Eoaorable John S1 Bek@r
GoUnty Auditor
&mr oounty
Prrir, T*zar
Ikar Sir:
ot Mnroh 331,1943,
amp Maxey, ma 108at.4
lr a r y to t a o a r ta in
oh waa loaated with-
to sell U&plot o?
erxmmt ror it 'I lme*
Saperlntendent ot Pabllo Sohoola
e ~;~t~or thir land beloa 2
Will it be lawftf
y to tie oredit or the xauar
Sohool RIB&?"
Tpe rou0ting. excerpts upb from your 1dm-a or
April 9 and April 14, 1943, resgeotlrel~:
Tou ask me to adriu you whether or mt the
entli7eoommon sahool dirtriot war loeatsd rfthia
Hononbls John S. Baker, page #l2
the bounds of the army aamp. The rehaol dia-
‘f&at Is wholly WIthIn tha bounds ot the u-my
Q-as -=R -7* This maA0 it nroe88aq to
aboadonthe aohwl~d k, lollth0 &ndand
g e e 0 there era no out8tandlng bomb
0&nrt thIa o-011 8ohool diatriot, DI8triot ' :
78. Le.aarCOUZlt)J,~T0zam,
tha &at bond8 MvIng
been paid on April 10th 19010. The rssonntCO-
oeive6 ror the 8ohcolhou8oand site waa Eleven
Hull4re4(llOO] Do&larr."
y o 808~ l
Bmmi, . p ;ho H
sole of 8Qhool props*
Y* 1
Art1010 8758, RevI
UIvIl Btatuter
l l
Tha t a r tlo le read8
tha order 0r the aouatr trustear pM8orib~
th ater m
ltvlubLe, ~9
make ula of any paper, belonging to sol& :.
school dirtriot, 8-M a33 7 the proeeedr Co the
puroh88e 0r nege8iaarygromde, or t0 the bull.&
lng or repolrlag ot 80ho0lhou888~or plaoe the
prodeed to the oredit oi t&e lraIl0bl0 0ohool
rd 0r thr, di8tmt.*
or 00~8~thf8 0m0a0 -0 In 00ti lation that the
diatriot would etlll be in UIste~e md 7
tba anoebr lohool-
house to&¶ probably be no0d*d. It obviowly do00 not eover
the lltu0tI0n under oonaidoratloon,
and ma exaatlnatlon of the
Zaw0 0r tbie St&e ml8 to rwe01 any prffIoIon, etatutory
or othemi8e, for the dIspo8IW.m of this mon0y.
You ask whether the money maf be plroed in the oountr
pwxiezmat eohool f-tan& hr answer to t&I8 question 16 In tba
i. -
, Eonorabla John 8. Baker, p4e #S
aeg8tin r0r the nuon that the conrtitution and 4tatute8
4p4OiflO411J pFOVid4 rdut
till OOllStitUt4 the p4FfMWlAt
sohool fund aomty, 8nd moneys or thir chwaoter 4ro
0r the
not Inoluded. See Artlele VIZ, Seation 6, Conatftution of
TmS; Title 49, ch4pber l6 (Irl?tf4104 8885, et 88q.), R4+i8-
Sd Civil Lit8tUtea Of TeXES, 88 amended.
@ho01 ,$Uzd44re iapreare& with 4 general 4duo8tlon
trMt, ULd dun tbir Me is SpeOirfed by St4tUt4, they 4Fe
improaud with 4 8p4oifia trwt &fmftfng their u8e to '&u4h
ap44Ial oneme J 0r mm08, 40 8. w. (ad) a08
The ~olloring I@ m lroerpt fern
57 Tax Jbr Q(ifpVbsG*Cit
Tma iuria&ade~4e, ioluane57, p4ge 009:
lPower8 Or b o a r and
ds Ofri44PS OT4r fWd8
belonging to 84hOO~ diStX$4t8, md th4 -P
in Whiditfro44 POWPa 8h& b4 Uaroiaed, Lp4
pF484ribed by at&ute, mid the aourae prerorlb-
ad by lm mmt be followed to th4 exolwlon of
all other methode.m
uo quote th4 r0iioring fmm the opialon of the oowt~
in the ome oi Sea Bealto KndependeatSohool Dfrtribt ot 0-p
011 ~OUUty, Tax., Va 3klX4X'.' state !dWk et al.# 78 8. w. (m)
4xt 18 too well settled to require oitatlon,
OF my extendad diaoU88iO& th8t a publio fund
oolleatid and ollocht4d for 4 partlotalarpub114
purpose ornnot~ba ltmfully diverted to ths ul40
oi mother pwtloulsw publ.Iopurpore e * 9
%I4 oOZ'pOl'4t444hoOl di8tTIot, 48 U'e E&U.
mnfofpd oorp4ratiorul is but l tr u stee or
guuldlaa of t$e pubUo fund8 ooaIng Into Its
pO88488i4ll undsr th4 &W, Uid IT&XTdiSbUX’8e
those &Ad. only fn the muuier 4nd for tU
p~rporo pre84ribed by k8r 4 9 4 l
Honorable John 8. Baker, page #4
844 4l.40First Hational w.oi Athena v. kRzrchi8onIndepend-
ent S&o01 DiEtriot, 114 0* 1. (2d) S82.
You ar4, th4r4rorb. advised that the money r4oeit46
r0r the SRb 0r the propa* ma not be deposited to th4 oredIt
0r the oounty permanent i&001 fund.
The only expr444lon relating to th4 dkpO8ftiOZ% 0t
X4OIl4yS csalfaed isroa th0 Sal8 Or 0-n 84hOO1 di8tr
18 found In Artlale 2763: that is, 8u4h mn6y
:;"I id to th. pUlWh4.e Of neOe884r7 @oWldS Qr to tb4 bpild-
ing or repairing 0r 84hoolhourea. Of th4 IUOnSY ShOuLd k ph44d
to th4 oredlt of the ltnllnble S&O01 hnd of th4 di8tri0t.
!pheoommon sohaol dlstrl4t In queetlon he4 b4en rendor-
ed non-existent beamme ~pU LGh) property formerly locate@ rlth-
ia It8 baupdacie8 h48 been taken by th4 Federal Government for
U8e ES Sn USI7 0-p. The tems of Article 2758 cannot be carried
out and 8re, therefore, POt ~plleable. ThI8 is a 4itu4tfOn aat
Oontempl8ted by the Lib&$SllrfW and one upan whlah ths Lsei434-
turn has not et acted.~ It is a proper IIeld for legl4lfotion;
however, unt 19 the Lee&Ialature doe8 44t, re are impelled to th4
4OnO~U8iOI& th4t th4 lWli4~ in Ql44tfOIl 4OIlStitllt48 4 tP’U8t pund
and the trU8t448 Of th4 44bOOl di8~iOt am trUste48 Of th4
money and 4re reapon4Ibls for its proper custody and Wekeep-
Very truly YOU'S