Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFlCEOFTHEA=ORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSI-IN EIonorableRobert F. Peden, Jr. Couuty &tommy i&t3ZFS' Dear Siri Opfnfon Xo. O-4022 Ret Do the p~~vI.sZoxu of Art. 908, P. C., requiring the payment of a $5.00 lI$ys fee and the keep rw!ordof@Iumkl1od 9 ' apply to tha &eroribeU' ahot eituation? Ymr FeQlemtior mr oplaloa OLLtb hewlnabove cap- tloned quertlao haa W ncelved by thh tbmmtmmt.. We quote mom your lettee u tollowe: *A QuuttoPs ha* been nleetl aa td the rppl.ioabUltp of Irrt. 908. Psnrl Code al t&e 8t8te of Pexu,, rqgardirrgthe hunting op fyw~~.yvee for pay, to the follovUg taot .'A purdzraer tba ,abootfngrzgw8 and prfrllege8 on 1300 aurea of land fro5 B paytag u oa&uldeaa$aA thereror the EIPLof $loo.oo aanwlly, ttw ooatrrotor’ purebar befng an I option aoabtracrt for live or mere yeare. A, 80 euob purobwer, aaku no ab8ge to 6my pemm tohustuporhthelau&uPcavhiuhhehaeJRurcbacled the ahootlaq rlghta,butAUoe8, br iavlWlon, takefrien&huatlagfreeof~e. Aharoom- plot0 oontrol md obutgs 0r the premises a* to alaootlw and huntlug orlvllqea. A UOM not operato the preaisen aa a buntlug olub, but operetsr‘t&e aam just 81 thou@l he uuwd the : m80wbl0 Robert F. Fedm, Jr., P4w 2 ZbnomblaRobe~t F. eeaai,db.,o*ge4 BPrRs