Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE A7TORNEY GENERAL OF ‘IX%= AUSTIN Honorable C. J. Wilde c0wp iuait OT Nuecee county Corpus Christl, Texas Dear Sir: Oplnion~No. O-3956 Re: Commissioners'Court may hire a librarian for a county law library. Your request ror the opinion of this departmentas to whr?theror not the Commissioners'Court has the authority to hire a librarian to take charge of a oounty law library to be establishedunder the terms and provisions of Rouse Bill 1080, Acts of the 47th Legislature,is acknowledged. House Bill 108C, supra, provides in part: "seatlon 1. The CommissionersCourts of all counties within this State, having a popu- lation of not lees than eighty thousand (80,000) inhabitantsnor more than two hundred and twenty- five thousand (225 000)~inhabitants,according to the last preOed&g Federal Census, ana in which there is located no Court of Civil Appeals, shall have the power ana authority, by first entering an order for that purpose, to provide for, maintain and establish a aounty law-library. "sec. 2. For the Durpose of es,tablishing 'CountyLaw Libraries'after the Bntpy of such order, there shall be taxed, 00ueOt9a ana paid as other oosts the sum of One Dollar ($1) in each oase, civil or criminal, exoept suits for delinquent taxes, hereafter filed in every County or district Court; provided however, that in ,noevent shall the county be liable for aafd costs in any case. such coats &al& be col- leated by'the Clerks bP the SLespWtlve Courta? Honorable C. J. Wilde, Page 2 in said counties and gala by said Clerk to the County Treasurer to be kept by said 'Treasurer in a separate fund to be known asp the *CountyLaw Library Fund*. Such fund shsll be administeredby said Courts for the purchase and ma5nteuanceof a law library in a oonvenientand accessible place, ana said runa shall not be usea for any other pumose. 'Sea. 3. &ii& COUrteiar0 6rMted all necessarypower and authority to maka this Aot effective to make reasonablerules in regwa to said library and the use of the books thereof, and to oarry out the terms and provisione of thie Aot. “. . .n It clearly appears from Section 3 of the Aot, takea in conjunotionwith the last aentenoe appearing in Seotion l? thereof, that the Commissioners1 Court 5s given broad power to establishand.maintainsuoh librar&i~sU the Comm5ee50nerst Court, therefore, deteneinesthat a laxlibrary eahnot be suoceeefully maintainsd w5thout hfring a~librariancharged w5th the responeibil5tyof kosping and ptioteoting the books, we think it alearly w5tM.n its power to hire a,llbrarianand to provide ror h5a oompemation to be paid out of the Wounty I,RWLibrary Fund* created by Section S of the above Aot. Yours very tNly Lloyd Amstrong Assistant