Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

THEAYTORNEY GENERAL OF'TEXAS HonorableGeo. H. Sheppard ColPptmVsr of Publlc'Aooounte Au&in, Texae Dear Sir: opinion 190. O-4101 Re: Are penhemntwaving eolutlons to be olaesifledae halr prep- aratlom uuder S. B. 470, 47U1 Legislature,Regular Semion? Ue aolmowledgereceiptof your requeetfor (~1opinionof tble Depslment on whether or not permanentwaving eolutloneexe to be olaee%fled as hair preparationsunder Senate Bill 470, 47th Leglslatare,ReguLar Seaslon. Youadvise us thatpermanentwavlngeolutloneare liquid oh-l- oals&loh are applied to thehairand thatwhen eoapplled andheated, thehair'wlllretain the ehape lnwhloh ltwae woundwhem the application ofheat lemede. Senate Bill 470, enpra, is an emendmentto Boaae BIIJ.8, 47th I&jtilaiiirh, RegularSession,d&flnliig,'mimg other.thln@, the 'term' .I( Hors6 Blll 8, supra, is a tax statute. SenateBill 470 *oiS3keflc~ deitiesthe +rm~__.. ?oofmetloy"ae meaniagr "~*The.teim'oomnetloti~wasused in thle A&$oU meann -' rouge (liquid,eml-eolld or solid),llpetlok(liquid,eeaW aolld or eolld),feoe powder, face creeme (irrcludln&cleaneing, foundati~,vaniahirrg,lassssgearanyo~~eimiLaroFecnato be used on the skia), lotlone (hand,face, aud skip inoluding aetrlngente),nallpoliih(allklnde) andinmi&ingpre~tlW, eyelmhpreparatlone, eyebrowpenclle,eye ehedowing-prepeSati=, hair oil, hair tonle end other hair pti?XU'atlone: . . . (RI&aeig 0-1 *Preparation*is definedby Heb@er .SEbeing: "Sonethhing made, equippedor oompemded for a partloular purpose.* Fmm your request it appears that "permene~twavlngselntloUe" are subatenoeswhlah are made or oaupomxdedfor tie particalarplvpos0Of use on thehair. HonorableGeo.H. Sheppard,Paea 2 (OAlal) We are, tierefore,of the op9nlontit the tem%alrprep- arations*includespenuanentwavingsolntlcnm. 'Rustingt$attie foregoingfully e.nfswex-8 your inqalry,we are Yours very truly AllwfmY-oF~ By /a/Rl&ardH. Cooke BfchardH. cwke Aaalstant APPROVRDCCT 18, 19h APPRomoPmIoIo COMLTTEE BY /a/ B.W.B. /a/ &over Sellerf