Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

_. .I. \ I’ OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF Tc(AS ~ AUSTIN : i *pLLDcyuI. _ -- 8: ..*, 23~1.Agw3 kM!urry, Becrotary p~,;~Bo:';rd of lialrdrossors end Cosnatol.o~S.:it. , LOW?3 A coal? &da& _ Pour mqusot sor fully coislaerod by this d quest aa soll~?mr or li~ansu my h3ve said cnrtiflcnto or li- oemm rostorod within one (1) year after the date of axplration, upon the parmont of the rw@imd ronmal fao and natfnfaotory proof of his or her qunliilnationsto ronu~e prac.tico. t . ., . . .: ., ~6. Agnes EoOnrry,"Page2 : . ., :- 4 We ha& had so many inqukiee recahtly ,. . _, . regarding this point that wo nould like to knov~ if the Stat% Eosrd wonld be euthorizcd to GUS- : pad tile too0 and renew the licenses on these . " men, upon Slisirrsturn to civilian life. Other- .. who, the state Poard examin?tlc:n would be n.&- easary, iP their licenss hdd lapsed, hefore they could be issued ahothor one to restia v.w?B as an operator In this state." .'.~.. _" _. Section i of Art&lo 7%X<, VernonIs hnhotatod Tmxis .. Penal Coila,makes it uniamful for any person to ~ensafein the practice or occqation or a hairdresser or gc,&metoloGotor.to :. conduat a hairdressingor cosnetolo$icalestablishmentor aohool titnout a ocrtkl’icuto or rbgi;iotrrtion &ml/or license as provided under tno act. Section 10 di the aot (Artiole 734b, V. A. I?.C.) qroted by rou In yq~x letter govidos.for the annual.renowl OX o=rtiricateooP-'registration and/or licenses and providas that the holder of an.oxpPredoertificate. .. or license may have said certificate or license-restoredwithin .L one (1) year cEter tho date of expiration,,uponthe payment of tho roq~irod reno%al fee and fJatisg&ctory proof of h5.sor her q~alifioationsto~.resume practice. . :_ .- Ji&cl~'i, Section 28 ol'our State donst5.tution, pro- -4ai3s; . .~ .’ . . . .... _. . . ,: . ‘.~ ., i ..90 pomor bf ollsjszla8in~ law3 16 tliis'state.s . : ahall,ba exerciood evcopt by tho Xagifilaturti?."~ . lhe Legislature. 1~3 undoubtsd povrer'to amend OP chwgo exiotlng s+atutory la%, lnoludine thnf ,xhichis contain- .'.' ' od in a coda ox revision, in drder to meet changing donditions, _~ An aot vny be amended during tho session at which it %a8 pasSOd :' or at an)-subse:;uent cession, by oneotnont speciiicallysetting forth its cleansedterms. (Texas Jnris~wudsnoo,Voluz~e59, x.efe125, ana e~t.aoritaCa citoa therein) You axe respeotfullyadvised that it is the opinion or this dopartnsnt that the state Bcord.of Hairarc330r3 and Cm- mstolo$ots 13 ~:ithoutpwer to YZIVO or suspend thb rowuiro- , nentn of thn'statuto sot out in Section 10 O? the act, -* : WhatbQr W2h la?: f3h@Uld be amXh?d or rGp3Qhd is Q .gusstion uasr63siri itself poculiurly and orClus$vely to the .. . . .: . . . .. L0&31aturer . .. .) * .. Very 'truly,your8 : _ . .c, : .-.. .; . .. ,, ;: .. _..i ._ . . . . : ,.. J. FaMfng *.' : .. A8SMXUlt : _: ._ wF1co~ : : : ,