BonwrttbleSix?C. ~Cleckq,~'
D6ar sir:
,_,,_c +.-.......
RonorsbJ.8 Joe C. Glodney, Page 2
bInd9.u;end 'velidaa ff dorm by the .ksesso.vand
Colleotor or'Taxes In purscn, pxmided, tket in
cou.rltica ileviut: a po~uletiunof t&me hundred end
fiftg-fire thousand b- >5j,O00) Or 1~03x9 ecooi-dI=
to the lust preoediug yadelal Census, the Aaaes3or
and Collector of !?ezosmy in edditioh oontrect
with spc32i~ideputies having special technical
t~ainih&, skiii, cd experience for the purpose
of assisting hiulin obteining ihfometiou upon
rvhichto base proper valuations of oil and miner8.3.~
boaring leuda cud proparties ehd loterest,.s~,~.oroln, .
irsduatriei ad plants, end other
properties;qhhore special tschnicsl akill and train-
ing Is requirad. In sddition thereto, such special
aasistsnts, olarical,~ eocountin& or stenogrephio,
as my be necessery to conduot,,the orgeaization
herein provided for end to carry out the purposea
or this Act nay ba applied fol*end appointed in
like olaneerprovided they ahall bagappointed only
far purposes conaiatant\qIththis hct. In e&Ii-
tlon thereto, the Assessor and Colleotor OS Taxes
shell be ,egt&oriqed to apply for the appoFntn?ent
of a apeoiel head of the'automobile,~diviaion OS ,_ ~.
his oSSice at a aalery~not .,totrxoaed TFJO Thousand, :1 ,':".~.
.eveu Ku&red Eoll&ra ($2,700) per enhui.~ The
cctipenaatiou to be paid audh speciaL de@ios end
spsoiel automobile d8periment head shell be aubjeci
to the &pprovel.of the Comiuiesiohera Court end the
County Ludiior, en& 1Wtationa upon the mount of
8Uoh aomponaation&sew&em provided sha.lill not ep- '
PlY. The contreot of employment shell be for a
defloita tern,,not extending beyond the term of
offioe of tha Assessor and Colleotor, end ahall
ba mda upon morn applfcation,tothe ~omissioners
Cotit sh0ivi.wthe necessity therefor, end ahell be
al;bjeotto approval both as to aubstanoe and as to
form by the Comissionara Court end by the County
Auditor. hots 1%76,-p; 220; G. I.,vol. 8, pa,1096;
Acts 1935, 44th M-T..,p. 648, ch. 262, Q 1; Aats
1939, l&h~Lo&, B. B. $%22,,Q 1."
Article 7256, Varnon's hnnotstsd Texss Civ3.IStet-
utes, provides for the eppoiotmnt of aeputjr tar e3sos3oT-
collectorsin oertsin towns end cities. There are no ego
qualificationsfiucd for such daputles in this stetuta.
soi?0. Cladmy, Faga3 ..
llrticle1605, Vemon7.s hktatea TOZES Civil Stat;-
1 utes, provifies,amnz; 0th~ thiags, 'iOntb.asjigoInti9ent of
deputy tsx assessor-oollectorsft)XbWi!iCil 0I'f'J.oes in ce3dxin
Goutrtios. ‘I’his statate does riot prGr;crlbe Oliy age cpsl?l.iYctw
tions for such deputies.
drtiCit3 72& %XXIOZI'S hTKIOt&Gd 'l8X83 civil scat-
u&s, presoribes tho.oath thst couiitytax assassor-aolleatorn
=a tiidr deputies Bust take. Ihevor, it is olearlg e?,parcut
thst ,thePe1s nothing in it that n &nor ooul.¬ subscribe
t~rtlole3902; Vernon's fmotatoci Texas Civil Stat-
utes, provla.sofor the aygointrml~ or &puties, assistants
end alerki generally but does not prescribe sny age quslrfi-
cations for suoh appointees.
Section 7* Infants; 23 Texas &?.risprudenoe,
p. 7':2,
reads 8s rollorsr
on whether tha olfioe is 8 ninistcrial OCR-ajwii-
cial OLW. The rule hss been $hua stated: If the
orf%oe is ninistorial, 3uch aa calls for the exer-
cise or skill saCiLntelligenae only, tiers ifi@
legally hold the s&.m end execute the duties there-
of; but if the office is jtiicial or om T.'hich con-
oerns the$iration of justice, itdants nay
.no",be appoi:ltoaLhersto. IL im5 bocn helriacoerd-
in&y that a minor fxty hold the oki?.ueof deputp
county olo?k, tb~erebeing n0thin~g.k the eonstitu-
Lion 0~ statutes prescribirig?u~l~llicatians-bush
would rendor hifaimligible or disqimlify hia.*
have been unable ~to find any constitutionalor
v ugo q~ualificztiona
3tnl;utoryprovisions roquirin, for deputy
oounty tnx sssessor-colleeto~a..
Honorable Joe C, Gladney, Page 4
1% quote'from 34 Texas JurisprudcnW, p. 345, as
follows: ~.'.
n In so 'faras the decisions have dealt
with ~t&&ter:it 'inheld thzt botghminors
and women can be deputy clok~,*and a womanls CT-
gibility is'not affected by the faot that she is
marxied.n .,(Undsrscorlwoxrs)
TX& case of Narkreadtirv. State, 33 3; I?.117,
Texas Co'uYtof CrXninal Appeals, holds tlwt a nfnor nmy 1~ -
gaily serve as a deputy county oleric.
The oasa of Delaney v. State, 9.09. W. 642, Tuxae
Court of Criminal Appeals, h@dn that a deputy distrititclerk.
need not be a qunli.fied.voterand may bs~a wamsnl This case
oftad the Earkreadar oase,'~~su~>ra.
Opinion 30. O-4963 of thin department holds that a
minor may legally sexve as assistant county auditor. A oopy.
of this opinion is etiolosedherewith for your infornatioa.
You are resoactf& advised that it is the opinion
of this ~departmentt&t a mink may legally sexve as do-&y
oounty ta2 assessor-oollector. This is true irrospectivo of
whethe or not the disabilitiesof minority have boon removed.