Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. ... . ; s.:.... OFFICE OF THE ATIORNEY GENERAL OF l-EXAS AUSTIN * . . . . “Ee6Ilo 6ntlnu e n6% . l . . . * . * . .I2 * * l . l . Hotiarable Artzob 392&, V.A.C.S., roada as follov~t *%n thoic countl6a wh6ra the Dietriot Clerk i.8ccetpensated~11a tee boais, the clerk 0haz.l reoalw3 au& Sees and a6Oount foF au0h aa f66a 0f 0riioeJaad ia th0.619oounti60 uh6re tb6 Dw is oaapom&3d On 8 I- triat Cl.erlc buir, ruch fee8 &all bs oolhtted and pald into the ogflaer's salary fund a nov Qr htreartar pr'md- 6d by hV.”