Eonch'ebleC. J. Wilde
County Auditor
Iffo.Of'. c
&eke Salarg Po~ul.Eltion Salarg
Nuecea 15..... 8 941.88 g2,661..... 1,231.61
Kleherg 4 ... .. 251.16 13,344..... 177.X
Honorable C. J. Uilde, page 2
Gameron 16...... 1,004.64 po'...... 1,;g.g
w.l8cy zig.95
IiewdJr 2:::::: L . ‘z ‘. ‘7ao:::::: 9:3Q
Jg..... $22,700.00 20~,13’1...i..j2.700.00
Honor-able C. 3. Wide, page 3
~ af the paymnt of expenses and salaries of the officiai court
r8portar in all fudlclal districts having more than one coun-
ty; providing that this does not apply where the terms of
~courtoperate on a oonttiuous t8llmbasis; and declaring an
"s!N. 1. In 8aoh judioial dlstrlot in this
stat8~in whloh the term8 of bourt do not'operate on
a oontinuous t8Mba~rlis and in whltibthers ie~more
thaiione oount~y,.thesalar3.88~ am~expenses or the
official court reporter shall be'paid by the re8-~
pective countierr a@ provided herein. Eaoh of the
aoitntieswithin suah distriat shall pay that par-
tion of the exp8nses and ralarle8 OS the offiolal
court reporter which the populatSon of the county,
acrcord%ngto th8 last preoeding F8deral~Census, beaz%
to the total population of the counties comprising
the judlo%al dlatritit.
%ec..2.'~ The fact that under the pl'888ilt
there is a0nSuslon a8 to th8 exaot apportionme& of
the oSSiol~1 court reporters' salariss and expenses,
and the Paot that In this respect DBny oases of un-
due Slnanclal hardship are enoounteT8d by many couh-
tiea oreate an 8mergenay and an imperative public
necessity that the conrititutlonalrule requiring
bills to be read OP three several days in eaoh house
be suspended, and said rule is hereby suspended, and
this Adt shall take,effect and b8 in force from 8nd
af%8I'it5 paSSag8, and it la ao maoted."
It W3.l be noted that this last enactment (Eouse Bill
Ho. 750) by th8 Legislature does not expressly reljealArtlole
2326a, Vernontn Annotated Civil Statutea. However, the two atat-
utes under ooneid8ratlon her8in are in pari materia and their
provisions in such respeat aannot be reconciled. In suoh clr-
cumstances the older statute ~111 be held to be repealed by ti-
pllcation to the extent of oonf'l~ot. The provlelons of Artlole
2326a that are not in conf'llotwith Hsuse Bill 80, 750 ~111 re-
main la eSSect. It is presumed that the Legislature intended to
repeal all laws and parts of lava olearly inconsistent with Its
iionorable C. J. Wilde, page 4
later act. (See Texas Jurisprudence, Volume 39, page 145, Sec-
tion T(, and authorities olted therein.)
In vfew of jtIoweBill Ao. 730, supra, it is our opln-
ion that ln eroh judiulal diatrlot In thla State In whioh the
terms or court do not operate on a oontlnuous term basis in
wbiah:there irrmore than one county, that the salaried and ex-
peasea or the offioi.slaourt reporterr shall be paid by the
reqxiotlv~ oountleti~as follovs: Eaoh oounty ulthln the Us-
triot~&AU, pay that port&on oi'the expermes and la ler le8 of
ths oifioial oourt reporter whiah the populatton of the ooun-
tp,~aewrd$ng to the last prsoedlug hderal Census, bears to
the tdtai po*ulatian 0r the 000nti6y oompriring the judicial
Youpa very truly