OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEliAS Aonorablm aohn R. Shook Crimiael uir4rlot Attoxnq San Aastonlo,Toxss Dosr Sir: Attantlont Mr. w. Your lottor of 1st aoQoa~5a& your xequwlt LOU8t8t* onay 701.1z-a fa to rir tha 8m o ?lpprex- aoantly allooatwl to Bemar CQlapbttram aunt of the Stats, en0 u&Lab lou noont- ly dor&natsd to be 8pent for tb oonmkuo~iQn or iagrovrpont ot oounty latsrul roads, aa prorfdsd by iuOie10 6b%¶g-9, Par. II, PurQma 8.N WB a8su&sethat tlmre ir a bypo@mphioal omor ocm- aarniag ttm utlolr in the ebovr quoted parhqraph irom your oplnlon and that tha Article referrotl to ia AaWolr 66P4Q-7. Ronormbla John R. Shook, Ywe 2 It aaarumalear that you have referanae to money alloaa$ed to your oounty from the lstsral road aoaount, by tha Ward of County and Dimtriot Xoad Indsbtsdnams, an4 the Coaalm- sioners' Court has exeraisad it8 option ea to ona oi tho mp.eoiiieUuses oi maid aoaay as petitted by Artlolm 66743P, Varnon'm kinnotatqdCivil Stat&am, namely, the oonstruotioa or lateral roam In 8da oounty. For the purpemom of ‘thim opinion, MO muat amaumo that the provlaionm ot Artiole 66V4M, mupra, hava haen odaplied rlth ralative to notloo to the Bamrd~ by the Cozamimaionere'Court, ehcmlng the manner in which the Court ha6 exerclmed Its option, eta. the Co~~Mmalonerm@ Court braaererol8aQ it8 ';:hen option a&l determined that tha moamy raaelved -the lateral road aoaount shall be umad for tha eonmtruation'&l lateral roods In the oounty, the mtatute plaoem no rektriatloa or llmltstlon on the Cotisaloaera ( Court regard- the mamnar in whlah muah monay im to be expmnde4 ssaept that'zhm mmsm ahall be utilleed by the aounty, aotlng through tha wm- 8lonara' Court, r0r the aonmtruotion 0r lateral roads.* &tiolr 6674q-g adim lateral rod8 am f~llarmr 'All roads whloh prior tm January 2, 1939, had not baooao a pnrt of the mystan of State damignated highways, for oouveaisnoe of thim Aot are oallsd Patsral roada." It is stated in car opinion no, O-3606 rmdng to the above mentionad ~rovlaion "It im our o~lnlon that thm lateral roads to whloh the AO~ rater8 oan bi nothing mare than muoh roads am oonmtltuto a part of the ooun8y road mystam am oontradimtingt&mhoU,t&n the Stats highway Syatamj thara- fora, we think tha fund allooetad to the oounty for tna usm on letaral road8 un%er the provision8 oi thim Act would ba restrioted to the ~88 on road8 aonmtltut&g a~ part of thm aounty eyaitmm and over which the County Co~asionerm* Court haa jur~affiotics.~ %%ether or not the roads or mbxeetm "in now and old subdivisions outtdde of t& oity limit@ oonstltute a part of the county rod syetem, oantradistlnguiahad tram the State Highway Symtesl,and ovar whioh tha oounty Coacgiaeionara' Court hae jurisdiction ia a question oS fact whioh wa oannot Eoaorabh John W. Shook, Page B pure upon. .Aowe9er, 51 said 4~m48 or street0 in oow wb old mubdltteions outeidr of the eitg limits* tim p pme of the county road aymtem, a8 oontndfntlngulshed frm thm State %&way Sgmtam, over whioh ths Gounty Comi@aioumrm* Courb hem jurisdiotlon, we think tha ~oiDpDLBaiOn8rB’ Cm IS authorbe to expend the above mentions& money or rundm fa the cronmtruotionoi later& roads in thm owuity, aa the court my in its dimcrstlon dstowlno.