Honorable Tooa L. Bsrtlry
Criminal Dirtriot Attornry
Elldrl&o county
Winburg, Ta~xar
We hat8 r80 your letter dated
1943, uhloh
Rmdvhr F'rsrbytrry
olalmr an oxrnp-
33 and 1934 on
YoAl1.n Hide1 0
olrlm u& Art f olr
trr or Texar,
8 rndownrnt Sun6 had
n loaning I paason money to bul
Corporation took a dead OS trust
when thr aoooant broaaa drlin-
forroloso the deed ‘or trod or go
aura lo Dirtriot Court, tba oorporr-
from their aortgauor to the property.
“tit pert Of tbr 8tatUt8 8pp11.8 (I8 fO11OW8:
t...prorid8d thqt land property moslrrd by 8aid
inatitatlonr ln pawont and ratlsfaotion or ondow-
EOUOrablr TOfi L. tirtlsy, Page 8.
8M8 hIid iOM8 OT ifil888EOh3 8hall ba 8XeEpf
for tW0 t86r8
oi coulitythat midor th8 worillngoi thi8
rtatuto that $30 &morlal 3:ulpment rud of
Prmrbftrry of v?o8tsm'Toxar 18 not ontltlad to
the rx8mption olalm beoaa8a tber8 rat no fora-
0108UrO purohasa Ot the property involved.
“TO heraby r8SpOOtiUii~ r8QU8St that YOU
ldtlaa ua whether our opinion on this matter
i8 OOrrOOt Of IlOt."
uo agrer with your OOn8t~OtiOn 0r tha rtatuts quoted
aboro, 8inoa sxsm~tlons rrm tasatlon are naver rarorad and
all doubt8 are ra801rad again88 the 8femption. The latest
Oa8. dOOid8d by our highar oOWt6 8UpljOrtily thir dOOtrinS,
an4 in ahluh tbr authOriti~8 ar8 oollated, ia Cit Or Lo
view ~8. @arkham-Yc!?eaY4morial Eorpltal, 137 T--+x-
52 SW (2drnl2 .
Thr 8ame oonrtructioa ha8 born givsn 8inilar lM-
guaga o88d In 8eotlon One Art1018 7150 V.A.C.3. in our
pravioa8 opinion Ho. O-34&2, which wa are enoloalnq herrrlth.
Vary tX’Ulr TOllI’8
B; -
woodrow gdrarb