OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Aaceante P #hall WleeiV~ Ten Dell&u% es&~ day aptme ia attmdhg The portion of the quotatLon from the &ot vbkch we kuwe uuierifeea oleiwly ctiatqbtes that the Beard sbsll hewe t&o aiathcrlty to require mm of it8 facmbere to attend to *any baeimae of” the &etriota that t&e Lleard Wnlta neeeeeary. arnda 61~5 aatbority, it i8 cfmpetsat POP the poud to direct 787 that one of its Elegb6ra cilsahargo the duties at ciamaraf. . 1x36ac.5 avant, the cLiraotor does uot hold two offiowb or an 0fYioin fuxi P poeitlm, in tlolation af the Ccnaetita- t&On, Artiela lb, s@ctiooe 33 or 10 but the dutlea mpeokal- 1y deTctlT*al U&OA idle ilireator by ac t ion OY the Bot&ra trt the OeMcs or 6heu a airastor thus (ZIeahtw~W dutloa perteinlng to the tsaoPdlRete poritior: oe TP(umPw or fhmMJP@ lAem&aP oe the Auttwrlty,hOwu6r, bfe aoagens8tlonfc Rt;bhwrvkwmla fired by the lLat at a par diem 0e 0x0 #ioF omb day 8pemt ia attendleg 00 (to)aey othrbasiaee~oe theLndadott.hat the ma r dt& inka sec e6sa r*y, *l*.o Qmp o lua tio eel-aellIo r - ri6ss thattaq be~miiirai by rcUreetorbavkng thurbeeaf%xad