Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

“P‘HJC ATTORNEY OP TEXAS GERALD C. MANN Auwms ,I.TEXAS Honorable Geo. Ii. Sheppard Comptroller of Public Accounts Austin, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-3640 Re: Gross receiptstax due'bg Utilities Company operating in the city of Borger, which had' less than 10,000 inhabitants ac- cording to preliminary census reports published prior to Jan- uary 1, 1941, but which has more than lO,OOOaccordi,ng to correct- ed census figures. fin your letter of May 31, 1941, you advise us that the first release by the local census supervisor (1940) gave the town of Borger less than 10,000 popula,tion, which would class it In the 2500 to 10,000 population bracket, but that this was correct- ed by Washington release on January 11, 1941, by rating the city as having a population of 10,018. You request OUP opinion as to whether the tax levied by Article 7060, Revised Civil Statutes, will apply to Borger as being a city of more than 10,000 inhabitants for the quarter be- ginning January 1, 1941, based on receipts for the quarter ending December 31, 1940, OP will the tax under the higher bracket not apply until the quarter beginning April 1, 1941. Upon inquiry at your office we are advised that the report by the Utilities company in question was not filed In the office of the Comptroller until January 13, 1941. Said Article 7060 reads in part as follows: "Each indivfdual,compang, corporation or association, owning, operatingor managing or con- trolling any gas, electric light, electric power or water works, or water and light plant, located within any incorporated town or city in this State, and used for local sale and distribution in said town or city, and charging for such gas, electric lights, electric power or water, shall make quarter- ly, on the first days of January, April, July and Hon G Geo 0 I-I. Sheppard, page 2 o-3640 October of each year, a report to the Comptroller under oath of the individual or of the president, treasurer or superint.andent of such company, cor- poration or association snowing the gross amount r,ecelved from such business done in each such in- corporated city or ,town within this State in ths payment of charges for such gas, electric lights, electric power or water for the quarter next pre- ceding D Said’individual, company, cbrporation OP association, at the time of making said report for any such incorporated town 01” city of twenty-five hundred (2500) inhabitants and ltess than ten thou- sand (10,000) inhabitants, according to the last United States Census next preceding the filing of said report, shall pay to the Treasurer of this State an occupation tax for the quarter beginning on said date equal to seven-tenths of one per cent (0,7 of 1%) of said gross receipts, as shown by said report; and for an incorporated town or city of ten thousand (10,000 3 Inhabitants ‘,’ or more, ac- cording to the last Uni’ted Stat,es Census next ~pre- ceding the filing of said report, the sa,id indivl- dual, company, corporation or association, at the time of making said report, shall pay to the Trea- surer of this State an occupation tax for the quarter beginning on said date an amount equal to one and three-eights per cent ‘(1 3/8$) of said gross receipts, as shown by said report *” The preliminary report or release was one of which the officials and the public might ,take notice and upon which reliance could be placed D In other words, it ‘was a sufficient Federal Census D Hol,comb vs, Spikes, 232 S.W,891; Ervin vs. State, 44 3-W. (2d) 3800 Under Article 7060 the report of the taxpayer was due on January 1, 1941, regardless of the fact that no penalty would be incurred for failure to file for a period of thirty days, See Arts” 707dt and 7575, Revised Civil Statutes, In providing that the tax should be graduated “according to the last United States Census next preceding the filing of said re- port,“. we thin’k it was conC,empXted that. the report would be filed on its due date, In our opinion the lower bracket will apply in this instantcoo Honorable Geo. H. Sheppard, page 3 o-3640 Yours very truly ATTORNEYGENERALOF TEXAS By g/Glenn R. Lewis Glenn R. Lewis Assistant GRLzlh:wc APPROVEa JVL 12, 1941 s/Grover Sellers FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEYGENEZRAL This Opinion Considered And Approved In Limited Conference