Honornble 1. C. uaVVM.rter
County nuaitor
Hunt county
@reanvllle, Tams
Dear Sir: Opinion I&l 04974
Rer 18 it ‘Issal to ;.ag for type-
writers and 30rzanant reoord
books out of the oourthouea
and jail fund?
Your letter of !3eptkbar 13, 1941, rsquentlng an
apinion of’ this dsportmnt on the abovn, etritlsd question
reads aa follower
Tleaue advise 88 to rvhcthor or not Lt.
is logal to pay for tyDearlters and permanent
record books out of tho Courthouse end iTal1
.Seotion 9, Axlhcle 8 of tho State Constitution
presorlbea the maxlmm mte of taxee for :-enoral ~ur~osoe,
for roads anb brldqes, far juries end for perrnanaat lr,prove-
manta, respectively* The noniem orlsin& from tnxt~.e lovied
and oollected fe. each of the enuwratsd pur:Joooa are oon-
rstitutlonal funds: ,and the Coromldsionors* Court hea no gowor
to transfer monap from one fund to anothnr, end to. cxcend
for ona Furpose Lox zonoy raleod ostenelbly Car enotk3r
The hnaediate puur~aae of the r,roviaion is t.0 li-!it
the r.aount of taxes that r?ay be rained for thfftne c?oneml
purpoeea, rsepeotively; but it ie alro deet’ned to lnhlhit
exaeeoive axpendlturee for any such jrur>ose, nnd to re,Juuire
that ong and nll ~!onlos raised by taxation for my p.~rpoec
?$a11 be applied to thyt rcrticular purpose and to no &her.
(Comlasl:~noro * Court of Headernon County v. 3.mk.e, 232 3. 3.
94; Ault t. illll. Count.y, 116 S. r?. 359; lJndor~o& v. Horrsrd,
1 3. W. (ld) 750; Carroll v. YXllSaza, 202 S. ‘1. 504; ‘Texas
Jurlaprudenoa, Vol. 11, p. 029.)
T!iB COttrtk\CUSO
and j0S1 tucd 1~ tl:e ~?Tl?Eoont lm*
>rove,mnt fv.nd, or et leaJet, o::netltutas a SortJo? thetreof,
whloh IQ o. ooxtitotional fund.
In view of chu lorr~,oln,: outhoritlcs, yoLl r.rs
reepsctfullp c?drlced thnt :t ia t&o o~lnlon of this Cepart-
:itcat that tho Comir~nionorn 7 Court l$ne no la~zl authority
to psy for t~!mmlt~nrs and j%I?nanont! record book8 out of
l.he ilCK5Zimnt iZji?OVQ "Ujit fWld.
‘;rugtia,: th:it the foru..yln~ fully anvwtz-8 Bcur
inquiry, 0 ire