O
we rat that thQ oonatruotion OS our imch needed
seawall horQ in front of tom might impede tra
vrarofforts as it would take labor and orltloal
materials, no we are investing such funds In tar
bOWl8. NOW the u. S. ~iJUOM Oi thQ Depsrtmont
of War have dQt4rmined the nerd ~ror a Stem Earbor
for the protootlon oi Qovorqm4nt verrslr and tfwu
supplyFog thQ arnryaamp8 at Indianola; Xata&orda
141Qnd and Utagordo Wuin~ula.
"ThQ PhM -0 ali OOZlQbk fOr this 8tEUdUM
and tha IJ.9. IPylnQ4rr now nquut th& ths Ci
sxppsad841~ fifty thousand dolibra in thQ pro&oT ,
'l'hslooation of th4 proporQd Qtoi?mharbor Or rQikg0
i8 &bout 0130tile Qouth Of thQ City llmitl Of th4
city OS Port Lavaoa. Weh a vr
lplahed th a yta r
prior opinion ir blndiq.upoa ua but tsey present
that the harbor ~111 b4 ratu8lly dmd&Qd with
POdQSti &d8 80 that.th. Oity 8ill not bQ 4Xp45d.
hg ltr tunda froa~ the oonstruotlon of 4 harbor
*t'Cent?Io Jnty vf PvrtrIavaoe a%pone&xi*
?fall funds derived m#lsc I3ouse Bill ao* 7 on st
pmjoot, to be ritwto apprv~tely a nu0 f&m
tho oaclstf.qCitylimitv, tvbo aimrbvrvfre-
rug0 ra3.boats, on city aaqulxwd p~~gorty, tir‘6
such struoturo will JWJ protoot axiotl&j pAq*rt;i
now uithfn Cho City limitat
“2, Wuld such oqmndltaxr~ ba lo& :: e&d
property is taken fdio tiab cay uadts, eLC.%Yr
by a rote of iho pooglo or bp sag other tuner
authorbird by laxit
mSi Can the City of Port Lavaoa .up3ad web
eeawall fWida tv bid t;bopaboralGv?omman~lnthv
cordlructiao OP a starl6 harbor, ii c&c-h cur& are
used cnly for breY?cri;euter8,
aaervbo, and do&P
“To will appreeiatb your lorlouu consfdaratlon
of both tko lau end tha racbsoity of nation with
?:hioh ~0 an oo~ntbd. Go have no v”her f’ut%$o
Eeplylw td..theforvgootng,yvu are advised that wv .
adhero to the opinion o~ooood by wi in 3&.zAcn ice.3-4117
to tSs atibet that the term %iarbvr" ia not lnoludd ~;:tMn
the c#anAng of the wml6 %baiml.le and 3r&sut~re*.
. A,.
Aa tix m lna O
Stha bp r vo o Qding
.8r itlo
the g
iEi~3r oRf
i0eOfh J?‘t
b Yr O&a ib a aR u
ndb,diUJLt b r
is3lC4L tuao,lor~r that triocity ComPcrroion IIhUdQ tuu Zollvulry
atetomnt In the ol.eotlanorder, notics vl’ bb2CtiW 4.d vti-
Mnoe nutliorislq the Lseuauoe of the bon&r ‘mJ? t&o pur~oso
or oonrwuot;ng, rrpdr43 bnd lmprovlng 444Tall8 uld br4ak-
w4r8 t0 p0t44t th4 ci~ 0r port m40k frop 00diwi~
and roourrtng oalunitow ov8rflovr vhioh baprovuaeatr IF.,
in th4 opinion of th4 City Comml8rfon, asrentlal to rdequato
protootioa ot said City.' %ir 8tddElbZlt oomtitutsd a p14&4
t6 th4 v0tar6 that the f.35101 deriv4d rra ta utile or ~a*
bonda would be expmnded to proteot the City oftfort LPvaea.
In the c&e. of Stren&.h V. Slaak, 246 S. 3. 7J, tiisiiiiiirese
court tmld that aftor deaiguting roada to be isiprovodprior
to road bond aleotion, oazalrrionare~ oourt oould not o-hui34
euah da&nation aft4r the sleotlon. In our oplaion tit4
oonatruation ot braakva%m, whaxv44 and dockr to protoot a
-nar-bar8 all14 south of th4 atty l3sl.Q to a diff4raat ~wpose
from the on4 rrubmitt4d to the votw4. A&n, the purpose 44
eubPlitted18 atlreu oonslsteat 81th tiaewU.jO coatalnad
in Article 111 Soatkm 8 or the Conotltuclon, ~iziotiW.I~LIOT-
iaor the Legi8ldtaro to aid 37 dOaatf6n . . . tim cmnstriio-
tion ot.reavalla end broakwatore, but, en &rti in our oginion
Xo. 0-4ll7, does not authorits euoh donatloh for the conrtruo-
t&on and lnprovement of harbors.
fmh r4r6wn44 to 70~ 0400nd qu44ti0n, them i4 IU)
authority for a olt7 operating under the
to utend &ene~.l lav
ltr llmlts, except t&at col;tdned in Article 974, tich author-
itsa the addditlon of territory ~djolaing the lipriteot m;l city.
to the extent of oze-hslf -xi10in width. See Gftr OS Gladeveter
v. Stats ox rol. lmlker, 137 s. X. (26) 641. &ten lf the CiQ
of Part Lavaor oould eztsnd its bound8rie8, we me of the opin-
lon thet the rituatio?zwo*uldnot be dllterent, elnoe the pur-
~044 for uhloh the bands ~0~4 voted aloar oontemglrted the
oonetruotfon of saauall4 zuadbreakwater8 to prokot the City
of Port L&vaoo as it exirtsd at the tima the elcctlon ma held.
AB lndlantbb abova, 213sam4r all ehr%e of yxw quea-
tionr ln th4 lmg8tiva.
Aasls tat OPINION