OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF - AUSTIN . a-Q.- -- Iionwublo R. I). Os%lt County Attorney W.lbarger Gouatg Vernon, n?xEl Rear Slrr Lois on the fm g this privl- PX of the.52 oun ee- a shorlff of xo:m county In or axtondad the prlvhlogc %lox tioa: ‘GlodLdIt be necessary that tho Conm~Qsioners Court pmt him a leave of abncncc, that lx the oomm3sionci?s oourt of his couoty? Ronorablc R. D. Cstglt, page 2 DO Caid COIZI!~LSX~D~~~O C&Pt htiv, tbE Wthority to want such Xesvc? And LP not, by what au-. thoritg would he be ent2tled to take this upon? %u;d he be entitled ‘to his roguler salary during the time he was receiving euc!~ tra4-@.Sng?’ No quota from 11 Texas JurPeprud.encc, pageo 553- 4-5, as follows I “Counties, beIn coLQonen:nt, parts OS the @t8ta, havo no poue?? or duties except thoso vhich are .clearZLy set fOrth and defined ii1 the C0113*5.- tution and statutes. ‘in0 statute3 havo~clearly . defined t’ne Dolb’ere, prcscrIbed ths duties, and imDosed the liabilities of the cor;nissionars’ oouxts, the medium throu$c which the different oountios act, and from theeo statutes must coma all the euthority vested lu the counties. “ . . “Ca~03i0n~Or3~ courts are courts of U&t- ed jurisdilotion, in that their authority extends only to matters pertainln;: ~to the general vel- fnrc of their rcspect%ye counties end that said porrms exe only those expressly or impliedly conferred upon them by la&, that ia, by the Const;Ltution and .atatutea of the state.” . lie, hnve b&u urinbls to Pind any statute requiring the sheriff to get permIssion from the co~%ssioners~ court. In OPW? to go outside his county or outoide or” Texa,s. In. Opinion. No. O-2333 110hold that the bohxL33ion- orx~ court of Lsm&rCounty, Texas, had ‘no authority to grant a Leave of absence to the county attorney to enter the U.S. Army. m~ls opiaion also ccf’orrcd to opinion HO. o-3M8 of this department r?h.?.chheld that the commIs:!loners~ court could not deitlaro a vacancy in the office of county attorney ca tho aut!lority to doc2are a vacancy.~~ould be ti the Ma- trict Cowt, citing Iistilton v., fling, 206 S. W. 953, and that the county attorney was entitled to hfs enlary during the tom of his oEfioo or. until a vacmcy vas estnblisiled~ Ve enclose hercvith a copy of Opinion Xo. 0-253j for your inrormation, ‘., : * , ~onorab2e R, D. OsvaX., pag? 3 xi; ia our opinion that, under the fRGt9 at&cd, the ‘_ aOrZ~iSsi01~?J?8’ co-mt has no authority to gmnt a loave ‘or obscixe to the ahcriff for the pwpo& s;t,atcd or any other pw?po8es. Rowever, tf the ahmiff desires tdgo he my GO on hi.0 own volition a5 he needs no pcrlalaJioli frorj the cm- ‘ini~eloncrs~ court. As long as he Ls cheriff he w%U be cn- tLt;lcd to PeGc2iVe 113.5 8Utary. Of C0?2?250, .hoWeV~r, the, GOZl- mlesionem~ oourt vould not be autho,nleod to oxpmd county fund8 for the pnywnt of the shm!.Cf~s oxpenaas Zn or goins to and frm the rrchool in k?ashin~Zoq as seem uou2d not bs on county ~busfnaa~ but purely 0;1 the ohcriff*s o?m p&vale busincsa; ’. ,’ UJP:db Enclo.oquPe