Eononblo tamr L t;iuq
Dlnotor, Motor Tranrportmtion Diti8lon
&llro*4 Comd..ioa or 2.x..
AW tin, kxa.
Dear “ira opinion ‘40, pro75
El.1 can the hi1.m.d
of Tua. le1~al1.1
the tu dum &or %otion
l5, Aeiola ala, k.CJ. of
lok~~wledgorooolpto fyour nqum8t r0r aa opipi0n
of tai. Doputmmnt on the quortioa atot. utat.4.
The faot8 with rofaronorto th. opinion rep& .r.
.I r0ilm:
Tho Crown&mob Ccmpuv ir l olotormhlolo oomn
carrier of paru@naur for hir. .ng d in lntorrkto oonoroo.
It. o oration. in-%X.8 -0 wholly'f BtW8tda in t&t it
true PI 8 rout* on u. 6. Hi&.tn Ro. Tl, whloh for two or
throo rAlo8 north OS Tmrkam Ir.rhollr within tho stat. of
Irxu and than 8aid hi&my 6008 into tho City oi Tuukana
onrhdf in Tuu .o(lonehalt in Arkama8.
that tha pr.ri.1.oa.
of ktirl.
vi806Cl+11 Ytatuto8, IO=, are in tie-
l1a~u.oof the #dual Conatltution.
Soworor’,It 1. dllill(l
by my 01 .o~Q#Z'O~.. to piy ow-h.U
of the tu.
The praou~o ~que8tion mu a8k u8 to rem3er.m opinion
on 18:
*CM we log.Uy makr th. oo8promi.aan thi? nttorV
Bon. Jti. x. IcllQry,Rag4 6
Artiole 3, %otion 66, of tha Coustltutioi of Texea
proil do. t
.l’ho Logislaturo oh611 iiaveno pomr to
releaar or lxtlngulsh, or to authorize the re-
1#6147 or extln@,ulnhlog, in wfxlc+ ar in part, the
lndsbtednesa, ~llablllty or obllcationof any oor-
pomtlon or lndirldwl, to this stats . . . exoept
dellnquoat taxer which have bden d\;e “or n period
OS at 14a.t tm y68ro.*
k aompromlss of thie tax would in effaot relmsa or
lxtlngulsh the balrnoo duo if said Mticlo 9116, Seotlon 16,
1s not ln violetion of tha Bsderal Constltutlcn a8 applied
to carrluo engagsd wholly In lnter6tato CCi::rierCO. xi ths
ect,larylnl: said tax 10 unconstitutlonnl, tho Crown Coaoh
Company would sot be obligated to pay my s-11.. You are,
thoreiOr0, ndr!.ssd that you camot legally compruu.loe thlr
tax ehlm.