Honorable Walker Carson
county Attorney
Hudspeth County
Sierra Elanca, Tsar
Dear Sir: Opinion Wo. C-3040
Ra: ~~~~~y.,Sunsyors- qualiflos-
- license not required.
"Can CoB4slrlonere'court legaUy.appoint
to the oftice of Cougtp;$urveyora person who
Is not llosnsad surveyor but has had twenty
years experlenaeand holds asaoalate oon&ruc-
tlon engineer rating with civil servles Artfole.
5299 Revised Civil .?ta%utes?"
has bean recefvedand oarefully oonslderedby this depament.
Section 44, OS Artiola 13 of our State Constitution
"See. 44. The Legislature shall prescribe
the duties and povide for the eleation by the
quallSiodvoters of eaoh oouhtp in this State,
of a oounty treasurer and a county surveyor,
who shall have an offlcs at the county seat,
and bold their oSfice for two yeare, a& until
their successorsare yaallfied;and shall have
such cm:gmsation a8 may be provided by law.-
It till be aoted that,the above quoted section OS
the Constitutiondoes not require a lioense or any other par-
ticular qualificationsfor a,County Surveyor.
Secate sill 351 OS the 47th Legislatureof Texas
is a conprehensivemenduent to Articles 5238 - 3232, inolu-
HonorableWalker Carson, Page 2
sive, behling with *Lieenee~Land Surveyors". We quote from
opinion No. O-3719 of this deptkrtaent which construes said
senate,hill, ea ~0110w.9:
"Senate Ml1 351 doee not operate to
nuke urdawf’ulthe paatioe OS jurveying by
LLose who have not obtained a license. It,
and the ihatute it anends, si?tplydeny to
tboee not having a license the gartlcular
Trivilegesgrmted by the eat to lioensed
land surveyore."
Xe enclose herewith a copy of said opinion for
your inforxatlon.
Artioles 5288 - 5298, inoluaive,Section 2 oi Chap-
ter 2, Title 86, Vernon'8 iugoteted Texas Civil Stetutee, deal
with bounty 2urveyorm. These atatutes provUs for the sleo-
tion, duties, eta. OS the County Surveyor but do not presarlbe
any pextloularqualiSiaationsfor County Surveyors. Nor 60
the etetuteoprescribethat the ColintyDurveyolsmuatbe ll-
tensed or nust be Uceneed land surveyors.
Article 5299, Vernon.6 Annotated Texus Civil Stat-
utes, grovidee:
*All surveys oS public land shall be
sade by authorityof law and by a surveyor
duly appointed,cleated or liaenseff,en8
:%Ieeeume Sron your lettar that there 1s a vaaenQg
in the o:Slce of County Surveyor and the CorUnisaionera~Court
desires to Sill that vaoanoy by appointment.
It is our opinion that-e County Surveyor 18 not
to be lioensed nor is he required to be a licensed
lend surveyor.
Very truly youra