. .
gomiiblo Coke &venaon
~'iOrOO3?or Texa8
~a5tln,. Texae
Loor Govoxtcnor~teve~oar '
a(2) Can the Govarnor cpgoint tbc hdju-
: .. .
noeorable Coke Stevogson, fags 8 ‘;
tmGkm?ral~ OS State prop&y orri& ror the
purposes tielitionedl .
. . .
3 * 3) .’Cen the Govornia apioint ah tm-
pioyoe oil the stsm! of tbo Adjutwh-Gmml
‘Be %tatQ firo3arty Offico~ . .. ‘.I.
.: . ..a‘:
.. *(Gi), Can.& ‘G&&r’ it&&t tho O&F’ .. ..’ . .
.of the kesional Office or c~vllia~ ~ofense to m’
have a moabor of‘ tao Offioo. of Civilian kf~n& “1’ .
Staff poxfoxn the derri&natod. $tio$Lons of a.
State Property Wflcer? : (Ref&x+no.e-Is’rsade to ’
a letter to the-Governor, uador d&;k$‘Suim
Z%?, 2W.2, fron xiltoa T. &eCory, .~su60trut.: .
Rbgional %cotor, Zighth Civili- Eefenso . * ..’ ’
Be&on, copy pr which 40 ,atbaahod).” . ‘1 ,;, i_ .. .
‘_ * . ,:.:,.: . . :
!Cb Dhootar of the>Offioo Of-‘~iornt,s
. .‘
. . .
. .
i, t
: halt be rmponslblo for th4 aota
(t,.., 1 : :
~imitlve Or&s Eoc NC+ roads in 24rti 4w fOllOW3:
*mJ. 8Oaa .
.nCooeearp sor ttra lTOCUF8ZMlt ii prorf@tly .
as posslbla up?mEt
of oq of the tygo and ..
; . 181Tsbba
qunntlty o~ocif’l6d by tlia Uircct~z? .
OS CioLl DufpIm3,
._. .
. .
. .
. ...__
Eofiorsblo cQk@ StoVsnnoQ,~P~5e X4 . ::
t\ :’
. -.l’ . . ._. ..
Qf Civf&n D&UAS~ slwll bsaadehvrriZable
in nny lOCc@ltp only br loan to duly coacrtI- ,
.totad 41~11 authwitiou of Amy state;tarri-
tQQ', IUMtOi#a$ity Ql- OthOr pQlitiO51 Mb-
divl6SQn COzQris~~ Or aifu&ted w1thia such
locality, azd any awh authority mey Uistri-
buto the wxm to mc~oaaiblg end ijuallfiod .
fndiVuiU3~S QY Qr@QiZnt%QllU, . iI2 Q ~008X?QllO~e
.h*tb ragulatioas~.Lm&~d by ths Dfraetor Of
CiV~liM f)efCQ5~; pFQY%dedthe% it ohall ba --.
a co2ditlQn of alJ.'suoh loano #Qt~ths.citil ,
L altthOxi$& tQ v.%biohe.%?h loan i8 WI&Jahall .
&6 QWUSODCO tQ the j?irOd.Ql' that the &U'op-
. arty toemid 3helS be odsquatoly ~~otasrod and .
'tralntsimd, thst it shQI.1 not ba UosU Qthur- ..'. ~
tiistlthzxn for tfia ~Z’GttrCtiOn or’par3ons or”
poparty fxos bc=ibl.s stt-mks; sabotqp or
Qth6rwiU hazardg Or fQr traiQin~'O'r iQ!StSU.C-:
tloa iaoiduntal to suoh.ase, end that suoh
. . property itnloes Zest, dostroyaa cr ObQfauxid
In the toured o$ suok mu %1;11lbS koturmd . , '
tQ tbe ~tited Stat% %%'orriS~& Q-t any tkm
upon ardor of, or prrsu5nt tr, ruJo3 or rega- :
letion& p'eeoxihatl by, tha Dlq~tor of 'Xv&l-
laa lW6naeY. : 3 _ . ...a. . .
.. .
ti,... ,~' ,:
: *?rQn+ II. S0o&dlt
"The -S!dto iitiwa, ..
k!usch G, .lL842.." '. . '., .
. .
. ;
. ‘.
; ..
. -
. .
- .
;‘: .-
-*8, The Dlrootor fri authorized, 'with the
a~a~~~~ai0r the ~r0Om~t, to appOiat suolr sib
. .
6itiomd advisory oo~tt~as, and aubaotittaoer,
ry$tb respoot tD Stat8 and Local COOpOr8t~OA,~
cationalmorale, qivL1 dofouea plnoAin&, civil--
>-- ion partiolpntlun, CiAd related ti0foASO aotivG’.‘.
a$ hs may find ocoosearg or desirable $0
-.__: 1’ tias,
oas~ot hia in tbo per5’ommooe OS tis duties. ..
Sum odvisoty aoa&.%teas my, I.ncluda ragwan?
. tCit&VeAtrOiIl hdel!Al dQXiPti?WAtA8Ad AGC'AOiBB,
Stote'tid 33ca-f,fivar~mento; prfvate orginlza-~
tions, and the public at l,ar.@. '@IS &mbars
of sd~isory co!xalttaas shell 8sr'vo a8 such .
aitboclti co~~~cnsritlon, but #hell bo ontitlod to
aotauls and neoasmPy troAspoxtatfoa, aubsis-
tonco, and othar oxpanass $.nnlSentd to tl;o
gorformnoa of thoIr ii$~ias. i .:
“r .b..
: : vrpinuia % Hoos0vQl.t
Vha \M.te Rouse
&!ay EC, 1941" :
We have roosivod tbo i%rthor 1nfoYmtion~ fro2 goUP
offics tht fho Stfite Pxoprty CfSScor ni31 rocc17.0 no 00~
Pcw3at!.on for tfim l!iutifJa ha pE?l‘rOrae.
S~otlon le of hrtiola I.6 .oS 'our Dtuto Constlttition'
. ”
-... .~.
_.. ‘-
: "80 rsltbar of Ccwroas,'aor parsoo hold-
i, , ina; or eamislng say oftloo or profit or . . .
i trust, under tha United Statoa, or el,tkor of .
. tbOm or under any $OroicA ~owar, shall. be
\ ell&blo aa a nmbor of tho La~ia~lcturo, or
bold or oxmalsa DAYoffice of wofif or trust
. .
. .
- :
of trust or profit under the t7nltsd‘~f3tates.
a?inlon that the offioo of Stat0 Pr5 arty Offker fop tba
~ffleo Or c4.viLianZaCenae..+ an offf CO 0r tmic c?3.mOa
pador tbo 2%~ of.the Unltop Staton and ia (Itodorei off&~
&td rot R State 0fFi00. It4XUld not be a stnto offica be-
cauno it WRS not orastod by tba ConstLtutlon or statutes OS
tb0 Stat0 of Texas.
Zn anoxw to y&r third qt&otlOn, it la our opin-..
ion that an oaployoo In t!ioAdjutant Worsl*a 0tSfco (not
being a State o~tioor) could be appointed an3 hold the
ofrico.of St8tc Property Offtcar for the Wfioa of CMliaa
Doronao, but 1C he bid so hs would not bo antitloa to re-
ooivo any pny fro3 tho Stata O1* %Ewi for his aorvl~coe80
.- . a stllttl6Fa~20300,.sea Cootlon 33 or Arttlo 26, Toxa6con-
stAtutton. .. . :
It Is our oplclon tb8t yew &&th aa& rim '~
quostLona aBoa bo ansmred ln.the qogative, and a,*~eo
: . bnswwed, :. . .. .. . :
7 -.
Xa fmswer to your s&i &es&n it is our 0,-i;-
ion tha$ tho (iovamor could aDpoLai Q lenber or the OifLoo
OS CLvilian Refulse otsff c.5Stct~ Pxup3rtp Ofrio-0rfor $ha
Offica or Ci-?illsaR0fam50. . .. :
Imiorablo Goko Btcvenson, FGU 20
. .
: l-
: \ -
‘*.: . .
. . ’
. ..-..”