Honorable Bert Ford
Addnlstrator, Texa6 Liquor Control B&d
Austin, Texan
Dear Sir I
to one or more
the same omsrshl~
or whloh no type of
or&t has beenprerlded
6 Liquor Contiol Aet?
ion or thir aepartment
on the above stat
ting of the QWbeX8 of th,r
war brought at lstaae
tion No. llB-1 attaohrd
ir whether the owner or revoral
irilegea to tratwpoxt uquor
0s a premlaer aesignnt8.4au a plaoe
or pueksgs f&ore In the *ain,
ion referret%to a8 adopted by the Board
wa8 preaieatetlugan the aimm~tlon that
& llquor was reetrloted to carrier8 or
persons ror whicaha permit hailbeen provided by the Texas
Liquor Control Aot. ssotlan & (a), Artlole I, of the Act
provide8 as tollowe;,
-‘It shall be unlawfpl ror any psraon to manufeotum,
aletlll, brow, sell, posses8 ror the p\rrpoeeor sale, import
into this State, export from the State, transport, dimtri-
bute, warehouse, store, soliolt, or take orQez8 rdC,,ox fog
the purpose of sale to bottle, BStitf, blead, treat, fsrtfig,
mix, or pmxwss any Uquor in any wet area without iirrt
e permit,*
*8eotion 15, Art1010 I, provlaes for the different
~p~ol~&yait8, fnaluding those alloning traasportatian
w*Carrler Permit, Private Carrier Fermit, Looal
Cartags Permit.*
"Wme the transportation or liquor is rtMrlOt,ea
to porrons having a pormlt, it wae concluded thet the
owner of a paOkage rtcrs not having the prlrllsgs or
obtaining a fwanrrport errdt oould not be glrcm suoh
privilege under any r ure aa regulation or the xioacd.
Tour opinion 18 requested a8 to whether the Baud
doer hate the aWhoority to permit P paokmge rtwr amer
to transport liquor rr0m a 0ertsSn &or-e plaO8 to one
or more stbre* ,una4r the 8~0 ownership in tehloles rim
&iioh no type of transport permit has been prwldad III
the Toura Liquor Control Aot.*
Rule & Reuulatlao~1yB.Ub-1, of the Liquor OonBrol
Baard, rslatlng to the nmtt~wuuU8r aoasidsratioa, uhioh $8
ltitasheato your inquiry, is 80 rOmmfi;
‘In Ror faak*g4 8tore, Rerwter to Another 880x0,
Requlriag Rewmbr
*(l). The ,xkmmx~ owaer or aore thaa one package 6tere,
w&o ha8 aesignatsa one o? hi8 pl8oe6 or burrIns a8 a plaao
or dorago, in transrerring liquor'to hi8 other &ore6 #hall
make and keep a permunsnt reoord of euoh transferr 8hOuing
ths quantity, the sirs or aontalaere,and t&s braad or liquor
so tranuisrred, the data, the *tore to whioh trM8rerxed
and the menner in which the name was traneported, lie mhui1
ate&sand prepare an invoios la daplioate QT *aah such tmn8-
ier. The invoice shall show the date, the quantity, the
8h-m of container&iWd the brand or brande of liquor, the
name and the ermit numbez of both the &&aa;O stare and
the one tore Pah raid liquor 16 traartarred. The dug%iOats
of such i&M&W ,i&allbe kept for a ertoa et,two years in
the plaoe of storage end the originaP rrhsZ18bOoagany the
8hipUWnt 8t3abe dellrered to the raeefvlng s+¶%J and kept
on tile at that plaoe for a period 0r at learntOm years.
The reoeiving store shall make the proper Sntry in hireper-
manent book reoord conoernfng all 8UOh reOeifpt@Oi liqUnr*
*Liqa0r~ 80 traitshtrmd asp be Nmasported only by
the holder of a looal 4ar$&&$4or a oommon oarrier p4rd.t.
“It &all be unlalriul for any paokage mtafe permlttse
to fall or refuse to m&e 4~6 keep the reoords a4 herein
required. It &ml1 be unlawful ror sny okage store
parmittes to trmster ox brensport 4ny 1i?quor fmnn one
store to another ln.anl manner other than aa herein pro-
“It &ml1 be unlsrtul for anl paalragertcre ormittee,
his agent, servant or employao to trmwport any I.! puor ror
ths porpwe~ hereln mntiandl in I private ishlole.
“(2,). Rule and Rsgulat%on Vo. II-B, dated $4 tsnb4r 28,
1937, pmW$ated by the T4mm Liquor Control Boarx 18 hereby
repealed, but &aid Rule and R4gulatlon shell remin in full
foroe Snd 4ff4Ot Mtil thi4 Order 14 pUbli8hsd a8 required
by law.
"(31. X.f say seotiion, portloa, 01~~4, or par8 of
thlr oraw be h4ld invalid, ths mm4 shall not affeot tany
other seotlon,~portion, olauso, or p4rt themor.
"It iB so oxdaed ala the U&h day 0r bugtut, A. b.
(Fubli*hsd Septeabar 1, 19394 TEXAS LIcgm WmROL BOARD"
Subm4Qion a, 940. It,Art. 66645, V.A.P.C., prwidmr!
*Any peraonownlngmore thaa one paokagd rtoxo pvrmft
may derignrte one or tha lfo4umd pmti848--= the plao4
ror starage Or liquor, and he shall ba pil‘rile~ged
to traa~tex
lipuor rrcrm6u4h stord&4 to his otha lioenrs& ~r45tIzr4~ rjnder
such rules a8 &all .be~presarib4Q by the board.*
we hare railed to find wy oa44 where the ap &2&e
OOUZt8 f
of thl4 State ha*4 oonstrusd subeeetion 8, Sact~on 8, Of
the Artiale quoted abovs. However, there are m4ny T4Xas 44646
rqarding the illsgel transportation of ~iquOra*
xt is etated in erred in Webb T, Sate, 37 SbW. (24) 753, *hat
in a pro8eeutloa rar traitsportingliquor, a s&wee aerbtig
*&ranspDpt” as carrying anything from one glacm to another WW'
oub4tant~aUy oorreot.
Boaorablm Bert Ford, page 4
The. drfinition at the word “tmmport” in aif prow-
*utiVIl for trCtMpWt* llp00r IIHWtO to mwe or 8arr from en4
pl&ca* looelity, to another pface, or laorllty. fBeI& mb-
atantlally oorreot, Pruett 0. Rtato, f5 9. IV* (26) 716.) Saan
of the other ~a8eB re&ayding the Illegal transportation or
liquor are Darls '0.Ftate, 267 F?.l?.513r Celn v. SCtate,69
~2.V. (26) 140; Kamnere v. State, 59 f?.W. (ad) 162 Mooed V.
gtats, 281 S. i;'.
1052; Kmnm v. 'tata, 259 .s.\4.1d 83) John-
gm v. State, 265 ". X. 588.
By vt&ue of Submotion a, Art. 666-4, eupza, it
is unlawrul for any paraon to trcnepvrt liquor without haVlB&
prooured 8 permit. We fit4 no axueptlona to thfrr prwlaion
regart?in&the question UfidGr tXm.SideratiOn. Subaeeti4n b,
saotlvn 8, aupr4, luthorlz6r any person hvldiug more.thaa ova
pa&krr;eatom permit to bealgnats one of the lloenaed.pramiarr
aa a plaoe for atorege~oi liqvar end permit8 such pcrr8vn$0
tranefsr liquor troixsuch atoraglsto his ,other,liooBmd prom-
ises under such rules a8 shall be prosorlbed by the board.
A psraon cmviug Elorethan on* paokam crton pernit c@a Bat
truwirr liquor rrvm one liaensrb prenisr to other lieum@
predsea unless and rrntllone of such prmisrrr Ir da#ignatod
es a plaoa for storage vf liquor in oamplQnae tith ,the lk m
rationed provisions. c0tda4ring t~m0ti0n e, W+~OB 6,
end aabseation a, et. 666-4, together, it is clpparont that
liquor cev be legally tmn8port4d wily by 4 por44~, haying a
pzalt ana #et subsootion 0, 64otlon 8, I6 do exaeption
aub6eotlon a, Art.666-4. %id f&Ubs8OtioB8, mOt%OB 6 Otif
authvrlxes or pam&ts the owner of nore than one pa&age rton
permit tomdesignate one ci the licensed 9remimoe a8 a #ten@
place for liquor without a atvragb psnnlt, and fttzmr permlt8
him to transfer 1Sqoor from Eiuuh storage te other 1506Web
premisea, but doea not authorize him to tran&!pWt 8auh lfpu6r.
Tha valy way mob liquor aen be legally tmn6 arted is by
fatsme p*raon who hse obtained 8 permit under tii l liquor ao&-
trol sot authorizing him to transport liquor. 'The~OfoTo, the
a.bove stated question Is reegoothllg answered in the neptln.
Your? very trulr