OFFICE OF THE A’170RNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS G- . AUSTIN AOKI. if. J. Lawaon seoretary ot State huntIn, Texa8 Dear Sir: Your letter ot opinion or this Deprtment, . &mated to the sbo9e nsmed 0 ahortor *or0 fo oopy or that anal&~ of CNr as8ootatlon rhall remain in of fifty year8 from data beeof, and , under tNa ehartsr hare all the p the law8 erirtlng in: or that may oted by the State of Texa8. *This lnstrtnnentHRLBmwar filed with the Seorebarf of State, but we hare been furnished with a Oertlfled oopr of the amendment, end we am attaohing it to thin letter. I B ~a. vi.3. Lawson, page 2 qou will note iro;lothe last ameadmant that tNa corporationdoes a fraternal benefit insurancebmlness, and as such is under the supervisionof the Inauraaoe cwullsslon. ia raisa4 by this altuatlon is -The question whahioh whether the Slllne of the amandm~nt with tha fnruranoo commissionextended the oorporate srlatanoe fifty year8 frou May 28, 1937, w whsthar It is naourrary for the oorporablonto tlls another exWi%si~n oi existenOeulth thie ot~los. Tou wlli reoail that in your opinion NO? ,,o-3254, you held that the Texas Indspeghnoe Life Inrurknee Come &Ki8tOROe under tb, oould not renew its OOrpCUTit8 prOYi8iOM of Artiole 1315 a and b. *'Weshould like an oplnl&n ~TW fan as to whether the ohwter oi tha aorporatioa I8 now in good 8ttukdlag under the 13uper9i8lon of the Iasux~oa~ Do rtmant 80 that no further aman&montano84 be ill& l.nthre otiioe, or whether the ohartsr &dmte6 by this ofiioo haa explrml by it8 am &@69i8lMI) Md i&et OMW illaOOO~UlOO tith th. proY~8ton8 ti Artiole 1315.' YOUXXeq\iOd ,X0 8 ghOt@8%8tiOOWrtiiiOd Aoccx~~panylag g8py of the 4aaendarent dated the tint day or June, 1927, tiled wlah tha Seoratary or Stat0 on Inno 29, 1927, and with the Do art- ment oi In~uranoa on the 16th by ot Jana* 2927, and a oertli P od gthotortatlocopy oi a later aamndaurt, dated the 13th day of May, 1937, illad In the Departmat oi Inraranoo. A8 to thla later aaandment we aasume that it h88 boon prrseatsb to four ~Departsenttar flline. The 8tatute8 ralatin& t0 amending and Wtadtig Chartera Of private GOIFpOra~fOtl8 St&k aa the One here fnYolVed ore &tloles 1314 and 1315, VeI%On’8 Annotated clril Statutea. Artiole 1311 from the R. C. 8. 1925, fn part, readar “Any private oorporatim mpnlmd or inoorporateb for my purpose mentioned in thi8 title, mar WSnd OX @hang* lts charter or aob ot lnoorporationby flliag, authentioatob In the manner as the orlglnai OhaFter, suoh ammlmmt8 OT &ages with the Sooretary of liltate.* .san. W. J. Lawson, page 3 Artlala 1315 of said 8tatutes praridalrt Worposations created for the oupport of benmlent, eherltable, eduoational or rrrlssloaary undertakinjis,the support of nqp literary or soientiflouuderteking,the wsintemnoe of a library) or the pronotion or palnting, mueio or other fins arts, wh&se chartor h&r expired by limltstloa,may revive euh ohartor with all the prtri- loge8 and i~uaunltfe8am3 rlght8 of property, real and psrronal, exorolsei7 en& held by it dt the date of she ezpiretlonof its '#i& oherter, by filing, with this oonasnt of 8 majority of fte rrteokho,ldem,a now ohartr uudcr the prorislons of thin ohapter, roaltlng therein 8uob original pririleges and l0timiitie88nU right8 of property, and by filing therllnrlth a oatlfled oopy of such ortginal expirea ohart*t.* in a 8t8oomrion ot tho quution Before engaging ralaod, laflaenoed by Orrrheldtingin o ianionO-3254 pM8umab~y oled by you, m oall your attention to the faot ehat in raid 0pi~i0.awe weme disouasina;8 OOrpOration whose8Ob bu8iae88 and uot up ma nithla the rsqulrexaantrof Hotme Bill 903, Qrd Leg. (Chap. 8a, Title 78, R.C.S.), oarr on a stat* ddr bu8lnus af. mittually prctteotlng or lnrrru’ %i, the live0 or fta imBbU8 buya8808iSJilOilt8. Such a oorpontiQa;~wu raqulred to eo1a~4with thclprOvirbXm 6f tiil8 bill By Setitiioa 14 of tha law or hats l%a ohuter, &paaimd under the genmav~llaw,. repuled m rat&cod. 'i'h18law, nD pointed out in the opii3la0, oapld not aperats to rapeal or ruoke an sxlatiag ohartw pre~lou5ly granted prior to ltr expiration withwit atiering lt an opportunity to wmtinue b\ulnasa under the aeu +egul.atory 3Aw. The opinion is not appU,cmblr to the Oer oratloa under axdduation here, whioh, by @m plairr.~prQti8 i on8 Ot it8 ahartu, opratss under Chapter 8, Titla.78, of the statute8 applloablo to fratarnal benefit *oolcsties. 32-0hero rmhsr demBrlaLAed.rrcmth8 rOOOrd8 ill your off100 thst shortly after the ariaotmtmt~of Chsp. 113, Aots &9X3, an act def+kLfng a fmternalbmaflt 8ooiety (art. 4620 3.C.s.). en afffdattt uaa iFled reocagaiaing the applieablllty of that law to the oorporstion;ad w* furthar au8uamthat under the pr@risioxaeand aamndmento Of the 191) aot au thea and presently applioabla to frateraalbaneSit aooleties the Xasuranoe~Departmes&t har rooogalmd lte axistenae and eo oonduoted lte auperrls%oa,duly issuing to the order aa annual lieenrs to oofiduot Its bu8fnSCeas a fraternal buttilt 6oolsty. Briefly tmoing the history ot chapter 8, Tltle 78, appllaableto fraternal benefit a~sooletlona, the flret mot passed euthorlxlng their lnsoil;oration 8s suoh and d8tlalng fraternal beaefft s~~istlma mm by the 26th Laglelature,Aeta 1899, Chap. Xl5 This law ,nrovlCedIn Subsestlon6 of See. u that srtlolea of incorporationshould Btbte the terreof oar- porete exlstenae, not to exoeed fifty yews, and required that the charter be,filed with the Sebrnknrp 82 Stata. 14 further provide% that suoh oharter may be amendo% et any tlm by f1Xn1~ with the SeoretaPy or state the derlred amndmente,lyey$ry eohnowledged,ee requlrsb In obtalnina a ohartnr. wcmW, this as&Ion provided for the ikoorporatlwsand the Imuanse of ohvrtera to fpaternal benefit soaletles; In aeotlon 2 thereof it provided for the oontlnulaEofb~lhesa of all aeaoelatlons'eomlngunder its provisions then doirrg huslneac but plaaed said a8so6latlons under the rups~rfnlon cf the kaalrs~oner~.of&?urarrce in reapeot to tllins annual reports and m&e. thr;a0ubJwt to sxcminationand certain regula- tlona by the Coemlssiom&'. Ths foreSoin&aot was repealed by Aots,ot 1909, t%npter 36, First C~lls%~Sersloa,31st Legislature,belhg l QRO and in Scot+ 14 thereat it iDoreoovaprehetis~ve lser vd 80 those corporationathen angaged in the bualnur ai? OS 8hO right*, powers and privllegss exeroieed or poarasaed under its charter OF artiolea oi amooietion, not inconrl8teatwith the eat and offering to'ruah oorporationethe right to reinear- porete thereunder. Theas were not required to reineorpooratcr eor required in their ohartex to adopt the pr~vislons for Qr$eedlg n#r assoolettOi36.r Tke Lcgls$attx~ein 1913, by an sot of the 33rd Le6lrlatww, Chagtor lJ.3,repealed the 1909 not,whlohlater euieotmeot, with subaeqasnt amen~ent~ to tsrlow 8eatianR, constituteour'grosentUha_ater8, Title 78, V.A.C.B, SeOtlea 13 thereof, appearing in Temmn*s en Brtlole 4839, atibdanbidly bxpreaeetathe eem purpoee and hes the taaine &teat a8'SW. 1C of the E,Otof 1909, In prcvidlng thet any oooletl aaaagdl at the tf.xein trans$tatlngbualneas In the State say eZavQi#O aillof the righta, powers and privllsgos theu exe~'slead or OSS~S~~ by it w%e~ its charter mot lneoneistentwith the 1913 sot, lf 1noorporatcsU. P Iian.x. J. Lawson, pa8e 5 It eeome oleu iron ths rorsgoing examinationQf the law epplioable to fret6rna.l beneflt sooiefles et dlff~ent psslads throughout its history that such corporationsas the Grand Lodge of the Order of the Sons of Her&m ia the State of Texas, iae@y orated ior the purpose of a benev’clent eduoa- tionel or cQgr.i eable undrrtekin~, prior to the sot of 1499, were never lnts&ed by the Legislature nor required to aerge their rlghte aad priyile(t44granted under Chap, 8, Title 76 of our innureno~ laws.’ .Thelawaaki~ bcdlee epparently reaog- nlzlbdthat aor~~aticus w!mss purpoeee eye ohulteble or bsneyo- Le.ntsay aoquite rights end traheeot business without the doing oi en lneuranoe bueinaes. A glene4 et the purpcee provision4 of the original oharter of the Order nlth rhioh we are ocnaermd ehcwe the dual purpose, to pap health and death benefits to mam- bera ahd their beneflolarie4en4 *to ersot and maintain e hum for old aad needy members of the order end for the erphans of members of the 0rZer.C It will mther be noted that Ayt. 485 R.C.S.* (m3. 30 of the 1931jk!bt), exampt8 frokslte ~proylePone oertelu aooietiee einllar to .@and ox subordinatelodgee of Mesons, Odd Lfsllowecm Tni~hts oi Fythlae, which do not is6us~insurence eertlficetea. Furthers&ore, any suoh oorporaBionnmy forielt it4 anmel ~permit to do mn 5mlnanoe buelnesa es a fraternal benefit rooiety upoaehy numbar ai grounda eat out uader Chap. 6, Title 78, of the lnatxranee laws anb et111 robin ltr corpomte exlatence under thn proylalons of its aherter issued by the Seoretarp of State uader the esarrel law. Trusting that we haye rmde ourselves oleer with respect to &lstlngulahlngbetween the typa of oorpoPetlon In- ~olycd 1::our opinion ED. O-325b end the one here pr4~4IOM for oonel6eratlou,we ‘pr+ueed to the real end o~lp queatloQ with whloh you ara oonoorned,towit, whether the charter *anted by the Seoretsry of State has expired by ita own terms W QIlSt be ramrod 1.naooordanoewith the provisicna of AstiC. 1315, I?.c. s. Rrtlole 1315, supra, prmides ior the revival o? ohmtera of suoh aorporatloneoreeted for the suppcrt of beheyo- lsnt, oharitable,eduoatlonalor miaeiontarp undertakinga,eto. Hon. W. J. Lewmm, pegs 6 in our opinion MO. 04,085, approved ehl eddmmsed to you undw date of Oat. 16, 19&l, we held thet the ohartar of a aorpore- tion areated under the ae%e purpose aleuse may be revived after five years fraa the date the charter had expired. Opinion Eo. &&OOJ, therefore, ia applicable to the corporatfoli under eon- rideration. It is thererore the oplnlon of thla Ds~rt?nent that e oorporatlon ohartared for the aupport of any benevolent, eherltable,eduoetlanalor lalssionery underlieking,and whioh operstes subject to Chap. 8, Title 78, F..I.C.S,,aLoa l’raternel benefit’ aooietr, ia not euthorlaed to extend the period of its oorporate exlatenas by amenUment illed with the Iasuranoe Com- miaeion. A oompllaaaewith the provllrlo~ of Chap. 8, Title 78, nil1 not sutfiae as a oomplienoewlth the general lewu for main- taining its aqrporate exlstenoear e ohmlteble or benevolent eorpmatlon. The charter of the Wend Lodge of the Cmler of the Sanu of Herman in the State bi Texas having expired 88 e benevolent or ohultable oorporation,It nay be revived in eoeer- danoe tith the prorisionu of Artlole 1315, Ravlsed Civil Statutea. Yours vary truly