Ronorablr C. R. %Hamee, Dimetar
Rate Division
Gilroad Cod8slo~ of Texar
AueMa, hxar
Dear Slrt
*‘Thla Supplement Filed with the :BIrDo-
a r ta a ra otr looouat of oarrlerr rrrorrred$0
g olow to latebllsh volwo rat08 oa CO+~rlua~t
Bonorablo 0. R. 3daSamee, Pega 2
9. . . .
**WI roluma rater nrmed IA Tarlrr as
amsndod ~lnoludin~rules and other rev SiOAs
applloable iA OOIiAeOtiOnthrrewlth PA thl8
1 or
iA 6OVS?Aing t&drrS), aFp~Oabl8 betwosn pOiAt8
ln Texrs oa Intorstst4 Trarrio, ~111 also a ply
batwoen points tn Tstar on Intraatatr Rart io
oonalrtlng or property or the unlit&dSt&or
=lOTiAg OA GOWrM6At bill8 Or lading Or 011OtRQ-
nsrrlal bills or ladlu to bo oonrsrted to
eotrrnmaat bill@ 0r lsdlnng.’
Tlhtil Buppl8iaentA was Issued Soathwrstorn
-to, fiOi&ht T5Tirr HO. 1-c and the rster th8rlIn
abllrhed had AO lpplioatiaawhatever so Toxar
!Atnrtatr trarrlo bat thr tarirr eontahwd rater
for a~plioetlonb4k.n points In Tome on the on.
hand aAd points in other states on the other haad,
as wall 88rates r 0rlpplloation on Interstat
trrrrlo betwean pOiAt8 In Taxas.
"No applIoatIoAwas filed with the Railroad
C0~6&8810n of Texas ior authority to 9ublIsh 8Ad
sake 0rr86th8 supplemat A or the provi8i0n8
thrreor r0r applIoatloa 0r the lntorrtste volum
ratestherein on ‘Foxesintrastate shipments ooa-
sistlng 0r united 3tatar govsrnmsnt rrelgbt.
vhlls ths rormr rullaes rrw thr Attora*y
Gsnsrsl*s Dapnrtasnt hold that ths fodsrrl gorem-
msnt may 00ntraot ror its truraportstionssrrIo*,
ths publioatioa iA ~tl~9b3ftWAt
A, FefOTrsd to, does
not appear to raflrob a oantraot batrrrsa the United
3tBter ~OV6l'ANJAtOQ thr 0110hand and any OAO Or
mora OOCBOA oarriar motor oarrlerr OA the other
hand1 but it spprare to be an open publloatloaby
the motor oarrlers under whloh thry provide VaWing
bass8 of ratsn to apply intrastate ln %xsS On 8hlp-
mait ooaalstiag or property or th6 UsIt State8
govarnment when noving under govbm.wmt bLll@ Of
Roaerabl8 0, R. SloRaarr,F068 3
You quotstl from a latter reorlrsd b you frw
a. De m($h&t by whOm 8UpplWAt & t0 %?irf E-C R08 iS$Wd,
Caa paragraph or rhloh 20ad8 a0 rOliOW8:
lrR8frrriag to the last paragraph or your
lsthr wish t0 UdviSS that we hS?e baea ior $Om
tilpr 92088~d by the Y&r Dqmrtmat iOr the publi-
oation 0r tolu~8 rates on tr4fri0 novio# brtweoa
points in 'bxaa and the matter warnhold in abe)-
MO@ 9mdily OOtb!l ill OOJUWOtiOll dth DUE +OlUB$
r$~,8~~lioatlon brtorr the Railmad C4mnI8sloa
. hwrrer, It l ppmred that It would br
80~0 tia4 befom rate8 uadrr ruoh ap lioatlon would
be atailabl8, theeaRm, the SUlQJeStPoa WE8 iBad8
that we iii8 a bttrred supplrmmt to oar Tariff
l-0 with the iTar Department ror tha laaoont or
SUOh O&r&~8 a8 daShed to Miter intO prOt8Oting
Of the interatats rater far th6 noremant of Govern-
EB3AtTrarrlo iYIOtiA& betwren 9OifltSin Tsxa0. 'fh18
“a8 doAa t0 all.ti~tO the llOOO88it~rCI? the tiTC#kl-
ment and the oarrlerr mitering lnto so emay labltid-
Ual OOAtX'00tS&OVOrAiAiJthe WtWOIlt at this t&U0
wfm there 18 SO maoh 0r It aotind and when tiw
18 SO iXFWtMt. Thrraforo, our oarrirrr ware
olroalarIad and w8 rsaelmd the 8uthorltJ to iii8
ruoh ratr8 r0r the aooount or all liA48 4x00~8
th8 ~iSSOUr1 PSOifiO mSJI89Ort c011198.~lr”
Thr forwgol~ SktaIWAt or tho roamon ror the 188u-
an08 of this SU9~l&WiIt oouplrd with the faot that the 00 y
ot thr 8U99lCiWAt snolomd with yotv request reads iA parP 08
“This SU99hl&~t fliti with the %%r Da-
artaraB for aooount oi Oazrir~S rri8rlSd to
t010" t0 SSt~bltSh VOlm0 ?StW 0A CW@rAS.At
lMd$ 118to oo&fini o a r lnsww t0 #O valldICr Of 8uOh rate8
wha l 99118d to ShipPWtS br tha Ih? I& ZtWmt. If IO.tb
ruttwo LOU should war br OoarrOAt4drirh the W88tIOn Ot th8
logalltr ot suoh rator wh4a sp~lird t0 8hipa4at8 othw thra
rilitarf by thr Governmat we 8hall rUl8 WmI 8aOh Qw8tia
HOnoreblr C. R. MoZlamer,9aga 4
WheA it S?iS~S.
You hara orally ma9 lI.4 ,dl8
with thr fotlori~
ox laaatloa of the tuo used & the SUD&bIWAt rO8dl.U6 88
"@w$i$th& Or 9rO9~tr Or ?h mi$aa
Stilt08 au>?* 011GOVUMurt bills at lading
O? W SOJIWXOiti bill8 Or tidin6 to ba ooa-
trrtrd to COVu8aul9 bills ot ladin&”
scar D8partmnt propartj 18 intaded to move m Gotora5oal
bill8 of lading but ofton the Ooranmmt rod tape W-t8
the iSSUUIO8 Or SUcrh bIlla Of ladi.lkg JMM~tl)’ 8nb f t8 $!rOJMTk#
18 aam* 011a oamerolal bIll rhloh is loatrrtsd Into a Govara-
aunt bI11 as axpeQitiOu81~ al GQlsrARrat ehaflhels
rriu prait.
YOU Sad YOU? iSttW With th0 fOliOWIIt% &qUmtSt
Vh0 iAquirlpabove horeln pO?bap$ may
present two qaestioar, rltt
"1. Whether, 6lOSpt,Under’ iadlrldual
oontraot, tho 00-n oarrlrr motor oasrlsr8
sty 18VfU113 j%blirh SD& 8991y tdtOiI i#&trOStOtS
IA ZiU88 on United .'JtetOS gOvU5LSOAt fleidht
nbloh rata8 are dlrrorent iron4rater esorlbsd
by the Rallroab ~~SSiOiI ror genera r a9911or-
tlon, sad for waioh RO authority ha8 beor oh-
tSL5td rr0a the CosraiSSi~;
*2r %h&irr the 9oblioatIoa in Su99l@m%t
A to Sauthwr8trraYotor PreWkt MarBau, Ino.
mifr 270. 1-C 18 ia iaot 8 oontraat bstmoa tha
oommoaaarrlrr motor oarri8r8 M thr 0118 had
and tho Vnitrrt Stat88 ~orsrr88t oa tb othof!
huul, as ooialn~within thr prior ~U1148 Of th+
Attorney Coaaral’8 Drpnrtauit.*
. .
ironarablo0. R. PoRom., PWW 5
Wr ham preriouolyrttlodin Opinion Ho. O-2954
referred to In your lmttsr a8 follomt
*So far 80 your parotlon lo oonwrne4 wo
think it io lsmterial rrbsthsrthe oontrrot lo
aeda l0r adve~tl8amat r0r bldr or othrmloe.
The Congrso8 tmo o~joino4 upw the orflaerr of
the Pe4url Coterns4nt th4 duty ta ark4 ouch
ooatr8oto, by rtatutso plainly rtl4moing 18
Uttonalfor oueh oitlaoro to obhla the moot
loonomioal traaoportat~oa a0 poorlblr. The
ehugeo to be aado for the orrvioo io a am$or
faster In ouoh oontraota for o o r r irlrertloe.
To allw tbo atotr to rk the rate8 an4 eharaor
rw tho tr a noortat1oa l*rriocl iBVO1t.4 in tbJoo*
oantraoto wo s & be to p6rdt lt to nakr the?gcm-
traot In lrrge part. Suah wtia oor.4otltltt6 8
direot interrrrmor with the Fedwrl Government
iB it0 diooharge or oanotftuttonal funotfoBo.
The prlnoifldr naaounoed ln ouoh oaaeo IO Louweln
vo. Uoody, 12 8. 1, (24) 9891 Johnoon ‘II.Mary-
lan4 254 U. 9, 51, 41 3, Ct. 16; Tdetorlfvo.
Ulte~ell, 269 0. 3. 514, 70 L. Ed, )8&i Paahandla
011 Co. vo. UOl., 277 U. 8. 218, 72 L. Ed. 857,
are rppllooblo.
*Xn our ophlon, oavrlero may oontrrot rlth
the Federal Gowmasnt far the tr8nOpWt4tlOn of
latrrotsts rrelght for the sllltary wltbout m-
arrd to the rrteo an4 rarer approm4 br the Rail-
rod co6uDlroion.An4 thlo la trtto whothor the
OOntrOOt 18 mSd0 FUrsUsint to 46?4rti4emUt far
bldo or t~ot.~ .
It b&q lawful fw the oarrler to trano Ort rt
whatarsr rater are oataelly aoooptsble to it and t1 l Co r er a a o u l
lb oaa not be a vlolatlon of ths law ta? thr OA?ri9r to PO82
with the ';s8r Department M otter to traao~ort for ths rater
oontalne4 in ouoh 0rr6rr publioatlti of the trrlrr 10 not
4 matip oontrrot or even a 4ontraot rt all. 11 10 110moho
than an offer, a holding out, 8 4erlarotton ol willU5eoo by
Efoaar8bloU. R. YolIomoe,paa* 6
the ofiuu tbnt he will trlaoport 6oodo fa thr au Dapartaat
8t the rot88 therein ogeoifi8tt. ,&oh time tho X8x Do rtamn~
tender8 good8 to be r8rrled undor the t8rlt in qurotr oiland
the wr r lr l
?oorpto the go040 for tru$oporktlon thara 10 l
ooatmot, Bhr trrmo of whloJ8 uo not .ia the lphoro af the
Jtate’o authority to regula%o. 9
Yo u
ore looor4ialllJ ldr lo ed
t& t,
uw8on oarrirrr rotor o8rrloro m4y 1mfrllJ
jmbUoh ani*rppIy rater lntrrotutr IA Tsx80 on x@r Dopwt8al,
rrolght whhh rrteo are ditrarsat tma rater proooribed by t&o
2dm44 colri08i~ f0a ganer8i 8p li08tw arrd r0r rhioh BO
authority bar bean obtaltd froa ti e Comal8oloB~ and that
2. ‘fh8pub,bliO8tiOr
Of OWh krif? i0 Mt a OOtltr*O*
bOt!twUit Oh6 6a~?ie? and t&e OOTclrmeat.
‘low0 r8ry truly
ATlYRrn OrnR&L OF T?xq