lu rrorlrod ~Ollr 18
quartlag our oplnlon on B
to Art. 6Q60, R.0.8. OS 1
MO. wr Aat0 baa x4
hrre four letter data
if TO hold that the 1
in Lmdidi $hrt th
four quertlm8 OS &ril22ad m.noo
w kllrto tbe t1ulo 6060, rlllgrB,
amw6i0n t0
uordlng or thr
tlelrtltr Of
se8 Coaatitutloa?
1931 mmdaent rttrwpt
la 6060 bt nfrcjncre?
&al Art1010 6o60 cu-
QU a ndlfta uW
, R.C.8. of 1925, rcradr ea fellows~
g&uutie t. 2. rbfree, Ohrlrw~, Peg0 2
WM(U if a 60 ny or wr Qt6tIOq or by the
o wmr o r o n8 o fT h o c ii la f a 6Ir Ida r l
or a o -
putau8hIp, r r h o ul~th e g r o u rooriptr o f r uQ
atllItf for tha quertu arrt prrording or la
rwh portlou Oz a r idq uutr r i ~uia d l rath
utIlLty *at mo Reti oonduet i I& ray bWIa4I6,
~4 at &ah tinr rhll puy lrto tbo Ftato Tr666ury
at Aortln 8 8umrgurlto one-fourth or on0 per eat
or the grorr Inoone reeolved irot 611 burlnrsr
&me by it rlthla th16 stcltr Curlag 661@ quertu.*
Saetion 10 OS H.B. Ro. 547, Aotr 4264 Lo R.8.
(1931), P. 111 her6ln6ftrrrer6rroe to 66 the 193P 'iat,
prOr1d66 66 fOfiOW61
weu. IO. Tbst Artlrls 6060 oi the t?6V166d
IXrIl %6tUte6 o? 192J, rxorpt l66ofrr 68 it la-
p6.8 l l106666 i.0 02' t6X Of an.-fourthOf OW
per ornt rueinst per604a oualag, opemtlw, or
mn8dw pip0 11~6, 66 pro~ia~d in a4ti06 2 or
Artloh 6050 ir h6r6by nprr10d 6~3 6814 fund
6h.11 b6 U6.8 for 6ntorolas the protlrlonr or
rTt1tier6050 to 6a66, lmlorlv~.
Sertlon 36 or rrt~olo ) of the COflUfitUt.fLOfI
"NO lrr 6b611 br r6vll6d or umnbed b rrf6rrnor
to lt8 tit&t but In ruoh oaao the ret rw It6d. or
the rootloo or sroticoo wronded, 6h611 be n-rnrotod
Uad publlohrdrt 1*@h.”
Ia 616owrla~ ttr lhov* ooncrtltutionsl provlslca
Chler Zurtlre Qllwr, 6 rrlri~ for tie Fuprraa Court 10 thr
666b or 8nydu *a. ccaq0 w, 87 nub 3M, Id61
whloh ~66 th6 pur 066 oi th6
U66 tfi
rt or mrm&
tltlr ana by pro-
viai thbt It rhould ba air&ado& by ad&~ to or
6tTik % 6 OUt lTt6i6 Word6 Or by Odttia( 04Pt6h
awl lnsrrtln6 la ilro thenof oertsln othrr
ftm66 not lntsndsd to prohibit tbs pssse@
$oonorobloZ. t. Wlafroe, Ohoirnmrr,Poga f
Of 6 low utli0hdeolo~e6 follr it6 ~Ori#iOZlU rltb-
out dlroot coforeoao to mr other uot, although
Ite r ife&lhould bo to ln.lar* or rortrlot the
l~Ol-& OfiOIl
6OlW Otbor UtOtP848.~
TbS OI6e Of ~OLdOrUOtIVS. city Or uOlW6t~ 102
Tar6 16 , 1.14P.1, 108 l.n*olved61) Art b &a to 6iOtUm
+hIoh 84id o natoaoe (6 a Hot Ica of en sat pnr f’ oualy oarotod
br the I.6&fU&tUr6. t6 hOldln( th6t 6Uoh on Mondmoat woe tin-
veltd M~UP the t6r66 ot Artl6la 3, %otlon 36 or tha conutitu tlon,
yr. Jortioe *iiii6&!6, rpeaking for .tiho
f3~prw mwi 80ia:
!!Butno lutt.a?ltyalto4 and mm6 thet ua
know ot hoe hoYA blwt a wotlcm of l atotuto as)-
bo r#mloU by adding uwde AS It, *Ifbout ro-
4mOti~ the Ulltir, U@OtiOll08 IUWti#d, uld 6Uoh
l h o l.dln( l ba 6oa4omn.d by the plain word6
or tie Cdolfrtltutloo.
.ft my. k tr# that tbl8 @et wo6 m4 I8 l
F- rureeptible of 61 erey en urdorrtonaIn~ in aormeo-
tiO8 d8b that Of 18hi& it i6 (In O~dndtrOPt~ by a0
t.##idattIlW10 lt6 po666#.8 bf tb6 6OWt6 lBd by
tb r publie OS Ii tha orblnel lotloa, with the
nw prorirloa Itwluded, he& k*n rr-•nootrd end
ublloho4 et l8rp3. h6 rueh perhop ai#$It be raid
,.& i
! R rotor of aany ototutoo rhiah 40 not oonfonn to
the bo66tlWtIoa. It se) own be doubted ii the
pod rremplirhe4 bf the oonotltutiortal protlrlan
ooa~aooter for the ia4ome*lo~oe It oousoe. But
It Burt bo roaomborol not only that the prOriOlOa
16 iotaadd to $&oVont tho ai8OhiOf8 O&eiMt whiob
It le 6lr6ot6~, but that It leeke to 6ooonpll8h
t&la by l l Orpr~hOaUl+a a u4 U~kndLng rule Utr:i.~g
aorolUl rtetute8YhtQh a0 not 6cUlfOTrp to it.
that rule the Oonot~tutlou makes no oso6?tlou6, and
aof8&u the Legisloturo nor tha OOtIl%U have the right
80 mke tham.
T’h o no r .lolu)oaa~a whlrh hold that tbr lq.lalat~n
mr rep.81 l 4rfialta arotfa or put th of et la Act r;t&out
~-emoting tk pert anrrpale&. Sea ChrTo ra T. Rtrte, 21;
Tou0 307.
An lxrlalnotfoa of the 19)l Aot rrtrrla that it da0
fiat in aptoffii* lan ato9 rrport 00 19 al a4 lp*rfN* or
drrhto part of Art f”010 686 0, B.C.& lb ¶lw rpprrbnt ur-
poor oi thr 19fl hot wuld a.rr,to be thr aubatltutl8a ot iii.
p&ma0 lp ua o wornlnB, oprrrtlng or mnagln(t pipe llf100, 00
prorib& il RIOtim 2 @f hti%Oh &SO* SOT the Sint tan ~rdo
of 1Crtl.l. 6060, Wdt--“Emry &as utility aabjrot to tha pro-
r la io aOSo this lub 6llldo n”.
It fm olrar to aa thrt the
rfieot or the 1931 Lot ia to o&t oortrln rordr of Artlole
&.& l
ya, en4 to aubutftutr in 110~ tberrof autria othu
t iro8 thla that the 1931 Pot ir ulwoastltut
r0iiow lOM1
braauk the 1931 Aot did not re-8MOt and publlrh at lbntth
A,rtfale 6060, WP~Y*
x0 0811 par htontl0n t0 that i00t put 0r th 1911
Aet rbloh rtaaa *aa4 0014 ruld ahall bo use4 ror lnforolag
the to~laionb Ot ktiOl.0 6050 to 6066 iDCltlEitO*. %'hiO
prov Q sloo ornnut be 0014 to repem any&in& oontalne4 in
Art1 ale 6060, aupra. St alearly a44a lo wth la tta Ar t1 01 0
a, nhloh rar mt thoretoioro roat8~ned in it. 3~10
1931 Aot trlla olrarly within the rule ri~ounae4
Bonduaoa to. Olty of balraaton, aupm, an6 i0 thordo-
uAfwnst1t utf oml.
Fo rfah to point out furthor tht the 1 31 hot la not
an lndepen4.d Aot aolp letr dthln ItoolS. In o J lT to un4elc
ltd it ta dto a 0tm- Pa s8it0 8minln4 ~ lrr00t, rtrtranor
8Uat k msar to Artfole 6060, lupra'r
(0ootfon 10 at
36 of the hr~a Conrtltutd 8n4 la thtretorr mid.
8laee la our opinion the 1931 Aat la unooartl tutiozml ,
it oanmt rtpwl or hrtr say etirot oa ~rtlolr'6o60, R.C.E. of
1925. Tblr for tbo rawon that a void Aet lonuot reswd r4
law behi it. Ooantt Pchool Truatrra or Or040 oountr lt al
va6 Cl8trlOt Traat000 of Pr0lrle View Ooloon Bohoo1 DlatrlOt,
153 8.t (24) 41k (Supnor Owrt ai Terns}.
II* trust that 80 that* aatlaiootoril~ taautrr6 your