Eoaonblo 8. 7. 1888ok8,
Dow Er. fur0k8:
wo b o g to lo&towl*dgo
8a opintoa at thir do*tamt
t1onal1t7 0r th e lb,ovr-eapti
$ootlon 1 o? tho
then ruoh
nil or othudn to t&o perroB ?a@?4 to
auwu tho nmm b7 the jurtloo of tho poaaa
or olark of the ooart, ad on rooolpt of mob
laturo lto r lo rr 0.h p uma a h a nb
ll .mo M
lBWU t o rooh horro rad rotum the
M a Ito lf4 o lo r okr o fth ep er 00
*a dio r h
o o ur otr .ju&
o e*i
t th ep a no a*h &
hare full powor to o-1 uuIO?I thereto,"
8ootlon 8 pro*ldor,
wh e na nluoutlol¶ l@lnrt tbr propert of
th0 Judgment 4obtm or w or rrteral debtorr
b th0 I- UQUMB~;ir return0a unOOti8ii0d
la whole or a part or U tho plalntitf or
other parron la pl&tUVo behalf, Jtor tho
lrru.anoo o fa nlx e o utlo la r lno t roport7,
rlmll make and lilo aa lit f &at&t Pa woh 0600
rlth tho~olork of thr ow or )urtloe oi the
p0000, t0 th0 lrr00t the thr jownt d0bt0r
he0 '"fe'"{ lnoopo, luala~a or prorltr,
dooorlb 4 &a 8~0, vhloh d debtor tanJaW-
1 rofurota;o : plr towar@ the latlrirotlon or
toF: a & $ u l@ wntlrdltor dull bo
1 to iw I mabpoma iame4 qut OS tho
ouo wherola moh d-t uou, bt the crlorlt
or tho oouraor wtlw 0f tbh -00 arl~
on toti ol iior 4iok, ropulrbg tho )ud@i#nt
do1tar, under ponaltr of ooatanpt of oourt io
ia othu lar)oo to l99eu kfon tho jaUgo af
mob oonri or ~otiloo of tho pe800 rt.a tlmo
to b , l loltlo4
o no er n! thoran end n&o Bwom uIDuor
a( the aatcre UL~lxtoat or hlr prop-
lrt7, looumo, larnl4r or proiltr.-
loooaoo of the bill
321 0 18 t&t it authorizer a
proooo6lq La the MtuN of dlroorerr, on6 lo not on at-
trrpt to sbrue or dt7 the ooartltutlolul or ltatotor7
p r o vlolx loa nr
mp ourront
tla gryor ior perrorml aorvlce.
Oa the oomtrOtf, it purport0 to lttrot 0112.7 non-uapt
vo lxuine6 th e bill to dotoMlne rhothor
a to the inralldity oi laprlronl~ ono ror
Honorable 8. t. fmarlu - -0 8
ment Iobtor
property or ohoroo in lotlon to thoo%tont
omo shall not bo oxenpt anil order thet tho
adgmolt or lxooatloa shall bo a oontinulng
J len thUOOn froa the &at0 ruoh ONOr 10
mndo agalnot the judgment bobtori rnd oaf1
u o or ju8tlO lf a tho a00 shall hat0
I’ful powor to rnforoo alr orduo *al ~eorooo
lnfbr prami andor forooloruro or othrr-
UIM, or at say ruoh hodng proooedln l .ma7
bo had, when lpproprIrto, fer tho lppl li.oa-
tloa ot luoh pro rt or ohorer in lotlon
toward tho oatlo PIsot on of tha ju6gmont as
provided upon rotura of in rxooutlon.*
The bill oonteaplatoo that upon a hearing the
oourt -7 order the jukgnbnt 6obttw to apply ln7 proport
in hir ha&r, not 0x-t from lxooi~tlon, to ,tho ntlofaot-
tlon of the ja Thlr woul.4 0r oourao lnolulo money.
It Ir to bo notY re?ihat prrtioalir lrotlo8 io.8 not rlrlt
th0 poMltlO8 of 008tA8pt fOr a rOfuU1 t0 m&k0 mUOhlpphl-
oatlea; but rhothor no or pot;ro an laoIdontal ponr, tho ’
oourt would be ruthorfsod bl tho tumo of tho Aot to on-
toroe his order8 through oontampt groere41 o. In an7
rrent, hmotor whore non-oxupt proportf, Yn oluain( 1on.7,
in the pooooodoa of the drrondant bar bean btought un4u
the oontbol of tho oourt in tha maxutor oaatemplrted by the
bill aftu 8 hurl4 la orduly proooeg the oourt would
be dthln tho teN of thr b,111 and tho*bill itseli wa
think, would bo within ooiwtltubmal liritatlono, &4 tho
oourt nl.&tt or4u its ~ollro~ to tho ju&gmeat onbitor,
if th0 impouabd prdputy oonrln~ or mne7, or ii it 001~.
8lote& of other g0rt7~ ooul& or(lrr the mma rold lm opoa
lx b o o tioa and
fr l p r o o wP o lRplio4 to tho pwmont of the
8uoh 8 prooeedlag would bo no boolo ror tho oon-
tontion that thm juQm@nt dobtor, u n bdry rlned ror oon-
tempt In 4loob~7l4 the order, weal 4”be Imprlroned IRpTdebt.
Tho authorities abundantly lup9ort this OonoluoIon. 8-c
Ronorublo d. Jr Xurrko - pago 4
Wll Ion v. Colusbla Carunltr Co.. 160
:o r.~6kto, Ms. r.~iTal
;h t. 8dth, M At& 00;
14 v~~Rea#on, t8l 6. lf. WS;
me v. stonu l8 'PO. 4611
7 7. Punot, 44 1. X. 6091
r. *I EuTington'o Y.otate, 1 Pao.
t1 6l5Oi
Sam rl v. Dodd, 14% 7ord.. b@l
‘rI0r.t. Laorio, t9 Ye& 1981
i:’ I. tr 8. p. 594, Sub-titlr lContempt..
The l&l oonorptlon in oaoh a olttu~loa IO that
thr oommltmant r0r rontmpt lo mot a cmw4ft8ieat ror non-
~yntonf of tin debt, but on tha other lmlll, Ir the ercrolro
0r 8 asoosrarIl~ inolaentel power to lnroroo tbc mid or-
duo bt the oowt for dollvery or funds or prcpirtr In ao-
c o r da no owith th e ordu Or th, OOUTt up o nl b r uin& .
Rirlthrr IO the bill wanting In buo prooooo. It ir
t?ue tho bill la Sootlon 8 authorho& tbo oourt, upon a hear-
$4 0r ~7 ouoh proco04i~ oupplr8*nkry to lx ~eutio to~,
ordu the u@uoat dabtor to Bp 17 aa pro rty not exempt
rror neou t ion to the utidrot Poa M the !?udmnt. But it
lo to bo 8ooa thrt this 18 ml7 dono artor a hoarI%, and a
baring nooosouily LPpUoo l legal howing, lao of mhlah
011 ltiorroto~ putlee NW .to ha+0 notlro and op?ortaoit7 to
br hear&.
The GeOtiofUr n th l Or
UthurIt88,tha judge o r justloo
bi the praoo at ouch heatiry to ontoroo all or&err awl cleorrro
la the prdooo wdorfbnoleoara or otbanloo, but this would
not bo oonatror& to give to the juotlor oi the p-00, ror ln-
otanoo jurIodlotloa to toreolooo a l;rs upon proprrty of
rhioh ft ~oald ot?eruloe not have jurlodiotloq, beow~oo the
prooodlng thrrr oontoa lat.04 lo l torooloouro OS thr lion
rrloiry fro8 the urout POE Urootlng Ito uk so,In orainuy
oaoe8 of lev or the writ lrroe4 upon 0mti0ri0d ju4gmento.
The courts wI 11 aot adopt a ooaotruotIoa OS an lot that roul&
destroy tho aot, but on the oontruy, wool4 Wo uiok to adopt
a oonotruotlon that ,would oavo the lot -. that f 8, nuke It li-
Thorn IO eoa8Wnble amb@Atf la B8otlon I of the
bill. It is indefinite and very difficult of underotandine.
It ia possibly open to the vice that there la no leeal basis
it muat bo olrrr - bqoad a nrroaabl, doa t - t&t the
rot lr la tlohtloa of the Ooartltutlor to authorize 8
oourt to ooaaeaa it. .ThO8OOtiOaright b. bd t0 b8 TOi&
r0r inwini*0n088, bat thir se~l4 not br 8 roa8tltutlon8l
~100, rlaoo 8a merinit0 or rmaiagllrrr art 18 l adllty.
hen tho h thr reotioa of lxeaptioar rhool4 br rtriokoa
for ooartY tutload iarrlllllt~, under the 8eprnbSllt 018ur0
;;r;h:o;lll, -that motion rloar roula iall, aad not z bo.m-
The a ham been u&r to 'ua that tho bill
la tlo n
18 unooartltutlonr Y in 8uthorltlng 8 prooeralry lg8lart the
Fodenl or state f3otrrrmont, or it8
tlon ha8 brra oalled to BUOhuua v.
Lsr ld. SST.nut thlr owe 8rsordO
Th8t 088e did not oonslder say oonatlt~tlonal ln-
falldlty la the 8tdute or prooeedlng lnrolted, but on the
oontrar'f, aerelr held that rtlndrin the hand8 or 8 gotom-
mantel ag?nt did not ooartltute ropbrty ab the jadmeat
debtor, nor a debt owing to him tr luoh agent, under l
rt8ttate rllilar to the bill beforo urn. The oourt raid:
*TM fun48 of the 00tmameat Or0 rpeoliloal-
ly appreprlated to certain Hatloaal objeotr, rd
ii raoh ipproprldloar ul be diverted aa4 &a-
rmtoa br atdo prooerr or othonlre, the tuna-
tloar of tha oorernwllt uy bo rurpoadod. SO
... 10~ 81 money remlne la the hand8 of 8 dlsburr-
lag oifloer it 18 a8 lah thr money af the United
State8 aa if it bd not been dnun from thr trrar-
VI* Until paid over by the agent li the Ootern-
aeat to tb pOrion~eatitled to it the fundr oaa
not, la any legal eeMe, be oonrl~ena l p er t 0r
hlr lffeotr. Thr purrer 18 dot the debtor of the
The mm ml1116 would no doubt br made andol tho
prereat bill, ii lt rem a law,.aad the doternmeat or it8
agent was rowht to be:bhelO, oader it@ prorl816ar.
‘Ko le no t pbplre4 to hold that 8, B, 869
lr rleuly iorbld6eo br •~ clolutlktlosal poviriO&
Order s*ll*rr w
OBmR&L Oole ipeu