Qfter a oonelderatlon ai the rq@iGk∈ ths
._.... * ;;
arldolss OF lnoorporrltlonand .thonature of the aonet~uc-:
._. . t.io!l
all4O~erTatioROF t.119
plant, will you pleaeo f.?for.a
i- \’ xm whsthm, $n pour op%niozi,the oyertition0:: auoh co+
oern in the stota of Tcvas would bo In violation ot the
tcrfi5or the 6tmto 0c ch0 mte of Toxss regiitating
an& aontr0lU.n~ truots and m0nopo3.l6s.~
glvvenus br the attvP&ors for tho qoqx~~+, St appeare that the .
geches liutancZmduots Cozpany has bea or&enizod et the tiet3aoo .
i$ tho PeCeral Coverrant, a5 a aon-profit c.rporation.whiGh.fe
to supervise anQ a;anrrgo
tha zwiui'aoturcOF 6ynthobSo rubber 63&n-
tic41for the n~t~orr'swax am?.% l
At;the'rogkt or thO PeFollcxalCiovox&neat.thooto&
omom~hip of fho Uechcn Dutene PrMuots Conlpan&ha& bea appor-
five OS.1oGq.peniel3 eJlu!serntaa in your lettoT
(l} bsocusa it is antiok,ostobthat the rax
inso the m6nuf6Otuse afthe ayflthaticzubb6r' .
1s to ba aupplloiifroa the oiz refineries of thee0 poqwnlos
and (2) beoaws the30 saw3 &xupanieo nre to farnP3h ikos wong
thclr 6i~ployOesthe poroaa-,Glvith the nooostrarydhcmlcal, .
OqjiRaOriRp; &nd ol;har I;oChuloaa. Bkfil enb trainin$j I% dircottig
tbb pPopoaea llRdcirtnkln~.The cultireprojeot $6 t&&lctti?a by
and Qhall be opt?rstGaunaez.ttso(ttreot-.suposvlslcu¶ allaOontYol
,ofPeiIaralagenaida fn tui%heraticit of ooeential waz wrjc. Unitsr .'
cuch Gi~ourzit3nccs,x76QTQ OP the opiaion i&It wle Gnti-truat.
l%?e Of Taxas h3ve no eppliarrtiontq the gropowI ogOzet1one .'
of the'E6chas But6nq produote company, RG outlina8.
Your5vepyt%w.y .