Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS . welrar0,~thanin that~e*t the ,Stats ,pqartmnt or PublAo We~~,~.l# amponred~~and an$horl~d,~odtii&an its fun&a and serricrma br these programain that o@nty'br aity not soa- trlbath monthlyto thrrintakeand 9 or thm@r prr in th& oountyor 0~~~~~~~d~~or the a&m iuna $"" ion and apnd84 by 6wh 00 the mo@h of Jqhuary,19434 the aaountexpendedd%iog~Jwry, 19& eoludqa all amoants~'yaed oq a oaah, kind, rental,leaaej oontmdtuml * l+nd basin. L .!~% .:' ‘i. W.fiF.