Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICEOFTHEA-ITORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN gal opinion of th5.a de- oertalo add04 between the . ir not tn 8e8sbm at rel501ut1anon tils ure,wruld theaovernor to appointa eom6i8elen- rith a aot0ifedoa4r or 4 of Tat811to outer iota king toward futmation of a tenipaet med by the legfelatnres of Taaua the Uaitul atateot* to adtim, a6 pu wme adrlsed in Oginfon No, o-4242, that the mgirlaturerr of Oklahoma aad Wm3.n OoQld lawfully tmttw tit0 ouoh a oo~ipactae uaa th1We5.n sug- geated with reScenaeto tbMng andhuatkngin tkome ax-w ot the lta t4 a lauadet4d W th e ua ter so f Denla o a b a a ,b ut uf art hot rdTf8ed a8 to whether or not the do~lsrnor of Okla- hoao could appotat a aomxtdssioaerto aegcW.ate vith a ecm- alcafoaer Srea Texas to Pomulate suab a aoapsat. Ilodfxxbt gzr the t ~OUOV~Q fotwulated oould a:awquenbl~ be ap- by ~egtdwtrea 41 Oklahoaraaad Texfw. (I APPROVED OPINION COMMlTrKL BY L&F *