Honorable E. E. Wl:ieht
%xas sohool Sor tha baf
&8tin, TOxaE
mar sir:
You requert the aepartmont upon
tha follarirrg qurrtions
the 47th Lag-
y present on the ceapu8 and
any lervlae to the EOIWQ~ dl-
otly during there mmmor months?”
1s~anoweraa in the negativr. To ax -
1 Prlnoipal from the performanor of hi8
dublea during the sumer three montha gwiod, and at the
6am the to pay hln for the full twelve month* 01 ~er+lor
for rhioh the appropriationis provldwI,wwld bs to allow
ruoh prlnclpal a vaoation of three m~n~%hm,In dinat vlol~-
tioa of the following provlelonr of the general pravirions
l pond86 to end 00nBrolling the upuiditure of aoa8pm prO-
vPdotIbg Renete Bill 402, Aotr Re@er Saraion, 47th Lea-
imlatura,whioh AOt providem appropriationa Sor the mippqrt
~'*a&maintonanoe of the various elremosynary lnrtltutiorua#
tbir State, inoluding the Pexaa Sohool for the Mai, for the
oarrant biumluma:
"v6o9tlonallovmnor. Vaoatlon of not ex-
ooeding twelve (101 workbag diayrnay be ellouml
rll of the tw~lvoronth offlosra and aunployear
provliba ior In the &a.*
‘Ph. lrprareion of th@ iiutharlty to ullou tralte-
month oftioon and vplarwr l vma a tlo n of wit lxwUng
tumlro (181 working dew" olurly irsplie~ the denial of the
lMorlty to aliow taoation perloch af lo*er thwturlv*
we*ing da9s.,
You-n vex-9 trll19