THEA-WORXEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUWI-INIL ‘X&CA.H nonerablo LA. hod8 stawat~aayrl&ondentor rub110 Iautmotloa mu sm wnlen 190.4-4067 88s APPOlntuontof txwrollngwdltor by nowd of Itduortlon. h hW@ FOMiVOd YOtW 18thr Of mUlt dak in Which you ark the opinionof thl8 depsrtment upon tha iollowSngquertlon,which wo quot. h-cm your 18tt8rl "%er tb St8to &8rd OS Eduortloabav8 lthority to @alploy8a ludltor to go Into tb Mhool8 ud plclc og toxtbooka rNeh ra ibility,it seems to 1~,2s rlud w l & terpsonr Std. &qmrlntondont of Public zffpn, without the ooment 0r the ittat sugwln- The part Lngl8latura In its appropriationto the Board of Eduaatlonprovid8dtlmnln the folloulagitem: "4. Trwol~ auditor , . . . .42,700.00 $2,700.00F Tkmbut108 of the travollng@udltoFw4 not @pooirlelddl tbareroro,it W(LE ., . doterPla.6b tb Board that hir dutioa would oon#irtot going into the publla rohoof a of thla 8tate md auditingtutbookr for the purpose of iekiry m: book8 ubloh & ooruldu-8 88-e not needed in th who01 dlrtrlct ? ou wish to know whetbor the Bomd fm am~ouered to aumlau the auditorfor the above ordond purposo8 without -you% wnmnt . - ~- hrtiale#2866, 2870 28’&, %?876b, 8nd 2876h, RevisedCivil stduter, ar 0 quoted roupMtlv*ly a1 follwnr _"Art+e -2+6. -Thestrte Board _ _.or_&luoatfon10 heroray authoazee and empawema ana it 18 made It8 duty to puraau book8 fram the oontnotorr of textbooks used & pub114 irw rohoo3.a 02 this Skto lad to dimtrl- buto the mma rlthout other ooat to the ~upllr attend- ing such 8choolrwithin thS.8St* in the manna? and upon the eondltlonaherelnaftorret cut." m&ticl~ 2870. The pwohaure8nd dlrtributionof tree textbooka for the Seato shell be under the manage- non?,of the State 8uperlntendantof Publla Instruatlon, mibjaot to the tqqmovalof the State Board OS Education.” sonorab1eLA. %odm -4 -COPY- O-4067 l Artlalr 2876a. l'eacbrsud rohool offloerrmust tr u to tin use, oar. and oondltlon of as nay ho mquired by th loaal tmutoer OF by the mate Wparhont or Sdwatlon. lb0 waxy r0r anyeonthofany tuow os.mpl~eouho aoglodr t0 ulu muoh art lttheproportlmemy berltMlelduntll To neolvoa ln l ooadltion utlsfaotory in z iIEi%Lnt Wxtboolu #hall be aubjeatto irispea- tienby w ~tororclg~t~uthorir~bythou~v~ 0 of tluloaaltutbook aorvloe, or authorizedby the -7 tat0 SuprrlntWnt of hrblio In&motion, rub&tot to the approvalofthe StateBoard of mmation, provided thatlnspotorr ruthorlsedbythe State Departmmtos Muaatlon mhall be thorn in lrrauploynuntarhigh T rchool lnspeotory,mral eahoo laspetetorr, oc inapeetor8 OS voo~tloaal eduoatlon.' *&tlelo 2876b. Spooliierule8 as to the requleltlon, dlat,lbutlwa, am. use md WsaI OS boortrmay be made by ths 8tak Supe&ert&ant of Publla Instruotlon,subjeat to tbs rgprovalof the &ate Board or Xduortlon~provided, that maeh ruuM~;; zt conflletwith the terma of 8ald eontmot. loyeeoftbe *ahoolonga&in the dlrtrlbutlonof tutboo 78 underthlnlau as the agent or employee of the State, er of any county or dlntrlot in the State rhall, ln oonneotion with thla dlrtrlbutlon, 8ell or dbtrlbute, or ia eny ry handle,any kind of school fwnltum or ~pglier, mmh u da nkltove8, 8 blackboards, crayon,u'asm, pen8 ink, pendlr, kblets, ato." oxpens incurrsd by *Artlola 2876h. All noeor~ tits 0rntlon ofthi Aot inoidenttoth0 enforoement0r tNr !tu 8hall bo gald from the State Textbookfund heroin pmrlded for upan Ills approvedby tho State Superlnten- and rhall bo pald upon rarmnt8 dent of Publie Innrtruotloa, drunbythe Cimptmller upontha Tres8ux-yof the State." Ye am OS the oplnlonthat under Article 2876a, quoted above, the ln8pection of textbooka is under the authority of the State SuPerLn- tendent, 8ubjeot to the approval of the Board of Eduoation. Xouever, uo am aleo of the opinion that the Board OS Education may appoint a emon to cmplle data and report8 as to the condition and use of textbooEs wNch ~111 aid the Board In the performance of its duties in the purehare end distribution of textbooks. See Revised Civ:l Rcaonblr LA. Wood8 R&a 3 8t8tUt.8, Title 49, Cbapt.2 168 &erlaan Book Co, v. mfi8, 253 S,ji, 8171 CharlU 8OTiblWC'S 8OM V. -8, 262, 8.w. 722. Ik m Monned that board of Xduoatlonhas taken no ths lo tio n WhBt8OOVu. to wa r 01th.r d the appolntaontor a porron to fill the pOSiti@l Of tFamliX& &UditOF, 1tmir.d ia th0 ~rtition bill, or the d#fiMtlon of hla dUtie8. ?W this S’ USon UO f’O.1 thSt we oan go noturtherlnanawor JOW +OStiOXl th43llf8 b&V8 done above. Ii 8Uoh lppolntaent 18 made th Omlppom to bo 8 oOnfllOt betwun th dutkr of such appolntn and thaw of the in8poctors of the Departxeent of Bduaatlon than upon 8uhl88lon of 8 requut themfor, wo will be gE;l;;nsidor the authoritymb power OS the MSpOOtlVe 4gwal88 in . VOX-j’ tS'll~ yOW8 AttorneyWinera of Texas ArPrlmEDocT29,1~1 I/ Orover Lkller8 f